Chapter Five

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Okay I just wanna say that a lot of this story will be like a trigger-warning, but for those of you who don't wanna read those parts I'll put *** before and after so that you can read the rest of it :)


Jimin spent the rest of the night with tears falling down his face. His father had finished his hitting spree on him and then passed out.
The silver blade in his hand glided down his wrist, leaving red marks with a warm, crimson liquid flowing down. The only thing that stopped him was the sound of his phone going off with a new text.


Jimin sniffed as his tears stopped, going to the bathroom to was his arms and wrap a bandage around his arm. When he was done, he went back into his room, still sniffling and wiping away drying tears.
The slightest smile makes its way onto his face when he saw who the text was from. His mood picks up about halfway from what it just was. Only one person has really been able to make him feel this way lately.

JK: Hyungggg whatchu doing?
JM: Trying to sleep, like you should be child
Lies. He can't let Jungkook know.
JK: Hey I'm not that much younger than you :(
JM:You're still younger than me. I can call you child if I want to
JK: Not fair :(
JM: You'll have someone to pick on one day :)
JK: You better not be lying😤
At this Jimin laughs.
JM: I'm not child
JK: Stop calling me child😣
JM: I will when you become the same age as me☺️
JM: Sleep child. We have classes tomorrow
JK: Fineeeee
JK: Only cause you're my hyung
JM: 😊Good
JK: Night hyung😴
JM: Night child😊
JM: Sleep well
JK: You too :)

Jimin couldn't stop the smile on his face. If there was one person that could make him feel way better, it was Jungkook. Even if they hadn't known each other for very long.

He just didn't know that in a room somewhere else that wasn't too far from him was a younger boy than him, willing himself not to send a message, even if he so wished it to be true.

JK: Dream about me. I'll be dreaming about you;)


Pretty short but hey at least a new chapters up sooner than originally planned haha

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