Chapter Two

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'Jimin. Park Jimin'

       Just a name. Just a text, yet, it started something between the two that they never would have guessed would happen. Especially to them. It seemed almost impossible. Almost.

       Jungkook couldn't stop smiling the next day, which freaked out his roommate.

       "Why are you so happy today? It's too early to be happy," Yoongi said, taking a bite from the cereal that was in front of him.

       "It's 2 in the afternoon hyung," Jungkook blankly pointed out to his always tired roommate. "So? It's early to me," Yoongi stated. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the male.

       Yoongi took a couple more bites before saying, "You never answered my question." This Jungkook to slightly smile, remembering why he was so happy. "It's nothing," he replied. Before Yoongi could question it further he quickly said, "I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be back later."

       The younger of the two walked out of the kitchen to the front door, grabbing his key to the apartment and his phone along the way.

       Jungkook closed the door behind him, relieved that the conversation was over. Or, at leat post-poned for now. He didn't want Yoongi to find out. At least not yet. He didn't want to be made fun of.

       The two had ended up talking for a little while after they introduced themselves. It turns out that Jimin was older, so he wasn't much help with the homework problem. But they did keep talking after that. They had a lot of things in common. Jungkook wished that he could meet Jimin in person. If only he knew his feelings were mutual.

       Jungkook was currently making his way down the stairs of the building they lived in. He would've taken the elevator, but he wanted to give himself more time to think.

       His headphones were still plugged in to his phone from the night before when they were sending random videos that they found funny or that they found in their phones. He put the headphones in his ears and clicked shuffle on his playlist.

       He walked down the sidewalk to the park, Blood by Day6 filling his ears. The band wasn't new, but he just started listening to them. They were good, He felt like the song was speaking to him in a way.

      He started humming along as he kept walking. He reached in no time, seeing as how they lived pretty close to the park. He eventually found what he was looking for:his special tree. He always went to the tree and sat there. He knew that if someone was already sitting there that it was probably not gonna be a good day, or even week. It was there for him when he just wanted to think or get away without any distractions. It was like his hiding place kind of.

       Jungkook sat down and let the music fill his ears. He closed his eyes, completely absorbing the beat and the lyrics. He was humming until he was full out singing. He was so lost in his own world that he was startled when someone put their hand on his shoulder. He immediately opened his eyes, pulling one earphone out. He look up at the person, his heart beat racing.

       A chuckle. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful voice," said the stranger in front of him. Jungkook smiled sheepishly, his face beginning to warm a bit. "Thank you," he simply replied.

       "You're welcome," the stranger smiled. "I'm Taehyung, by the way," he said, holding out his hand for Jungkook to shake. Jungkook cautiously took it, shaking it twice before letting go. "I'm Jungkook. But people call me Kook, or Kookie," He quickly added. Jungkook wanted to slap himself. He had to admit that he was a little flustered at how such a hot guy was talking to him and actually complimenting him. He was kinda enjoying it.
Taehyung just smiled at the boy and said, "People call me Tae. Or TaeTae." He waited a second before asking, "May I?" and gesturing to the empty spot next to Jungkook. Jungkook looked and realized what was happening. He quickly looked up and said, "Oh. Sure."
Taehyung sat down in the spot next to Jungkook. He leaned up against the tree, letting his head fall back. Jungkook kept staring. He couldn't help it. He quickly looked away, feeling his face heat up a bit again.
'Gosh what's wrong with me? I thought I wasn't into guys' he thought to himself.
Taehyung looked at the flustered boy next to him. He smiled at his cuteness. He then looked away. "So do you sing professionally or something?" he asked the younger boy. Still flustered, Jungkook answered, "No. It's only a hobby."
"Well you should. I'm actually from a record label. Just give me a call," Taehyung said, handing a card to Jungkook. This caused Jungkook to feel a bit stupid.
'Of course he wasn't flirting with me. Of course he isn't into me' he thought to himself. He took the card from Taehyung, looking at it for a second.
"I want to get to know you more Jungkook. How about we-" Taehyung started, but was cut off by the younger males phone. Jungkook checked it, smiling apologetically at Tae.
"I'm sorry, but I have to take this," he said, standing up. He then gave the older another apologetic smile and walked away to have some quiet, leaving behind a both confused and hurt Taehyung.
"Hey Jimin."

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