A Parallel Universe

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I open my eyes slowly and find myself in the infirmary at Camp Half-Blood. I look around trying to remember how I got here.

"Annie!" A voice yells. I turn to see a blur of spiky black hair as arms wrap around me in a hug. She pulls back and I am greeted with the familiar face of my best friend Thalia Grace. She wears black pants and a leather jacket instead of her Hunter uniform and I notice she lacks her silver circlet. I ignore the fact, what happened to me is more important at the moment.

"I'm so glad you're okay! We have been so worried. Oh my gods! I have to tell them! I'll be right back!" She yells in an out of character way while she rushes out of the room. She return later with many of our friends. Piper and Hazel grab me in a hug. Leo, Frank and Jason give one as well. Nico gives a small smile from his spot in the corner. Will Solace comes in to check on me before leaving again once he assures everyone that I am fine. Where's Percy? I think to myself but I am quickly torn away from the thought as someone else enters the room.

The person who enters I never thought I would see again.

Short sandy blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

A scar running down his face.

Before I can speak he hugs me.

"L-Luke," I stutter unsure.

"Who else?" He chuckles pulling back. But he still holds my shoulders. "Can you do me a favor and not scare us all like that again?"

"No- b-b-but your.... Where is he?" I say pushing him away.

"Where's who? And I'm what?'

"You're dead!" I yell. "And where is Percy!" They all stare at me confused. Like I have grown an extra head. When no speaks I continue.

"Well?" They all look at each other. I groan and frustration and hop out of bed and run out of the infirmary. They all yell in protest and I start off running toward the cabins. I don't stop until I reach Cabin 3. I bang on the door and when no answers I head inside. I fling open the door. The Cabin is empty. It looks like no one has lived here in years. Dust covers the room. The beds are empty and there are no belongings.

Where is all of Percy's stuff? And where is Percy?

I hear as the door opens behind me.

"Annabeth what is wrong with you?" Thalia's voice says. I ignore her and turn run back outside ignoring Luke as well. I run around like a maniac looking for my boyfriend. I can't lose him again. I ask some random campers as I go but, all just give me a funny look before walking the other direction. I run off into the forest to calm down. I stop somewhere and sit on rock to catch my breath. Tears slowly make their way down my face.

"Annabeth-" Wheeze. "Oh gods." I turn to see Thalia and Luke huffing and puffing. Luke leans on a tree and Thalia leans on Luke. When they both can breath normally, Luke speaks.

"Why would you think I was dead? Last I checked I'm very much alive," He says examining his hands for emphasis. Thalia whacks him in the back of the head. He groans and rubs his head and she pecks him on the cheek.

"B-but you're Hunter!" I scream at her.

"Ugh! Why would I want to be one of those man haters? Plus unless you forgot I have a boyfriend," She says gesturing to Luke.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Luke questions. "Maybe we should get you back to the infirmary," He says walking toward me. I quickly stand up and back away.

"Don't touch me!" I growl. "What the Hades is going on!" I scream at the sky. I turn back to Thalia and Luke who stand staring at me stunned and worried. "You died. Last year! I was there. You used my old dagger which Percy handed to you then you stabbed yourself killing you and Kronos! Thalia you're a hunter! You joined so you didn't have to be the child of the prophecy and Percy did! The same Percy everyone seems to think doesn't exist or something! Perseus Jackson ring a bell? My boyfriend! Sweedbrain! Kelp Head! Son of Poseidon! One of the seven? 'The Prophecy Of The Seven'! The guy who fell into Tartarus for me!" I scream at them both.

"I think you hit your head to hard," Luke says.

"Luke didn't kill himself... Percy did. He hosted Kronos remember? I was the prophecy kid. There was no prophecy of the seven. there was the 'Prophecy Of The Nine'. The three of us. Nico, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, and Hazel. And the three of us fell into Tartarus." Thalia says her voice almost a whisper. Tears well up in her eyes.

I stare at her trying to process her words. That's not possible... How?

"Come on, lets get back to the infirmary. And you are staying off the climbing wall," Luke urges. I shake my head no in defiance.

"Climbing wall?" I question.

"Yeah, you fell from the top and hit your head before we could catch you... You don't remember?" Thalia asks tears flowing more freely down her face. I shake my head no. That's not what I remember.

"Well what do you remember?"

I pause and memories come back. I don't answer her, she thinks I'm crazy. Instead I keep my thought to myself. I close my eyes and think.

We were fighting Gaea. Percy and I... Then... I was stabbed...

Her sword glistens with my blood as she wrenches it out of my abdomen. I fall back on to the ground. I hear Percy shout my name and then roar in anger. A hurricane forms around him and he fought Gaea by himself. Soon Queen Dirt Face sinks back into the ground and back into her eternal slumber.

Percy grabs my head and cradles it in his lap. Tears flow freely down his face.

"Apollo!" He screams before looking down at me. "Annabeth. Wise Girl," He says and his voice cracks.

"Seaweed Brain," I croak. "I love you. I'll wait in the Under-"

"I love you too. Now don't talk like that," He reprimands, cutting me off. "Y-y-you'll be fine. We just need to find that annoying sun god. Apollo!" He calls again.

"Percy," I say closing my eyes. I feel cold and I can feel myself slipping.

"No! Keep your eyes open.Annabeth! Keep them open!" He yells. He says more but it is drowned out.

"Annabeth?" Thalia's voice asks. I open my eyes to find Thalia and Luke still staring at me. "What do you remember?"

"I-I-I died... fighting Gaea. But that's not possible. None of this is. This isn't right. What is this a different universe!" I scream in frustration. "Fates haven't I done enough!" I know what I have to do. I scream before I fall to the ground and break down.


The heroine of Olympus falls and screams, sobs rack her body as her two friends try to figure out what is wrong with their friend. They don't know that she doesn't cry because she is confused. She cries for the thought of never getting her Seaweed Brain back. But she has a choice. Live and except what happens in this world. Or die once again and hope to go back to the other. She doesn't even know if it is possible. She could be transported to a third. She yearns to go back to the life she once had. The one with Percy before he was taken from her and placed in Camp Jupiter. Maybe one world would bring her back to that.

She springs up and backs away from her friends drawing her dagger as she does. She points it toward her own heart.

"I have to go back..." She whispers more to herself. Her two friends realizing what she is doing grab her before she can die for the second time. They ignore her screams and drag her back to Camp and to Chiron.

That was a month ago...

Now the heroine of Olympus sits in her special all white and safe room on Olympus. While wearing her special safety jacket.

Apollo decided nothing could be done for her condition. She can't go back to the mortal world. They couldn't let her out for fear of her hurting herself. No one believes a word she says. No one knows she speaks the truth not just her delusion. So now she is stuck.

Stuck in an asylum.

On Olympus.

In a parallel universe.


The video on the side is one of the openings for the 'The Twilight Zone'.

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