Ch.4-Gremloblin Chase

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Howard and the Pines twins ran downstairs to see Gideon riding on the Gremloblin, which had crashed through the wall.

Stan:You're paying for that wall, Gideon!

Gideon:Oh I certainly will, when I own this place! HA HA!

Howard:(To Dipper) Who's the mini Elvis?

Dipper:Gideon Gleeful. Crazy kid that's wants the Mystery Shack for some reason. And that thing he's on is a Gremloblin. Nasty thing.

He turns to Gideon.

Dipper:What do you want this time, Gideon?

Gideon:Well I can't tell you that just yet. A certain guest needs to arrive.

Randy:(As The Ninja) Smoke bomb!

Gideon:Ninja! Right on cue!

Randy:What do want, small fry?

Gideon:An out of town friend needed some help, and in exchange, he'd help me get The Mystery Shack. And in order to do that, I need to borrow Mabel for a bit.

The Gremloblin grabbed Mabel.

Gideon:Oh, and to make thing's more interesting...

He snapped his fingers, and a few Robo-Apes crashed through the roof. Randy drew his sword and began fighting off the Robo-Apes. Though a little damage was caused by the by the apes smacking him around.

Stan:You're paying for all that, right?

Randy gave him a "Are you serious?" look.

Stan:(Nervously)Heh, never-mind.

Just as Randy finished with the Robo-Apes, he saw that Gideon ran off with Mabel.

Randy:Ninja sprint!

He immediately gave chase.

He was having something of a difficult time keeping up with the monster.

Randy:Wow, that thing is a lot faster than it looks.

Just then, Dipper, Wendy, Soos, and Howard drove up to him in they Mystery Shack cart.

Wendy:Need a lift?

Randy hopped onto the roof of the cart. With the cart, they managed to catch up to The Gremloblin.

Randy:Closer...closer...Ninja slipping balls!

He threw the slipping balls in front of The Gremloblin, causing it to slip all over the place. Gideon got thrown off and it let go of Mabel. Randy leapt off the cart and kicked The Gremloblin in the face.

Randy:Ninja block! Ninja block! Ninja roundhouse!

He continued to fight The Gremloblin until it grabbed both his arms and held him up to its face.

Dipper:Don't look into its eyes! You'll see your worst fear!

Randy shut his eyes.

Randy:If you have a plan, I think now would be a nice time!

Dipper took out a hand mirror and showed it to The Gremloblin's face. It became very frightened and it dropped Randy before running off. Dipper helped Randy back up.


Dipper:Anytime-wait, where's Gideon?

They all turned to see Gideon with the Robo-Apes, who had recaptured Mabel, and were pulled up to McFist's hovercraft.

Gideon:(Smugly) Tootles!



The hovercraft then flew off. Dipper dropped to his knees. Randy put his hand on his shoulder.

Randy:We'll get her back. That's a promise.

They turned to the others.

Randy:Have any idea what he might be after?

Dipper:Well, when McFist came to the shack earlier, he wanted directions to the lake. But what would-

Dipper stopped mid sentence.

Dipper:You thinking what I'm thinking?

Soos:We need to get to the lake ASAP.

Randy:What's at the lake?

Dipper:We'll explain on the way.

They all hopped on the cart and rode off. Meanwhile, on McFist's hovercraft, the Robo-Apes tied Mabel up.

McFist:Hello Ms.Pines.

Mabel:What do you want?

McFist:Oh nothing, just the location of the Gobblewonker!

Mabel:Like I'd tell you.

Gideon:Figured you'd say that. We nabbed you specifically because you'd be an easier nut to crack then your brother. And I have just the method of making you crack.

He then pulled a picture of a cute kitten, then proceeded to slowly rip it.

Gideon:Now tell us where the Gobblewonker is, or the kitten gets it!

Mabel resisted as hard as she could, but eventually she caved in...


Suddenly his phone rang. It was The Sorcerer.

Sorcerer:I trust everything is going to your little plan?

McFist:Uhhh, yeah. Though I had to work out a deal with an "Out of Towner". But assure you, we got this in the bag!

Sorcerer:Do. Not. Fail. Me!

Mcfist gulped and hung up.

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