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So allegiances aren't the most important part in your book, and some people don't write them. They are very helpful to you and your readers, however. I like to keep the original allegiances in the book, at the beginning. I copy and paste that to a different place, normally another writing app. Then I change the one that isn't in the book every time a cat becomes an apprentice or warrior or elder or leader, kits are born, cats die, etc. It helps me keep track of the characters.

So I'm just going to go by the allegiances. Remember that your cats should not all look alike; there should be a variety of pelt colors and eye colors. Also, most people get annoyed when you repeat prefixes or suffixed a lot. Try to make the names different.
Also, every time you make a warrior name, just quickly search it on the wiki to see if it's a canon name or not.

Your leader is obviously quite important. They can look however you want, but try to stay away from canon leader names. Yes, it's possible for there to be two Firestars, but it gets confusing for your readers.

This is the cat that leads the Clan into battle and speaks for them at gatherings. I'd suggest a female leader, as they aren't as common in the books.

Another important cat that, for some reason, never really appears in fanfiction. Make sure you give them at least a few lines in your story. Their job is to organize patrols mostly. They speak for the leader at the gathering if they're sick.

Medicine cat:
Probably the most important cat in the allegiances. Not only do they heal the Clan, but they speak to StarClan. Their job is very important!! They have got to appear in your book often.
These cats tend to be she-cats. They normally have names like Berry, Leaf, Fern, Maple, and other plant names. This is true in fanfiction, but not normally in the books. Try to make a name that isn't really expected for a medicine cat, like Crow, Spider, Night, etc.

A lot of people also point it out when your medicine cat has the same prefix as a medicine cat in the books. Try to stay away from: Little, Flame, Leaf, Cinder, Alder, Mud, Moth, Willow, Jay, etc.

There are more warriors than anything else in the Clan. There should be 10-15. Like I said before, try to switch up prefixes and suffixes. Not every warrior should have the suffix tail, fur, pelt, etc. These cats are pretty important, most of them should have a few lines somewhere in your story.

These are cats training to be warriors. There are normally 2-7 apprentices at a time. Make sure you have less apprentices than warriors. Also, it's good to establish who mentors who, to prevent future confusion about it.

There are 1-5 elders in the books. They just sit around and eat, complain, or tell boring stories. They're very cute tho, it's always good to have them appear in your book.

The cats that are expecting or nursing kittens. There are normally 2 nursing queens, along with one that chooses to stay in the nursery even when they don't have kits. Like, Ferncloud. We can all agree that Fern had WAY too many kits. So, don't do that. In the books, there are 1-5 kittens in a litter.

I always thought that it was cute when kits have matching names, like a litter: Mothkit, Beetlekit, Spiderkit, and Waspkit. They all have bug names. It's cute!

Queens tend to have soft sounding names like Fern, Honey, Blossom, Cloud, Petal etc. They often have the suffix flower, which means a motherly cat.

So that's about it for the allegiances. As always, feel free to add anything. Bye :D

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