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The darkness is all that can be seen

Nothing but black emptiness as the sound of silence was loud

Little white dots soon fade in as it's now obvious what is being seen and where we are

It's space

Soon everything starts shaking as a giant meteor slowly passes by as we pan over to the left to see it heading straight toward earth




We cut to a classroom and we see a teacher writing on a chalkboard as some students either listen or waited in boredom for the class to end

"So in nineteen thirty-three the national socialist German workers party aka the nazis came to power Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor and soon after that the democracy of post-war Germany became a fascist regime...." The teacher would go on as he too would sound bored as well

In one of the seats we see a student sleeping in class snoring loudly the teacher either didn't hear her somehow or just doesn't care and from his tone that's probably the right answer

This classroom had a metal door strange enough as that is the metal door to the classroom received a loud bang on it startling the students and even the teacher the only one who wasn't fazed was the student sleeping

The metal doors valve would slowly turn only for it to be kicked sending it flying as it would break and bounce off the window into some of the desks and students while the teacher dodges

"....we're in the middle of a lesson here....." the teacher worriedly says as he looks towards the now opened door

Suddenly three multicolored flashes of light shined through the darkness for a quick second only for a giant man to enter the room as he looks down at the teacher

"I'M ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS!" He shouts as a line of men suddenly slide Into the room and formed into a line in the classroom

The teacher panics as he quickly slides back bowing on his hand and knees

"Yes sir!...."

The giant man slowly turned towards the students in the classroom his face remaining hard and intimidating

"I'm the disciplinary committee chair IRA GAMAGOORI!!!!" He shouts before he puts his arms behind his back still glaring toward the students "students of class k it has come to our attention that there is someone among you that intends to bring harm to honnouji academy!" He would tell while marching up and down "step forward and accept your punishment!!!"

The student we now see is a girl continuing to sleep and snore as a student next to her would sweat and twitch as he held something close to his chest

The student could not take it anymore as he stands up making his desk fall over as the student guards look and turn towards and gamagoori glares at him before he slowly raises up his hand and throws down a tear gas bomb

The smoke bomb quickly spreads throughout the classroom and even into the hallway as he quickly books it out the room and runs down the stairs in a panic

While running down the stars through each window you could see gamagoori falling down as he laughs like a mad man

Finally he makes it to the doors leading outside as he slides them open only for gamagoori to be standing on the other side menacingly looking down at him

The thief yelps as the giant man grabs him by his by the front of his uniforms collar

"You'd think you'd escape me with a tear gas BOMB!!!" He shouts as he turns and throws the thief outside

The thief would scream as he flys through the air out into the giant yard of the school before rolling across the ground in pain before coming to a stop still clutching the item

The guards and gamagoori would stand over the thief looking down at him before he sits up and glares at them as we can finally see what he's been holding this whole time

Some type of uniform

"A one star Goku uniform looks like I found our thief what are you waiting for try it on?" Gamagoori would tell the boy

The thief didn't waste a second as he immediately puts on the uniform as he would look down at himself in shock and amazement

"H-hah...amazing! I could feel the power surging through my SOUL!!!" The their would shout as his one star uniform would shine multicolored lights

He would slightly hunched down before shooting up and flexing as his earlier chubby body would now be thinner

"I like it" he said as he took a stance and smirk at gamagoori

The disciplinary chair would take out a spiked whip as he would repeatedly swing the weapon at the him only for him to dodge at quick speeds

"My body's moving faster than fast!" He would exclaimed amazed at his new movement and power

"Of course that's the power of the Goku uniform" gamagoori would tell him as if it was stupid to be shocked by this

The thief smacks his whip away as he reels his fist back "THEN DIE!!!" he shouted shooting it forward into his chest

Only for gamagoori to put his arms out letting him as he stands there unfazed by the attack looking down at the thief menacingly

The thief looks would go from one of cockiness to shock and fear as he sweats and his fist twitches

"Too bad your uniform is a one star...but mines a three star" gamagoori would say smirking as the stares on his uniform would flash as the thief looked up at him in fear

"Sorry but your attacks...CAN'T DO ANYTHING ME!"

He would take out two spiked whips now before hitting him and quick speeds before lifting them up and slamming them onto the thief making him smash into the floor as pieces of the ground would shoot up into the air from the force

"SNEAKING A GOKU UNIFORM OUT!? WHAT WERE YOU EVEN ON PLANNING ON DOING WITH IT!?!?" He would yell as he wrapped the whips around the thief before smashing and dragging him into the yards giant walls

"Perhaps you're a spy working for that Kobe trash! The power of the Goku uniform is wasted upon you!" gamagoori would yell continuing to smash him everywhere as a girl would look on from up top the giant tower

"YOU'RE NOT FIT TO WEAR IIIIIIIT!!!!!!" gamagoori screams before launching him towards the top of the entrance smashing into wall once again

The thief would lay in the wall wrapped in the whip still as he had bruises and even lost teeth as he barely hangs onto life

"Remove that Goku uniform...NOW!" He pulls his whip back as it spins the thief out of the uniform and slams back into the wall naked

His whip comes back to him as he catches the uniform patting the dust off his before handing it to a one star guard

"LISTEN UP!!! STUDENTS OF HONNOUJI ACADEMY!!!" He shouts as in every classroom students were watched through the window in fear


A bright light shines down again everyone's attention as gamahoori shields his eyes

On top the the giant tower was the girl resting her hands on her sword as she stares down while the light shines bright from behind her

"Lady satsuki" gamagoori would say as he places a hand on his chest bowing his head a bit "ATTENTION!" He shouts as the rest of the one star guards would salute

"Your student council president SATSUKI KIRYUIN!!!"

Satsuki takes a step closer towards the edge going back to her pose as the light shines even brighter


The next day we zoom down from the school to the stairs leading up to the mansions to the regular homes to the slums all the way to the docs

Until we see a girl standing with her arms in her pockets as she glares forward at the island this girl is...RYUKO MATOI

"There it is....honnouji academy...." She said staring forward at the giant school




We see a few trucks parked at the edge of a giant crater and in the middle of the crater was the meteor we saw earlier

There were some men in hazmat suits as they were inspecting the meteor with electric rods as behind them was a giant glass tube

One of the guards inches his way closer towards the meteor

"Be careful..." one of the guards tells him

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?-" he would say only for a red slime to jump on him making the group panic

The hazmat was useless as the slime ripped a hole and slides in as you could see it surround the man inside covering his whole body before it slides off revealing nothing but a skeleton now as the other three panic

"AW FUCK ROBINSON!!!" One screams as the red slime would quickly slither out the hole and jumps towards him

Only for a another guard to jump in front of him and raise his rod up zapping the slime as it shrieks in pain falling to the ground

The guard quickly runs up to it and stabs his electric rod into it continuing to zap it while holding it up and throwing it into the tube as he closes it

"Oh...oh....n-nice work man...." The hazmat guy who was about to get pounced said

"Fucking focus next time! You almost ended up like Robinson!!!" The hazmat guy who saved him yells motioning towards the hazmat suit on the ground with a skeleton inside

they all stare at the body with a sadness before the sounds of a chopper could be heard

They look up to see a helicopter landing as the person to hop off first was none other than lady satsuki herself

Her cold gaze still on her face she walks forward towards the crater

The three hazmat men climb out of the crater to approach her

"Lady satsuki-" one goes to say but is interrupted

"Did you catch it?..." she asked with her usual serious expression

"Yes lady satsuki unfortunately Robinson was-

"I asked did you catch it...when I ask you a question I expected you to quickly answer it and not to squeal like a pig got it?" She said

The hazmat man goes silent as he clutches his hand in anger

"Yes lady satsuki..." he agreed

"Now once again did got catch it?"

"Yes lady satsuki..."

"Any casualties?"

"Only one lady satsuki...."

"I expect not to repeat my self again in the future is that clear?...." She would say her glare still hard and bold

"Yes...lady satsuki..."

"Bring it to me"

"Right away...lady satsuki..." the guard complied as he marches towards the crater as the other two follow

Seconds later they push the tube up with some difficulty before sliding it in front of her as he stares at the creature inside

She continues to glare at it before it suddenly starts shifting around and morphing into a human like shape

"What....what the fuck!?...." A hazmat guard says shocked at what he's seeing

The slime creature transforms into a monstrous skinny like figure with white soulless and pupil-less eyes and sharp teeth as is breaths heavily and drools

"...get ready...because you're going to wish you picked a different plant then damn parasite!" Satsuki hissed

The creature stares intensely at her before roar at her face through the glass causing it to fog up before it starts to punch that same spot repeatedly before screeching again


We see (E/C) eyes shoot open as a voice gasps

We see a boy with (H/l) (H/C) hair quickly sit up from his bed as he breaths heavily before looking around

"Huh wha-what!?.....oh right...." He calmed down before remembering

"We moved here..."


Yo how are ya?

So I've had this in my head for a long time now and decided to finally post it

So let me know what ya think based off this

It's gonna get crazy........

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