Chapter 4: Night 1

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{Peace Gurl}

Do you think she's coming?


I can't say, we'll just have to find out

{Peace Gurl}

Alright, see you there!

{Peace Gurl is offline}

Kate tucked her phone into her pocket as she turned it off. "Kate, you're going to be late!" Her boyfriend said from downstairs.

"Hold on!" She shouted back, running down the stairs.

"So," Kate said, adjusting the tie. "How do I look?"

The brown haired elf, known as Mark, looked over from the kitchen while answering,"Amazing, as always."

Kate blushed slightly and walked into the kitchen. "You're to kind," She said, hugging him from behind.

"Heh, thanks," He said turning around and hugging her back.

"I made you a snack," Mark said, handing her a small box. "Apple pie?"

He nodded, making Kate hug him even more. "Thanks! You're the best!"

Mark chuckled as he gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Have a great first day!"

"I will! Bye Mark!" She said, jogging out of the house.

Kate got into her car, and waved to Mark as she left.

Meanwhile, Peace is continuously jumping waiting for Kate at her house.

"When is she going to be here?" Peace's father asked, looking at his watch.

"Soon, it's almost 11;30!" Peace answered, looking up and down the street.

"Alright Peaches," He said, saying her little nickname he made.

Peace puffed out her cheeks and stomped her foot. "I'm almost 20, I shouldn't have baby names!"

He chuckled and hugged his daughter. "You're always my baby though."

Peace hugged him back.

"I know you're having a daughter father moment, but we don't wanna be late!" Kate shouted from her car, which was parked next to them.

"Sorry Kate, bye Peace, have fun."

Peace nodded and hugged her father once more before getting into the car. "Bye dad!" She shouted as the car drove off.

"Has Skye texted you at all?" Peace asked Kate.

Kate shook her head. "Not yet, maybe she'll be there waiting for us, you never know," Kate reassured, taking a right.

"She is unexpected," Peace reassured herself, looking out the window, but then noticing the box on Kate's lap.

"Is that Mark's pie?!" She shouted in excitement.

Kate nodded. "Apple, the best!"

"Yay! This night is gonna be even better!"

They pulled up into the empty parking lot, except one car was there and it was purple

The two got out to be greeted by Purple Guy. "Hello girls!" He said, walking up to them and shaking hands.

"Skye didn't come?" He asked.

The two shook their head. "But I'm sure she'll be here soon!" Peace said.

Kate nodded in agreement as she grabbed the box out of the car.

He nodded, and handed them an extra night guard outfit. "In case she does show up."

Peace took the outfit and thanked him.

"What's that?" Purple Guy asked as Kate went back to them with the box. "A little snack my boyfriend gave me, I hope you don't mind if we have a snack?"

Purple Guy shook his head. "No, no, it's very fine! Just please don't leave a mess."

The two nodded, meaning they understood. "Now, let me show you around."

Purple Guy walked to the doors and unlocked them. "Please close the door once you enter and when you leave," He said, opening the door for the two.

"Okay Boss!" Peace answered, walking in excitingly.

Kate nodded and followed behind her, Purple Guy walking in and closing the door behind them.

"This is the reception area," He said, pointing to the desk where they first met Colleen.

"As you know, my office and the basement is in the hall," He added, gesturing to the hall on the left of them.

"The basement has renovations, so please no going down there."

"Yes sir," Kate said.

Purple Guy turned to her and patted her shoulder, "Please, just call me Boss."

Kate nodded.

"Now," He began, taking his hand off of Kate. "To the main stage."

He began leading them to the main stage, where the main four stood, Chipper, Bonnie, Freddy, and Chica.

"Where's Shark and Foxy?" Peace asked, taking notice Shark and Foxy weren't there.

"Shark's play area is there, where he is located," Purple Guy answered, pointing to a room on the left.

"And Foxy?" Kate asked this time.

"We passed his cove, it's the room across from the bathrooms, the room on the right back there."

The two nodded.

Purple Guy continued showing them around, until they got to the security room.

"This is where you will monitor everything," He said, going into the room.

"I must warn you, we've been having some power problems, so don't check the cameras to much, same with lights and the doors."

"How much power do we have?" Kate asked, placing the box on the desk.

"100 percent, it resets after 6 am," Purple Guy explained.

"Why do we need the doors though?" Peace questioned.

He chuckled slightly before answering, "The old security guards preferred these doors, since they thought it was so scary," He lied, knowing the true reason.

"Oh, that does make sense!" Peace exclaimed, taking the lie.

He handed them the keys before turning to leave," Also, every two hours, come out of the office to check the animatronics and, no going into the hall I told you about."

Peace did a small solute while Kate nodded.

"Good luck you two," He said before leaving.

"What should we do first?"

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