Chp. 2- A Cabin And A Trap

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Chp. 2- A Cabin And A Trap

3rd Person POV

Annabeth sobs loudly looking at the empty bed. She releases Thalia and her sobs get lost in her throat but, tears still flow. She slowly walks over to the bed and places a hand on it. Athena walks forward also to console her child. She wraps her in a hug. Thalia has tears of her own. One of the annoying little brothers she never wanted is gone. She turns to her other "brother".

"Nico?" She asks her cousin softly. "Is he really..." She trails off unable to say the words. Jason rests a hand on her shoulder unsure off what to say.

"I-I didn't feel anything... But maybe it's cause he faded." He says the last word barely a whisper. Jason steals a glance at the son of Hades. Nico has a few tears but other than that his face is stony.

Soon eyes turn to Poseidon. He looks broken beyond repair. Below a freak hurricane has popped up in Florida. An earthquake somewhere in England.

"No. He can't be... Not a second time..." He says.

"I'm sorry brother," Zeus says seriously. Even he had a soft spot for his nephew.

"We all miss him already."

"Miss who?" A voice calls from the other side of the room.

Percy POV

I open my eyes and find myself in a hospital- no infirmary. But it doesn't look like the one at Camp. I sit up but I don't see or hear anyone. I hop out of bed and instantly feel dizzy. I ignore it and gain my balance. I slowly walk out of the room and down done halls soon I find myself outside. I recognize the style of the buildings as Olympus. I remember passing out I guess they brought me to the infirmary.

I think about teleporting to the throne room but even that drains me. I wander for a while until I find a fountain. I smile and step in the fountain and lay down. I instantly feel better. Soon I find myself drifting off to sleep.

I am woken by a scream. I am up in an instant. Riptide in hand. I hear another scream coming back the way I came. I run down the halls and soon it becomes evident... I'm lost. I pocket Riptide. I continues walking until I finally find myself back in the infirmary. I walk inside to hear crying and everyone surrounding a bed on the far side of the room.

"We all miss him already," I hear Zeus say.

"Miss who?" I ask. Everyone turns to stare at me instantly. Creepy.

"Someone gonna answer?" All I do is blink and suddenly I find myself in 1920, and I know: I'm the victim of a Weeping Angel.

Just Kidding. But that would have been better. Cause soon as I spoke I am yelled at by everyone. Various insults in varying languages. Deaths threats. I barely dodge a hammer, fire, lighting, daggers and the arrows launched in my direction. Though I seem to know exactly where they were going to go. Weird. Once everyone finally stops they glare in my direction.

"What!?" I yell.

"We thought you had faded! You were gone!" Thalia snaps.

"Faded? Why? I got up and walked around and feel asleep in a fountain until I heard a scream. I got lost too." No one answers my questions but instead I am given different replys.


"Kelp head."

"Fish face."

"Seaweed Brain."

"Sea Spawn."

"Now why would I have faded?" I ask once the insults stop.

"The island destroyed itself Perseus. Our sister is in pain. She was captured. Her cries destroyed it. The island in connected to you," Lachesis says as she appears along with Atropos. I blink to realize Clotho is gone. She may have been the most annoying fate but she still helped me. I feel my anger start but I bury my emotions and keep a straight face.

"Where are the Campers staying then. And how long have I been out?"

"Here on Olympus. And it's been two weeks," Annabeth says. I don't fail to notice her red puffy eyes and tear coated face.

"Two weeks?" I repeat bewildered. They all nod. I pause to think back to what happen running every detail in my head.

"Styx!" I yell facepalming.

"What?" Multiple voices ask.

"They saw me. I'm on camera. I blacked out briefly. I botched the mission. I'm so stupid," I groan flopping down in the chair I just summoned. Many people start asking questions but ignore all until Atropos speaks.

"Are you sure they saw you?"

"Yeah. I finished it though. As soon as I was about to leave they came in. I blacked out for a minute and another guy was there. I vapor traveled out. I doubt the Mist can cover that. And it's been two weeks. It's to late to change it."

"Mist. Hectate was captured as well. The Mist may not work. But, what's done is done. What are mortals going to do anyway? Let's stay focused on the war."


"What are we talking about?" Jason asks and I remember they are also there.

"When this happened I was in the middle of a mission."

"Like assassin stuff?" Dad asks in a small voice. I nod and summon myself some blue Cherry Coke. This is followed by an odd silence.

"Any developments?" I ask turning to conversation away from myself.

"Nothing solid," Athena admits. I groan in frustration.

"Well we can't really do anything until something solid happens."

"So are you saying we just sit and do nothing?" Annabeth protests.

"No. We train. We prepare. But tell me oh wonderful-daughter-of-Athena what are we supposed to do without a when? Or where? How many? W-"

"I get it," She huffs. I nod satisfied. I turn back to group who watch me expectantly.

"Stop staring. Last I checked I'm not the King." Everyone turns to Zeus.

"Umm. Well uh-" Zeus starts and I have a hard time containing my scoff. "Perseus is now an advisor in the coming war. He shall work with Athena and myself so he may lead us into battle. So what is next Perseus?" He asks with a smirk turning the attention to me. I sigh.

"Train. Harder. Scout in groups for short periods of time. I'm sure you already done so but, I want it happening more often. Everyone. Stay inside after dark. Watch the shadows. Nico-" I say turning to him. "Absolutely no shadow-traveling. Erebus is Primordial of Darkness. If you do there is no telling where you will end up. Olympians gather all warriors whether they gods, or creatures in your domain and rally them to fight. Tomorrow afternoon we meet see if the Titans are still in their prisons. For Now break."

With that I stand and turn to leave.

"Where are you going?" Annabeth asks.

"I'm not a full strength. Though I rather not for today I shall do basically nothing. Right now I'm going to find my siblings. Maybe bring them to a park? Where can I find them?"

"The my cabin built them a cabin," Leo says. I nod and follow him there. I frown at the thought of having a cabin.

"What?" Leo asks.

"I have a cabin. That means..." I don't continue but Leo understands and starts to burst out laughing. I groan and follow him. Soon we reach an impressive cabin.

"Annie designed it. While she sat next to your bed." I nod slowly as I stare it. It's all blue with gold waves carved into it. But that's not all. Scenes of battles, my friends, fallen and alive. The symbol: Riptide.

"You planning on going inside?" I push Leo playfully and walk inside. The inside is blue and gold with a small fountain. The fountain is simple but it has the word loyal written at least sixty times on it. The cabin has a bunch of little toys and is pretty messy. Well I'm messy and it's two kids...

I'm brought of my thoughts when two four year olds latch on to my legs.

"Percy!" Lily giggles. When I detach them Lily shows me her bracelet.

"Leo!" She says happily tapping the bracelet. Instantly a small blue sword is in her hand.

"Yeah I'm just gonna. Bye!" I hear Leo shout and his footsteps running away. I laugh.

"Max do you have one?" He smiles and taps his matching bracelet. Producing a matching sword.

"Well? Let's put those away and go to a park?" I suggest.

Tony Stark POV

"Can't we give this up already?" I groan. As I fly in a circle again.

"No. Fury's orders were clear," Cap says.

"It's been two weeks the kids not just gonna-"

"Found him!" Thor cuts in.

"What where?" I ask.

Five minutes later we have Perseus circled. We cover different areas of the park. He sits on a bench looking amused as his two siblings play. Soon less people come in as it begins to get dark. Perseus looks at the sky worriedly as the sun begins to set. As if afraid it might hurt him. He calls the two kids and we decide to make our move. We step out of hiding and surround him. Clint grabs a kid in each arm. The kids scream and kick but he doesn't release them. Perseus's eyes narrow.

"Put them down," He growls. His eyes flash with anger. I take an involuntary step back. I glance at Clint he seems tempted but doesn't put them down. Perseus glares at us- particularly Clint before glancing at the sky again. What so important about the sky? It's always there? He looks back to Clint.

"I will give you one more chance to let them go. Or I shall use violence. It will not end well," He warns.

"What's a kid going to do to us? We are the Avengers? Heard of us kid? Saved the world from aliens?" I mock. He looks at me generally confused.

"Should I have heard of you? To me you look like nerd. A human flag. Cat woman's stunt double. A cosplay addict. A metal guy with an ego. And a kidnapper guy version of Katniss." I stare at the kid. He shakes his head as if scolding himself. He turns back to Clint.

"Have you made your choice?" Clint tries to stay emotionless but it's ruined when he yelps in pain as teeth sink into his hand. He drops to girl who sprints to Percy and hides behind his leg. He scoops her up in one arm and stares at Clint. Clint holds the boy who begins to cry.

Perseus glares at Clint and instantly Clint's face contorts in pain.

"Perseus Jackson!" Thor yells. Perseus flinches at his name. But doesn't look away from Clint.

"We only wish to speak with you young hero. I know of what you have done. He is but a mortal. Release him and speak to me instead," Thor says stepping forward. Wait mortal? Perseus reluctantly looks to Thor. Clint's pain seems to lessen but he steals looks hurt. He still doesnt release the screaming boy.

"Don't expect me to bow," He says. "All I want is my brother. Or I will harm you."

"I believe you. Others would like to speak with you. Agree to come with us and we will release your brother." Perseus rolls his eyes. He turns back to Clint. In a second he is gone but his sister is still there. I hear a gasp and see Perseus with a sword to the back of Clint's neck. His brother sobbing quietly in his arm. He takes a step back and I want to fire but I could hit the kid. He walks back over to his sister and puts the boy down next to her.

"You have thirty seconds before I destroy you. Explain."

"Woah," Cap says his hands in a peace gesture. "Look kid we released him. Now can we talk?"

"You will just go right back and tell them my weakness. This is war last I checked. I'm not giving them an advantage," He says getting into a fighting stance sword in hand.

"What war?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.

"Don't play dumb with me. You have a chance. Surrender and join our side. Or... I can make you an example."

"Listen kid, what war are you talking about? There isn't a war."

"Not quite yet. It's shall start soon," a deep voice says. I turn around to see a man dressed in completely black. Even his skin a pitch black. His eyes are a reddish back. He laughs a cold laugh.

"Believe it or not Perseus. These mortal and the Norse god speak the truth. They weren't part of this," He says. I turn back to Perseus. He looks up to the sky to see it getting dark. He glares at the figure.

"Erebus," He snarles.

"The war shall come soon young god. I shall see you then. My wife as well as your grandfather can't wait to see you again. Until then, I brought you some friends," With that said he fades into nothing. In his place hundreds of disgusting creatures.

"Styx. He used you guys as a trap! Styx!" Perseus yells behind me.

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