Live on air!

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"Hello and welcome to our special program Firefighters in love. I'm Scoop Dooley and today I welcome you once again from beautiful Pontypandy.

Things became quiet for our most popular couple in the city when they finally celebrated their long-awaited dream wedding ten years ago, which, as might expected, was quite turbulent, as some of you may still remember. But just because the most popular single at the time and the hottest female firefighter in the country got married - and then with each other, doesn't mean that their lives have become uninteresting. We have accompanied them on their spectacular missions over the years and respected their private lives.

But today, on the day of their tenth wedding anniversary, we want to pay them a surprise visit and take a look into their lives and celebrations. Come with us and prepare for anything but boredom!", reporter Scoop Dooley opened her report in front of a front door with a sign that read, "Welcome to Firefighters Jones - if no one opens, we're on duty!" She turned to the door and rang the bell. She grimaced in amusement towards the camera as the siren of the now scrapped Jupiter sounded, making way for the new, electrified Jupiter.

"Su...Scoop, what are you doing here?!" Sam caught himself at the last moment when he opened the door and his eyes fell on the camera behind Penny's cousin, who still attached great importance to her real name remained secret.

"A live report about the Jones family. We've just got a 3-day Pontypandy special running on TV and the report on your 10th wedding anniversary is the crowning glory," exclaimed Scoop enthusiastically, holding the microphone the not so enthusiastic Sam under the nose.

"You could have warned us in advance!" he simply stated.

"And spoil the surprise? Not in your life, Sam!" Scoop laughed and patted him on the shoulder as she pushed past him into the house. "So, where are your bullies? Are they setting fires somewhere? Are they causing Chaos or are they chasing a cat up a tree?" she asked as she jumped back and forth between the kitchen and living room and finally turned back to him to hold the microphone back to him.

"Neither, Scoop. They're up and good, as always!" Sam replied happily and a little proudly, which only earned him an annoyed look from the reporter.

"Yes, sure. You can tell that to someone who is putting on their pants with pliers! If I remember correctly, 15 of my reports in the last 5 years alone were about missions that your children caused," asked Scoop with a cheeky grin into the camera."Dear viewers, we have of course saved a quick run-through of these missions for the end credits of this program! And remember, these are only the most spectacular missions. These children are really chaos kids. They are taking care of it with self-sacrifice that their parents won't be unemployed since Norman Price has calmed down a bit," she added with a grin and Sam in the background rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Holy Saint Florian, help me!" Sam murmured and ran his hand through his face in annoyance.

"Hello Aun..." the children shouted happily as they came running down the stairs and immediately stopped when they saw Sam's admonishing look that suddenly turned to them. "Hello, Miss Dooley!" they immediately corrected themselves and clasped their hands behind their backs as they stood side by side like organ pipes and smiled at the camera like little angels.

"Hey, you rascals. Where are you coming from? Have you done something nice?" Scoop asked them, ruffling the two boys' hair while she held the microphone under the girl's nose.

"We didn't do anything. We were just upstairs in the bathroom getting ready like Dad said," Mairi replied angelically.

"Yeah, because if we do something, he'll take away our Nintendo Switch for a week," Liam then interjected.

"And my Bluey hidden object book!" little Aidan added quietly.

"Oh, he'll never do that. He's not allowed to do that! As far as I know, you got it from your favorite aunt and she'll scold your dad really badly if he takes it away from you!" Scoop explained to them just grinning with a sideways glance at Sam and the children looked at her with shining eyes. "Now get up, get up and have fun, you three!"

"Thanks, Scoop!" Sam muttered disgruntledly as the three of them disappeared around the corner.

"What's going on here?" they heard a familiar voice and the two of them, as well as the camera, focused on the blonde woman who came down the stairs in surprise.

"A special broadcast for our tenth wedding anniversary, my heart!" Sam objected with fake cheerfulness as he wanted to hug Penny.

"Oh, look!" she replied as she stopped briefly in front of him, raised an eyebrow and then turned towards the kitchen, avoiding his hug. "A small consolation that at least the whole country is thinking about it!"

"Uh-oh, that sounds like trouble in the Jones house!" Scoop said into the camera with new enthusiasm before following Penny and catching her at the kettle. "Penny, has your husband forgotten your wedding day and what are you thinking about now to do? A really messy divorce with all the trimmings where you're going to strip him down to his last shirt, take away his children and custody and slander him?" Scoop suggested to her, looking forward to the new gossip.

"Scoop, your imagination is running wild! Again!" Penny replied with a smile as she poured hot water into a cup and Sam joined her, of course Scoop took advantage of that immediately.

"Sam, how do you plan to appease Penny again or is it over between you once and for all and are you out to hurt her like that?" she objected as she shoved the microphone under his nose with her right hand and pushed herself between him and Penny to slap him in the back at the head, invisible to the camera, for having the audacity to offend her cousin.

"Ouch. Scoop, what was that about?" he mumbled awkwardly and rubbed his head while Penny dipped a tea bag into her cup and grinned in amusement.

"Sorry, my hand slipped!" Scoop objected innocently. "We women have to stick together," she murmured to Penny, who just shrugged with a grin and Scoop turned back to Sam. "So, Sam? Your fans want to hear what you have planned to win your wife's heart back!"

"I didn't know I lost it!" Sam replied confused and glanced at Penny over Scoop's head.

"Nah..." Penny just mumbled and made a well gesture with her hand.

"Uh, I think you're definitely not too far off," Scoop commented amused at her gesture. "So, how are you going to appease her and what does that mean for your future? Can we hope to see you in Ten years from now for another special broadcast or do we have to accept that we will see you both in court in a year?"

"No one will go to court here. We are more than happy together and will be so for the rest of our lives!", said Sam grumpily, who was clearly going to lose his nerves with this gossip reporter.

"Nah..." Penny murmured again, making that well gesture with her hand again, and she and Scoop exchanged grins while Sam sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose before pushing Scoop toward the camera, to be able to lay his arm around his wife.

"It's best to continue your special broadcast with cousin Roger. I've agreed with him that the children will stay with him and his family over the weekend so that Penny and I can spend a long weekend in Scotland," Sam now objected with a grin. You could clearly see that everything was falling out of Scoop's face at the edge of the camera frame.

"WHAT?" the two women screamed at the same time, but Penny with much more enthusiasm than her cousin and threw herself around Sam's neck to kiss him.

"You haven't forgotten?" she then sighed happily, while Scoop was still gasping for air like a fish out of water.

"Of course not! How can you believe that I could really do that?!" he replied, feigning disappointment for a moment before stealing another quick kiss from her. "But it was still fun to fool you and if it hadn't been for our frantic reporter, I could have enjoyed it for a few hours longer," he then turned back to Scoop, who shook her head and finally caught herself.

"C'est la vie, Sam!" she replied, shrugging her shoulders and with a smile on her face. "Why do you have so much fun teasing your wife like that all the time?" she then said out loud what she already had been thinking about for a long time in her head.

"Revenge, scoop, revenge! She's not much better," he replied, turning to Penny with a cheeky grin. "Besides, the nights when we make up again are absolutely worth it!" Sam replied with a lascivious grin and looked deep into Penny's eyes, who returned his gaze just as veiled with passion.

"Shush, SAM, we're airing live!" Scoop hissed at him at the thought of children watching and put his hand in front of the camera for a moment to hide his obvious look.

A loud rumble made everyone jump and exchange surprised looks before they followed the noise and ran out to the back into the garden, led by Sam and Penny.

When they came into the garden, a scene of horror appeared in front of them. The wall of the pool was completely torn down and the garden had been turned into a huge puddle of water, while the trampoline lay overturned next to it. A long wooden board was in between and was obviously the trigger when it was still used as a bridge between the pool and the trampoline.

"What's going on here?!", Sam turned confused to the children, who were all lined up next to each other like organ pipes again and looking up at them as if they had nothing to do with this. The fact that they were all soaking wet belied their angelic faces.

"We were just playing!" Liam defended them.

"And what were you playing?" asked Sam, annoyed.

"We just reenacted the scene from your movie," Mairi noted.

"The one where you save Norman from the bridge," Aidan interjected.

"I knew it was a stupid idea to show the kids this movie!" Sam sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance, while Penny laughed and got the kids out of the mud that the lawn was just starting to turn into and shooed them in to change.

"Well, Sam. Do you think, under this circumstances, your children are really safe somewhere else while you are hundreds of kilometers away?" Scoop turned teasingly to Sam again and held her microphone under his nose.

"Oh don't worry, Scoop," Sam waved off, almost bored, before grinning. "I've made a detailed to-do list for Cousin Roger for any emergencies that may arise and Chief Fire Officer Boyce is also informed and has made sure that the responsible fire station is on double duty on this weekend and on high alert!" Sam now objected with a grin as he took his wife in his arm, who gave him an admonishing slap with her hand against his chest for this comment, which made Scoop visibly uncomfortable, but also Penny couldn't stop smiling with amusement.

"How did this trip actually come about? Is it a secret longing? A deep-rooted wish? Or is there something special this weekend?" Scoop asked skeptically, hoping to hear at least one sensation today.

"It's just me and my wife in a secluded little cottage on the edge of a sea," Sam said with a smile and Penny's eyes sparkled excitedly. "Call it a second honeymoon if you will."

"Ah. If I remember correctly, you missed your first one because you overslept the morning after the wedding and didn't get your plane?!" Scoop replied with a grin and slyly wiggled her eyebrows at the camera.

"That's the G-rated version," Sam stated with a grin and also clearly wiggled his eyebrows, which earned him a gentle elbow nudge in the side by Penny.

"SAM!" Dooley demanded again in shock. "Live airing!" she pointed to him again with a stunned gesture towards the camera, just as the children, freshly changed, came back into the garden and Penny was just running after them to avoid that they would running back into the flooded area of ​​the garden."Ah, there the little rascals are again and, as I see, dry again. What do you think about your parents going away for a whole weekend and leaving you with your relatives?" Scoop then asked them and held out the microphone.

"That's really cool!" Liam just cheered.

"Our older cousins ​​are there that we can play with," explained Mairi.

"And anything is better than going on such a holiday with them. Dad said he wanted to cuddle and snog with Mum all weekend. Yuck," Liam added.

"Oh, really?" Scoop interjected and saw Penny look down a little embarrassed while Sam disappeared inside. "So can we expect Jones Junior number four next year?" she asked her cousin to annoy her a little more.

"The day my cousin has her fourth, we can talk about that again, Scoop. Not before!" Penny replied with a cheeky grin.

"Hmm, sounds like that's impossible," was Scoop's only comment, knowing exactly she meant her with that, but she was happy with the two troublemaker she had at home herself.

"Pen, my heart. We'd have to get going slowly if we want to hand the children over to Roger," they heard Sam say as he stepped out of the door with his suitcases. "Sorry Scoop!" he threw briefly before he went to the garden fence and got the suitcases ready to load into the car.

"So dear viewers, with that we say goodbye to the Jones' family and their flooded garden and hope you enjoyed our special broadcast. We'll see you again soon with some hot action from Pontypandy for sure," Scoop said goodbye to the viewers, looking into the camera, while Penny was in the the background to shoo the kids to the car and Sam came back and grabbed Scoop's microphone to grin mischievously at the camera.

"Dear viewers. Keep your eyes open. Scoop Dooley's colleagues will definitely be able to film some special programs in Cardiff at the weekend!" said Sam amused, before Scoop started to attack Sam and ran after him when he threw the microphone away and fled. However, the cameraman couldn't find the button quickly enough to turn the camera off and prevent the audience from seeing them both skid and land face first in the mud - to the loud laughter of Penny and the children.


So dear ones. That's it for this story. I hope you enjoyed this and we'll see each other again in one of my other projects. Until then, have a great time and stay healthy!

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