Chapter 2

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       Winter stood frozen, meeting Hurricanes cold blue eyes. Why was this stranger looking for them? Maybe he got the wrong dragons. Winter thought he wasn't important to anyone, not even Moon. The question that troubled Winter the most was, Why did an IceWing mate with a SeaWing, it was wrong! Immediately he felt guilty when he heard Moon come up from behind him, if he had any chance with the one he loved he would take no matter what the cost.

     "I think you have the wrong dragons!" Moon said," You don't even know who we are!"

       "Moonwatcher, NightWing with Mindreading and Prophecy abilities, a student at jade mountain and daughter of Secretkeeper and Morrowseer!" Hurricane replied smugly, Moon and Winter looked at him with wide eyes. Hurricane looked at Winter," Winter former IceWing Prince who is exiled from his kingdom because he couldn't kill his brother Hailstorm."

    Winter walked closer the the hybrid confused. It didn't make any sense he couldn't know that Winter only told his freinds what happened they where the only ones in the world that knew what really happened. Winter looked at Moon waiting to meet her eyes, when she looked up he beckoned her to the fire. She sat down next to the crackling flames looking confused and angry.

    "Moon! Look I'm sorry for kidnapping you, but can we forget about it for now and figure this out? Please?" Winter begged. Moon stared at him for a minute searching his eyes and nodded.

    "Okay, fine!" She looked at Huricane who was sitting down and looking right at them. "I can't hear his thoughts at all I don't understand it he doesn't have anything on him, nothing that looks like it could hold a skyfire."

   "Then it's something else I suppose let's just ask him why we are wanted my question is how he knows everything about us!" He was certain the this stranger had some animus touched object that tells you everything about a dragon.

   "He doesn't know everything Winter." Moon said softly, looking down at her claws. Winter looked at wondering what she meant but was interrupted by a rock hitting his chest.

   "Hey!" Winter growled shooting his ice cold stare onto the mysterious hybrid. Whatever this half IceWing  was doing here it better be good.

   "I suppose you would like to know where I come from and how I know so much about you and you are right Moon, I DON'T know everything, but I know enough to know you two can save the world." Hurricane walked over to Winter and Moon and picked up the rock he had thrown and tossed it from talon to talon.

   "Yes we would like to know. And we would like to know WHY you think we can save Phyrria and how we are supposed to do it!" Winter snarled.

  There was a deep rumble above and they all looked up the clouds had now come right on top of them. Winter put his wings over his head as the clouds released the angry wet storm on top of them. Hurricane shook off the water from his back and grabbed something from behind him. 

    "Well!" Hurricane smiled as pulled out a pearl necklace  from behind his back and held it up, "This is how you will defeat Darkstalker, but as to your other question you will have to follow me!"

   Hurricane put the necklace around his neck and before Winter knew what he was doing the hybrid grabbed Winter and Moons forearms and they were swallowed up by a whirlpool of stars. The last thing Winter saw before he blacked out was the rain putting out their fire in a cloud of smoke. As his eyes closed Moon fell agaist him and then everything went black. 

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