A Night To Remember

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Hey everybody! How are you?
It's been some time since I last posted anything in English... I'm really sorry about it! It's just that writing in portuguese is easier for me... BUT, I'm here!
Well, first of all, this ISN'T a fan fiction.
This was a narrative I wrote for my English class, and I modified a bit to be longer. I liked it, so I decided to post it here.
It's slightly based on Ninjago...
(Sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes)


Turqueza's P.O.V.》

I was slowly walking down the stairs of my grandmother's building.

I decided to go to her house to relax after a tiring week at school, with a lot of tests, and so I could also spend some time with her. We played games and chatted the whole afternoon, and we had a lot of fun. The problem was in the middle of the night.

I woke up to strange noises coming from nowhere in specific. Curiosity took over me, making me get up and open the closest window to see what was happening, but looking from where I was, there was nothing. Because of that, I quickly put on my shoes and ran out of the apartment, without bothering to wake up my grandma just to tell her what I would do. I thought it was ok, I was just going to check it, and then come back... And this is where our story begun.

The elevators weren't working. Actually, I think the whole electricity system was off, so I took the stairs. I was on the seventh floor, and the corridor was pitch black. My cautious steps echoed through the walls, and my heart was beating loudly. I couldn't find exactly where the noise was coming from, nor what it was. It seemed like a hiss, but stronger.
And as I went down, it was higher. "Probably it's on one of the first floors!" I thought.
Unfortunately, I was wrong, and only realized it when it was too late.

There was a quake as if something collided with the building. Pieces of the ceiling started falling near me, and cracks appeared on the walls I was using to stabilize myself.
I fell some steps, landing on the next floor — I had no idea in which one I was — and felt something hit my arm. Sitting up, I touched the wound, feeling a sticky liquid evolve my hand. Blood.
The cut shouldn't be too big or deep, but it sure ached a lot.

Ignoring the pain, I got up, yet instead of continue heading down, I started climbing up the stairs, back to where I thought I would be safe.

Suddenly, there was another quake, only this was harder, and bright light from the city invaded my eyesight, blinding me for a second. Right before me, there was a part missing from the old building. I didn't know what to do. It was all shaking too much, making me feel dizzy, and the smell of metal coming from my injured arm was almost unbearable...

I lost my balance.

Next thing I knew was that I was falling through sharpened rocks, the air a mess of dust and fragments of cement, and the road closer to me by each second. I cried, screamed, trying to hold on to something, before I just gave up. I closed my eyes, feeling the wind in my hair, hearing hisses and other noises, but all things seemed distant, as I accepted death.

However, it never came.

— Hey.. It's alright. You can open your eyes now.

Only then I realized someone had caught me. By the voice, I could tell it was a boy, maybe on his late teens, one or two years older than me.
Slowly, I let the fear leave me, and what I saw shocked me.

We were flying. Flying.

He was holding me with one arm, while the other held the reins of a dragon. It was dark green with turquoise blue, and some silver sparkles; for sure the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. It's wings were stretched out, and it really didn't seem real.
More like a dream... or paradise. Who knows...

— Wow... — Was everything that I could say. It referred both to the animal and to the sight. He was taking me away from the destruction, the building I was in was falling apart. And it was all being caused by a giant monster, part snake, and part things I couldn't even imagine. There were police helicopters circling the area, with huge flashlights, yelling orders that I didn't understand.

I tried shifting my position so I could see more, the freezing cold air in my face, but I ended up yelping in pain. My arm hit the boy, sending a shiver down my spine.
I looked at it, and it was worse than I predicted. My t-shirt was all stained in red, and so was my arm. My eyes filled with tears, which I didn't even bother to hold, letting them run through my dirty face.

— S-sorry! — The boy apologised, even though it wasn't his fault. — I need to take you to the hospital... What's your name?

— O-okay, a-and thank you... I'm T-Turqueza. — I said, my voice trembling.

— No problem! Saving people is kind of, y'know, my job... — He told me, laughing a little.

— OH NO! My grandma! She's still on the building!! — I shouted, scared, as soon as I was able to think straight, almost forgetting my own state. Again, I felt the hot tears on my cheeks. Ohhh, how could I forget her? What if.. what if she's de-

— Hey, calm down, don't worry. My friends are taking care of it, I'm sure she's alright. — He flashed me a reasuring smile, and I opted to believe him.

His eyes were back to focusing on riding the dragon, but mines were still on him.
He had short dark brown hair, messed because of the wind, and beautiful generous green eyes. There was a cloth hanging loosely around his neck, a mask probably, that he had taken off in some point of the rescue. Maybe to talk better with me.

I couldn't deny; he was handsome.

My thoughts were cut when we landed on top of the hospital. My saviour — I still needed to ask for his name — helped me to my feet, and followed me indoors. I had other minor injuries all over my body — I could feel them stinging — but I was able to walk without problems.

Once we got to a room, he informed a nurse about what happened, and she went searching for a doctor. I sat on the bed, looking at my scratched hands. There were a lot of things spinning around my head, but when he spoke, it was like everything just desappeared.

— I... I think I have to go now, to help my friends. Goodbye, and take care, Turqueza. — He told me, turning to leave, but I stopped him by almost yelling.

— WAIT! I-I mean... I couldn't thank you yet... Uhh, what's your name? I never got to know it.. — I stumbled over my words, also blushing a bit.

— Oh.. It's Chase. — He answered, smiling again. — I hope you get better soon.. and if you ever need something, here's my number. — He picked up a piece of paper from his pocket and a pen that was laying on a table, writing his phone number there, then handed it to me.

I gasped at his action.

— Ah- Thank you! L-like, for everything you've done.. and for this... Thank you very much! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you... — With that, before I started rambling, I just pulled him into a hug. I didn't care that I barely knew him, I thought it as the right thing to do. And he hugged back, so at least it wasn't so weird.

Pulling apart, we said goodbye to each other, and this time he really leaved, his cheeks a bit red too, just like mines. While this happened, the doctor entered the white hospital room.
I just sat there, the man examining my wounds, cleaning them and putting bandages, answering all the questions he made.

Well, this night was sure to be in my memories for as long as I lived. After all, it's not everyday that you see mythical creatures destroying your city and meet a pretty boy - who saved you from all this crazy stuff.
And I got his number without even asking... maybe we can hang out sometime.

But first I need to know what happened to my grandma, and call my parents to let them know we're ok.


Well, that's it! The end! (Unless you want something more... In this case, comment it)
A whole afternoon work... I can't believe it took me so long to edit the narrative, adding things and stuff.

Oh, by the way, the girl's name "Turqueza" is pronounced like "Turkeza", the "u" and "e" as in "education", and the "r"... well, like we pronounce it in portuguse and spanish, I don't know how to describe it. I'm just saying this because sometimes it can sound weird depending on how you say it, specially because I speak portuguse, and the sounds are a bit different....

So... What did you think of it?
And what about the cover? (I did it too, but I don't think it's good...)
Of you liked, leave a vote! And comment too! Say what you thought, what I could improve, and things like that! Support really make me happy!

I'm thinking of translating some of my Ninjago One-Shots to English; what do you think? Should I do it?

I guess that's it guys!
Byee, love you all!

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