A mixed Morning

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Hello everyone ☺ Please don't be surprised by the names of Sam's parents. I picked out Welsh names (like Penny's parents and the children in the one-shots). I'm also going to divide this first day into 4 chapters because so much came to my mind. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Even though I had seemed calm to Sam, I was actually running amok inside. His mother had been magical. I had rarely met such a friendly and open person. His father, on the other hand, was more reserved and yet also friendly. He surprised me the most of the two with his open nature, as I had expected a dissatisfied father. But the expected taunts in Sam's direction were largely absent. But I couldn't get out of my head why Sam's mother recognized me at first sight, as if we had already met. She said Sam had raved about me. Should he have had me in mind when he was forced to back up his story with descriptions of his imaginary girlfriend? It would probably have been too much to ask.

What was worse, however, was the fact that, thanks to her, this game went further than either of us had expected or considered. You couldn't blame Jenni. She was a fisherman's wife and, as I knew from experience, she wore her heart on her tongue. She had only said what she assumed and had really ripped us off quite a bit. I was supposed to spend the night at Sam's, which alone made my face blush with embarrassment. You don't sleep in another man's bed as a single woman?! A person's bedroom was an intimate area that you couldn't just break into and make yourself comfortable without those around you getting strange ideas...

"You've been so thoughtful all night, Penny. Is everything okay?" Ellie asked me as she came back into the kitchen, stretching. She had used the last four hours to get some sleep after I returned from my trip. I had already leider down before, but the sleep had not been restful because I was constantly haunted and disturbed by dreams that related to what was to come for me and Sam the next night.

"It's all good, Ellie. I just didn't sleep well."

"Does this perhaps have something to do with the fact that you seem to be about to move in with Sam?" she asked me with a grin as she helped herself to a coffee and a chill ran down my spine.

"What makes you think that?" I tried to act innocent.

"Oh come on, Morris. I saw on the screen that Venus was at your house." I had to figure out how to turn off that stupid GPS system."And I saw that you brought a bag into Sam's yard. Why do I have to find out this way that you finally got the man of your dreams?!"

"I didn't got him, Ellie," I grumbled sullenly and took a deep breath. What was all this about? Denying it didn't help with Ellie, so I sat down with her and told her about Sam's problem and what happened last night.

"And now you have to stay with Sam!?" She really fought against laughing, but lost it by a long shot and I glared at her. "That's really strange that you're going to share a bed and not even be together." I waited patiently, but still annoyed, until she got herself back together. "My goodness, at the rate that woman is going, she'll be talking you in front of a priest by the end of the week." Now my jaw dropped. Jenni couldn't do that... but I did trust her to start with the topic. But then the spectacle would be over immediately!

"Ellie, even if she did, I certainly wouldn't marry a man who doesn't care for me." At least Ellie's laughter just got stuck in her throat.

"Penny, even if you still don't want to believe it, at least believe me: Sam is just as excited as you are to get you in his bed, even if it's just to sleep. He'll enjoy your presence just as much like you his. Stay cool and use the week to finally come clean with him."

"But he doesn't show in any way that he enjoys anything about it." I looked sullenly into my coffee, as if I could find an answer there that I had been expecting for a long time.

"Of course he's nervous. You're both playing the wrong game. He's hoping he won't be found out by his parents and from what I can tell, he's also hoping that they like you and that they won't be too embarrassing for you, because he is afraid that you might then distance yourself from him. He not only has to defend his credibility in front of his parents, but also you. He wants to protect you and, above all, he will be terribly afraid that his parents will tell you too much about what he told them about you before, so he could confess his feelings to you himself." I looked at her skeptically, but before I could object, she interrupted me."Oh no, Penny. No arguments. Just the fact that his mother welcomed you so enthusiastically and recognized you when she saw you for the first time shows that you live up to all the descriptions he gave her of his girlfriend!"

Even though Ellie tended to think outside the box, what she was putting forward somehow made sense. But before I could answer, Station Officer Steele walked into our kitchen.

"Good morning, ladies," he greeted us cheerfully and helped himself to a coffee. We returned his greeting and reported to him that there was no activity that night either."Well then, I had thought the holidays would be more exciting, but apparently the bad weather is putting a damper on our plans. I think so we cancel the night shifts hereby, the late shift should be sufficient. I'm giving you the day off. Phillips, I'll see you tomorrow morning with Cridlington and MacKinley, Morris tomorrow at lunchtime with Sam." My heart sank when he threw the roster over and Ellie laughed out loud. "What's so funny, Philips?"

"Oh nothing, Sir. I was just thinking of something." I gave her an evil look, but it didn't take the grin off her face and the next moment I heard Sam coming up the stairs. I would recognize his steps among millions.

My stomach turned as Steele greeted him happily and told him about the roster change. Ellie gave me an encouraging pat on the shoulder as she said goodbye and I looked up at Sam, who seemed thunderstruck. As Steele walked into his office, Sam turned to me and I could see in his eyes that his mind was spinning just like mine before he shook his head imperceptibly and sat down next to me.

"Somehow a lot is coming at us right now that we hadn't considered," I said and tried to manage a smile. I had thought we would have some time to find a solution, but now it was inevitable and we would be sharing a bed tonight.

"Yes, it's almost as if fate had conspired against us." He smiled mildly before becoming serious again. "I'll tell my parents right away," he said and stood up. I immediately followed his movement and pulled him towards me by his arm.

"No, Sam. Please. Basically, things are going well. I like your parents and I don't want to disappoint them, but especially you. You've had to suffer so much from your father's taunts. I don't want to be the one to be guilty. I want to do it."

"Penny, you don't have to do this and you won't be guilty of anything. What you've done for me is wonderful and I can't tell you how flattered I am that you're doing this for me. But if you don't feel comfortable with what's going on in any way, then I should end it."

"I'm comfortable with it. I know we can do it," I objected quickly, maybe a little too quickly?!"If you're comfortable with it too, of course." I looked at his chest in embarrassment. Had I been too hasty? Had I revealed too much? But I wasn't ready to give up and disappoint Sam just because I was a little nervous about sleeping in the same bed with him. I knew Sam could and would control himself. The question was more like, could I do it or would I unconsciously seek him out while I was sleeping and scare him off?

I felt his fingers on my cheek and looked up in surprise as he pushed a strand of hair out of my face. He smiled contentedly and his hand remained on my cheek as our eyes met.

"I always feel comfortable with you, Penny." He took a step towards me, without removing his sea-blue eyes from mine, in which I began to drown. "More than that," he now whispered quietly and I hoped, fevered, prayed that he would kiss me.

"Good morning!" Elvis' loud greeting made us wake up as if from a deep sleep and we immediately took a step apart before we also wished him good morning and he expressed his enthusiasm for the shift change.

"Well, I'll go now. Good luck to you two." Elvis waved to me while Sam followed me to the stairs and handed me his key.

"I made you breakfast. I hope you enjoy it."

"I'll for sure, Sam. Thanks," I replied with a smile and couldn't stop myself from briefly stroking his palm with my thumb as I took the key from him before turning and leaving the station. I quickly looked around the yard before slipping through the garden door and taking another deep breath before I went inside.

"Good morning Penny. Come sit with us. Have you met Sami yet?" Jenni greeted me cheerfully, who was already sitting at the table with her husband.

"Good morning. Of course Jenni. We never get off work without saying hello to each other, even though I prefer the shifts together." I sat down next to them and they both immediately grabbed the rolls. I hoped I hadn't kept them waiting too long.

"I'll happily believe you," she replied with a smile as she cut open her roll.

"You're definitely going to get short shrift if Sam always steals the show, right? Samuel said that you're also a team leader?!"

"Yes, but we have it pretty well under control. Sam also likes to let me go first. We complement each other well."

"I can imagine that. I don't really know you yet, but I know one thing: you fit together perfectly, as if you were meant for each other." I blushed a little at her words. Unfortunately, Jenni looked up from filling her sandwich at exactly that moment. "Oh dear, aren't you sure?" she asked me and put a hand on mine.

"I'm sorry, what?" I couldn't say anything more. What did she mean by that?

"Well, if you have any doubts about how he feels about you, I can tell you that he is really serious about you. Believe me, Sami doesn't like to talk about himself and even less about his feelings. But about you sometimes he can't stop talking. He has always spoken of you with respect and he adores you. Every look he gives you is full of love."

"What does always mean? How often did he talk about me?" I asked her hesitantly, but my curiosity was awakened.

"Every time I've asked him about you since he told me about you. I guess dozens of times." She laughed happily. "Believe me, Sami didn't even rave about his work or training and that was a childhood dream of his."

I glanced briefly at Padrig, whose only comment was a curt but snide snort.

Could it really be possible that Sam felt something for me after all? Or had he just chosen me because he knew I would please his parents? But he didn't choose me at all. I had suggested this play to him.

"Now eat, little one. You still have to catch up on sleep."

"Padrig, I've told you a thousand times not to talk with your mouth full. You're not here on your boat."

"If only I hadn't retired," he groaned in annoyance and I laughed softly. "Speaking of the boat, we have to postpone our trip again. Charly had damage to the engine today, which he has to repair first."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Our supervisor just changed the shift schedule and canceled the night shifts. Sam and I will be on the late shift starting tomorrow at lunchtime." And I was really sorry. I had to admit that I was looking forward to fishing.

"What now? Then you won't be there for our dinners in the Cafe?" Jenni objected, shocked.

"Unfortunately not, I'm sorry," I replied sympathetically, but inside I was cheering a little. Charlie had teased yesterday that it wouldn't be easy to get through these meals every evening.

"I'll go and say hello to old Steele," Padrig said, putting the last bite in his mouth and standing up. Just a minute later we heard the front door slam shut.

"Padrig may seem like a tough nut to crack, but he's soft as butter. He would fulfill my every wish. Sam is exactly the same."

"I know," I replied, smiling. I already knew him that well. But I couldn't help wondering how tender and loving he would be in a relationship.

"Are you free today if you have to work tomorrow at lunchtime?" Jenni changed the subject again.

"Actually I am, yes."

"Oh, what a shame. We were about to go to the cinema in Newtown with the twins. Should I hear if they still have a seat available?"

"That's nice of you Jenni, but I would like to go jogging and then take a shower. If I haven't jogged for at least an hour every day, I'm of no real use."

"Sam already said that you even get up in the middle of the night to do this. I absolutely agree with him that that's admirable. But you'll get some sleep first, won't you?"

"I'll stay awake, otherwise I won't get any rest tonight."

"Sam gets home from work at 4 p.m. and we don't have to leave until 12 p.m. You'll get the time." She patted my hand with a smile before a grin appeared on her face. "But I've brought something with me that we two pretty girls can use to pass the time until lunchtime. You definitely want to see photos of your loved one as a child, don't you?"

"Absolutely!" I replied full of anticipation and Jenni stormed off enthusiastically, only to return shortly afterwards with three thick photo albums. This morning promised to be very fun and I was happy to postpone my morning jog.

To be continued...

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