C2/The years after

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One month passed after the other and each day was harder then the last. To put it simply,

I. Was. Bored!

There was literally nothing to do! It was trapped in a cave for crying out loud, what could I do anyways? The highlight of my day was when the old hag would come up from the village and visit me.

Now, don't misunderstand, she hates my guts. The only reason she comes here is to inform me of anything Ace-related in the newspaper; and although I had thought it sounded like a pretty nice thing to do, it was far from it.

She would take any news about Ace and mock it to kingdom come, or if Ace has so much as a scratch she'd blow it way out of proportion. Making it sound like a life or Death situation. It was torture! But, despite the constant insults, I was happy at-least knowing that Ace was living his life to the fullest.

Oh, and don't even get me started on how excited I was when she came in with the news that Ace finally ran into Luffy. Ha! I nearly gave the old hag an heart attack. (Serves her right though...)

Yeah, things in the little old cave wasn't as bad as I thought. I missed Ace dearly but, with the constant update on where he was and what he was doing, I felt like I was there with him. Of course, I wouldn't tell the old hag that though, she'd stop coming if she knew I secretly liked it.


"Hey kid. This looks like it's going to be the last time I come up here to visit you..."

I frowned looking at the greying woman. "What do you mean?"

She couldn't hear me of course, but I think she got used to reading my lips, seeing as she no longer yelled at me every time I tried to say something. (Ex: "SHUT UP BRAT I  CAN'T FÛCKING HEAR YOU ANYWAYS! YOUR WASTING YOUR BREATH!")

She threw the newspaper in front of the transparent shield. It somehow landed in the perfect angle to where I could see everything written on the page.

The old hag turned around and started exiting the cave. Once she reached the entrance, she turned around and gave me a sullen look, pity shining in her old eyes.

"Sorry for your loss kid."

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