A lonely mind.

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As I awake from a deep sleep,
I find a struggle to crawl out of my bed,
I get dressed,
As thoughts of my day ho through my head,
As if a lonely mind like mine knows much,
I grabbed my bag to leave for school,
As the first couple of classes pass,
I think to myself about what I should do at lunch,
Sit alone? Talk to someone?
No way, I'm a distant mind,
Everyone is smarter than I,
I sit by a wall outside in the sun,
Eat my food then go to my locker,
Grab my things and continue school,
After I go home,
Sit in my room and drown myself in music Sally evening,
Can't sleep and night so I read,
Help people,
Make others feel good in themselves,
Finally fall asleep with some music,
And repeat it all in the following day.

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