Chapter 1: In Extremis

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* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Issei: 'My name... Is Issei Hyoudou... And right now... I think I was supposed to be dead, but...'

???: What's his condition ?

???: Who do you take me for, some half-assed medic ? Of course he's fine, although I can't tell if the trauma will subside anytime soon.

Issei: 'What... The hell... ? Where did it... Go wrong... ?

Yuuma: Hey, Issei... Can you listen to my request ?

Issei: What is it, Yuuma ? 'Finally, the moment has arrived ! The goodbye kiss in the park after sunset on the first date !' Wh... What's your request ?

Yuuma: ... Would you mind dying right now ?

Issei: ... Eh... ? Sorry, could you repeat that ?

Yuuma: Can you please die right now ?

Yuuma: The past couple of days I spent with you... I had a lot of fun.

Issei: Is... is that a spear ? What ?!

Yuuma: Sorry. Since you're a potential risk, I had to take care of you sooner or later- BUGAH !!

???: Go go go ! The boy's done for already, hurry up !

???: Yeah yeah, i'm on it, Crazy Diamond and all. All because you wanted to wait too long.

Yuuma: You... Who the hell are you two ?! ACK !!

???: Sorry, no time to explain. But if you want to blame someone, blame the God who sent us two here.

???: We... Kind of asked him for that, though...

???: Shut up and focus on healing him. I thought you were supposed to be a hero, aren't you ?

???: ... Hey, I think she's turning blue.

Yuuma: Ack... Gh... Kh... Bleh.

???: Oh... Whatever. Remember what he told us, we better get going fast, before she comes over.

Issei: ... G- Gah !! Huh... What... Happened... ? Who are you guys ?

???: ... We're friends. For now, that's all you need to know. Don't worry, everything will be explained in due time, but right now, we're on a tight schedule.

Issei: W- What ?! What are you on about ?! What just happened ?! Where's Yuuma ?! Wasn't I dead ?! Who are y-

???: Hokuto, Kyomu Shidan. (Nothingness Attack)

Issei: Hngh... Blerg...

???: ... Was that necessary ? I sure hope you didn't undo all my healing with that...

???: I'd rather not have him scream and wail around. But you said it yourself, we're on a tight schedule... So we better leave before-


???: Haaaah... Looks like we lost too much time with that prattle... She's already there...

???: Gremory...

Redhead: Oh ? And who might you... Be... ?

???: No questions asked. We're not here to be friendly with you.
Rias: ... In that case, I'd appreciate if you could put this boy down.

???: Ahhh... You see, that's kind of the problem here. Because we're certainly not gonna hand him over to you either.

Redhead: I said put him down.

???: Fine, fine. Here ya go.


Redhead: Wh- Where did you send him ?!

???: Wouldn't you like to know, devil girl ? We've been warned about you, and how you tend to do things. So just know that from now on, he's under our care.

Redhead: Who even are you ?!

???: Someone whose bad sides you don't want to end up on. Later.


Redhead: ... ... ...

*Please get up ! If you don't, I'll ki... Kiss you ! Please get up ! If you don't, I'll ki... Kiss you !*

Issei: Guh... man, what a weird dream... I was with Yuuma in that park... And then, she was throwing something at me... What the hell...

*Knock knock knock*

Hyoudou: Issei ? Hurry up, you'll end up being late for class again !

Issei: Yeah yeah... Maybe I should stop reading too many magazines before sleeping, that's... Wait, where'd that piece of paper come from ?

*You must be confused about what happened. If you think that it was a dream, then we're sorry to tell you it was all real. We can't reveal any details here, but we want to help you. After school today, go back to the park, at the fountain. We'll be waiting for you here.
PS: At school, act like everything never happened, down to Yuuma's very existence. Don't tell anyone about that night, or that note. Beware of the Gremory.*

Issei: From... There are no names... just this star-shaped stamp at the end...

*Kuoh Private Academy. It used to be an all-girls school. Recently it started to accept male students, but the numbers of girls in the school still dwarfs the number of guys. The reason I chose to come to this school is... To create my own harem !*

Issei: 'But reality is cruel... For someone like me, who isn't popular with the opposite gender...'

Baldie: Hey there, soulmate ! How's the porno DvD that I loaned you the other day ?!

Girls: ... ... ... ...

Issei: Matsuda ! Why do you always talk so loudly ?!

Glasses: You guys... the wind today I quite strong.

Issei: Oh, Motohama...

Motohama: thanks to the divine morning wind, many high school girls had their underwear exposed... Incidentally, their three sizes...

Issei: Don't try to act cool while saying stuff like that, you glass-wearing pervert !! Your glasses could shatter !

Matsuda: Oh, right ! I got my hands on something nice. Impressive, right , This is the famous, legendary, out-of-print work of art... First Edition of Beauty Pure Parody AV !!

Girls: ... The worst. Ero-monkey... Pervert... So scary... Cherry boy.

Matsuda: Hey, you girls ! Keep on looking and i'll violate you in my head !

Issei: He's the worst... Hey Motohama ! Help me stop him !

Motohama: Amazing, this is the real thing...

Issei: Motohama !!

Matsuda: How can you make that face with this rare treasure right in front of your eyes ?

Motohama: Yeah... Aren't you out of sync right now ?

Issei: Ah ah. I've got some... Sleeping problems last night.

Motohama: Are you sick ? As someone who's the embodiment of eroticism, can you even get sick ? Or is it still about that illusion of a girlfriend ? The one names Yuuma-chan, right ?

Issei: ... So you guys really don't remember anything about Yuuma-chan ?

Matsuda: ... As we were saying, we don't know of any girls like that. Right, Motohama ?

Motohama: indeed. We weren't introduced to a girl like that; besides, it's impossible for someone like you to get a girlfriend.

Issei: No, i'm sure I introduced you...

Matsuda: if you're telling the truth, then your cell phone should have her number, right ?

Issei: No... I already checked, but it's gone now... I don't know who erased it...

Matsuda: Who would do something as petty as erasing a number ?

Issei: ... AGH ! Who cares ?! Matsuda, let's have an AV marathon ! Prepare five boxes of tissue ! Motohama ! To combat hunger, go and buy some snacks !

Matsuda: Yeah ! That's the Issei we know ! Let's go enjoy te springtime of our youth together !!

Girls: Kya, senpai is here ! Senpai !

Issei: ... What's going on ?

Motohama: Oh, it's Rias-senpai ! What a first-class beauty. Oh hoh, what a perfect body...

Rias: ... ... ...

Issei: *Glups* ... ... ... "Beware of the Gremory..." ...

Matsuda: What's wrong, Issei ?

Issei: Eh ? Ah... Nothing...

Matsuda: I wanna rub those tits ! ... Why don't we have girlfriends... ? *Sob*

Motohama: I... Was called out by a girl before, told me to meet her in front of the gym... I was being shaking down. I told them I didn't have any money, so they made me jump and took all of my loose change... *Sniff*

Issei: ... I'm going home... See you tomorrow.

Motohama: Ah, sweet dreams.

Issei: ... yeah, sweet... 'As if, it'd probably be that Yuuma thing all over again... If it was a dream...

Issei: Well, I came all the way over there because I was curious about that note... Guess it was just a joke... or my imagination, maybe...

???: Oh, don't throw down the power of imagination just now. It can achieve much more than you could possibly expect.

Issei: Gah !! D- Don't just appear behind people like that... Scared the crap out of me...

???: Well. If you're here, I can only assume you decided to follow the note we left you. Glad to see you can use your head for something else than watching porn.

Issei: H- Huh ? How do you-

???: There's a lot of things we know. We're quite well-informed. Including about that girl calling herself "Yuuma" or that Gremory girl you seem to be familiar with.

Issei: Hold on, you two know Rias-senpai ?! Who even are you ?!

Shadow: Yes... Who exactly are you ?

Issei: 'Eh... ? What is this feeling... It's kind of like with Yuuma...'

???: Hmm... This one... He matches the description we were given... What was his name again... Ahh, dammit, I'm drawing a blank...

???: I believe it was... Dohnaseek ? Something like that... ?

Dohnaseek: ... Well, isn't that the icing on top of the cake. I'm sure you understand, I can't exactly let you lot live with all that. I was only planning to go after the boy, but since you two seem to be a bit too knowledgeable...

Issei: W- Wings ?! That guy's just like Yuuma !

Dohnaseek: Oh, so you even remember ? That's just another reason to finish the job. I swear, that Raynare... Always sending me to correct her mistakes... But you three aren't part of any peerage, so killing you wouldn't be a problem.

Issei: A- Ahhh... That spear again ! We're going to get killed ! We need to run away now !!

???: ... I'm glad to see your flight-or-flee instincts are still kicking in this situation Issei. Hey, you wanna deal with that ?

???: Heh, why not. Issei, keep a close eye on that.

Dohnaseek: Hm... I'll let that arrogance of yours be your downfall. Please don't hold it against me, since these light spears aren't that effective against your kind... So I'll just kill you as fast as possible !!


Dohnaseek: ... ... H- Huh ?

???: Hm. Tingly. These things really are something, aren't they ?

???: I think it would have more of an impact if you didn't literally stopped it by pinching its tip, man.

Dohnaseek: Urg... So I guess Raynare was right... There are a couple of pests going around and minding other people's business...

???: Oh, don't get this wrong, this is very much our business.

Dohnaseek: Grrrr... I will not stand for this ! You are just a few humans !! I will destroy you- !!

???: ... And speaking of business... Here's one that should really learn to mind her own.

Rias: I'm afraid you're mistaken. So if any of you could get away from this boy, it would be much appreciated.

Dohnaseek: That red hair... I'm quite familiar with it. Are you part of the Gremory family ?

Rias: i'm Rias Gremory. It's a pleasure, Mr.Fallen Angel.

Issei: Rias... Senpai ?

Dohnaseek: Hm. So these three are your underlings or something ? If that's the case, you shouldn't leave them unattended like that. Someone like me, while out taking a walk, may accidentally hunt them down.

Rias: Thank you for the advice. This city is under my jurisdiction. If you dare to interfere again, don't blame me for taking more drastic measures !

Dohnaseek: the same goes for you. Next head of the Gremory family. I pray that we never meet again. As for you...

???: Hm ?

Dohnaseek: ... Don't expect that stunt to work twice. If I see you again, you're dead meat.

???: ... Huh. Haven't heard that one in a week. Well in any case, I guess we're done here.

Rias: Oh no, you're not pulling that one on me again. That advice was as directed at him as it was at the two of you. Now, if you don't want any trouble, you better tell me who you are, and what do you want.

???: Trouble, huh ? Honestly speaking, I think the worst you could do to us is being incredibly annoying...

Rias: Grr... Tell me your names !!

???: Thoughts on that ?

???: Well, he did say she could be incredibly bugging to get what she wants...

Rias: Who is he ?! For the last time, I ask to know of who you are !

???: I don't know what's funnier. You ordering us around like you have any kind of authority, or expecting that any kind of threat from you could be dangerous.

???: Now, now, Sai. We have better things to do concerning this one. Remember the plan, please.

Rias: ... Sai... ?

Saisho: Saisho, to be precise.

Void: And my friends usually call me Void. So you lot can call me Mr.Joestar.

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