Chp. 4- Chased by a Hurricane

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Chp. 4- Chased by a Hurricane

3rd Person POV

The Avengers watch as Agent Maria Hill leads Percy out of the room. All of them deep in their own thoughts.

"Wow. He's so young," Steve comments.

"That wasn't even the whole story," Thor says quietly.

"What do you mean?" Fury asks raising his eyebrow. Thor pauses and seems to be having a fight with himself.

"He says I can tell you. So-"

"Wait how'd you talk to him?" Tony asks.

"God stuff. Now I'll continue. At age twelve he ventured to the Underworld and recovers the Zeus' master bolt, stopping a war. Thirteen he went into the Sea of Monsters and recovered the Golden Fleece. Fourteen he saved Lady Artemis and held the sky. Fifteen he wandered the Laybrinth and found the lost god Pan, before he faded. Sixteen... He told you the rest. He also bore the Curse of Achilles. He also has a knack for pissing off every immortal he meets," He finishes chuckling sadly.

All stare a Thor before they get caught up in their own thoughts. Steve and Bruce stare at the door with shock clearly etched on their faces. Natasha still seems to be processing. Thor stares at the wall thinking about meeting the Olympians. Clint is wondering why Percy hasn't killed him. And Fury is stuck in between admiring the hero and wanting to punch the guy for insulting him.

Percy walks into the spare bedroom they gave him and looks it over. He quickly summons a bunch of lights and lamps and places them across the room. Once all are installed the room as bright enough to put Vegas to shame. 'Good luck with the electricty bill.' He thinks.

Now to be clear Percy was never afraid of the dark or his own shadow and he is not now. But it's good to be catious when both are out to kill you. He checks the room once more before sitting on the bed. It's not like he plans to sleep anyways. Someone could turn off the lights. But now he needs something to do... After a moment he comes up with a brilliant idea.

He flashes himself into some swim trunks and summons a jacuzzi. He turns it on and smile as he gets in.

Annabeth sighs as she puts Max and Lily to bed. Percy just had to get himself in trouble. Again...

Percy POV

I leads the Avengers into the Empire State Building. Orginally I planning on just bringing Thor but, the others *cough* Eyepatch *cough* kept asking questions and trying to be intimidating. Key word trying. I decided to give them the full experience and take the elevator. I walk in and I see all eyes turn on us. For a variety of reasons. The people at the desk stare at me. Everyone else mulling around stare at the Avengers. Ego seems to be enjoying it by waving at everyone. I desperately want to punch him.

We all get in the elevator and once it's just us I summon a pass and put in the slot. A ding is heard and we are on our way to Olympus. We stand silently listening to the music. A good song starts to come on and I smile. Apollo must have finally gotten better.

Then it switches back to its terrible music. He must have heard me.

"Love you too Apollo!" I shout the Avengers other than Thor look at me weirdly. Ignore them and the music plays louder. I roll my eyes and endure the music. When the doors finally open I walk out and turn back to the Avengers. Their faces are priceless.

"You like it?" I ask. "My girlfriend designed it," I say turning around and keep walking. I walk down the streets of Olympus which have changed. Street vendors have traded their goods for weapons. But they still call out like they are selling hot dogs... I'm serious.

"Daggers! Get your daggers here! Buy one get one for only 5 Drachamas!"

I walk a bit more before Leo runs up out of breath.

"War meeting. Now." He huffs. I laugh and we walk a bit quicker. I walk with Leo at the front while the Avengers gawk at everything.

"So those are the Avengers?" Leo asks staring happily at Ego. "And that's..."

"Yup that's Ego- Tony." He nods happily before turning around.

"Sup? Leo 'Flamin' Valdez. Son of Hephestus," He says lighting a his hair for emphasis. I roll my eyes and drag him along. At the throne room I see we are the last to arrive. All smile in greeting well Apollo gives me a smirk.

"I have an awesome idea!" Hermes voice says in my head.

"What? Now?" Athena asks.

"Let's play up the whole Percy being a god thing!" His statement is met by a variety of yes and no.

"Why?" Hazel asks.

"Cause we can show them how powerful we are," Zeus interjects. "We are doing it!"

"It's not going to work..." Annabeth mutters.

Bruce POV

I stare at the room in awe. I look up to the Greek Gods. They all look about 20ft tall and sit upon giant thrones in togas and full armor. There is a guy in the middle with a lighting bolt- Zeus I think waves his hand and Another throne appears at the end. This one is a dark blue with gold waves and pictures of people carved in. Percy step towards the new throne and a bright flash of light causes me to close my eyes. When I open them Percy sits on the the new blue throne.

He doesn't wear a toga but, does wear armor and a large sword sits on his lap. A helmet he twirls on his finger like a ball. I glance at Clint who has pales and takes a few steps back. I hear Tony chuckle beside me. The kids in the room step forward and bow, Thor does the same. Unsure I follow suit.

"Can we start now?" He asks in bored tone. I stand up and Zeus clears his throat.

"These are the mortals?" He asks with distaste, waving his hand in our direction.

"Yup," He says with a wave of his hand making chairs appear behind everyone except Clint.

"Well Thor's Norse god of thunder. The rest? mortals. Natasha Romanoff. Bruce Banner. Steve Rogers. Kidnap- Clint Barton. Tony Stark but I like to call him Ego. Though no one could beat you in that Zeusy-" Zeus growls but I hear other stifling laughter.

"Then finally there is the oh-so-mighty-director Nick Fury. Or Eyepatch. Hades is he..." Percy trails off pointing his sword at Fury while looking at the creepy looking guy on the end.

"No," Creepy- Hades answers. Percy sighs.

"Why you call him Kidnap?" The guy with the trident- Poseidon asks.

"Actually I was planning on saying Kidnapper Katniss. But that's a story for later. Right now let's talk war."

"Demigods report," Zeus thunders. A girl with blonde hair steps forward.

"Nothing new about when or where. I was talking with my mom and we think they are not yet a full strength and are simply buying our time."

"We are unsure what they need to gain full strength though," A goddess with black hair continues.

"Athena! The goddess of wisdom doesn't know something we are doomed!" A young looking god shouts with blonde hair. A few others smile but Athena scowls at him.

"Also," A blonde kid with blue eyes and a scar on his lip says stepping forward. "We are training harder than ever. The younger ones we have helping the Apollo or Demeter Cabin."

"They have ADHD that isn't gonna last much longer. Let's play capture flag," Percy says with a smile.

"No!" Leo complains. "You and Artemis destroyed us!"

"Play better next time."

"You knocked me out! Gods shouldn't be allowed to play!" Percy rolls his eyes.

"I played before you knew I was a god." He opens his mouth to argue but is cut off.

"Perseus can we focus on this war council? Barnacle Beard control your son," Athena commands.

"Shut it Owl Head," Poseidon says. "Percy don't encourage the walking fireball."

"Walking fireball? That's a new one," Leo says only to be slapped by a girl with choppy brown hair and multicolored eyes. All eyes turn back to the King of the Gods.

"Perseus is the advisor," Zeus says. Eyes turn to Percy but I can't help but, wonder why the King isn't in charge.

"Okay. Have you gathered from your domains?" Percy asks. They all go around the room naming different beings that can help. I hear weird ones, Cyclopses, Skeletons, to name a few.

"The mortals could be semi useful," Athena remarks. "Move the rest of the mortals out the city. Though we don't yet when the battle will occur."

"We will help in anyway," Steve says. Though at the same time Tony says

"That's all we can do?"

"Stony!" A goddess in pink yells.

"Mom!" The rainbow eyed girl shouts.

"Excuse me ma'am?" Steve asks politely.

"Stony. Steve and Tony. Though I prefer Clintasha. Bruce I need someone to ship you with. I need to talk to Eros. Though if course Percabeth forever!" She squeals she points at the gray eyed girl and she disappears only to appear in a small chair on Percy's lap (Percy is normal size). Both red faced.

"Would you stop doing that!" Percy yells snapping once and appearing back in his throne. The two begin to bicker but I'm brought away from it by being talked to.

"Will you like"

"Turn all"


"And stuff?" Two guys who look like twins ask finishing each other's sentences. They come and stand next to me.

"Uh? It's not the best idea. I can't really-"

"Stolls!" Percy yells. "Give the guy back his wallet."

"Perce! Come on!" One complains stepping back and handing me a wallet- my wallet. The other holds up my watch. I take both quickly and they walk away.

"Can we just-" he is cut off by two familiar little kids running in. They are followed by a teenage girl who is out of breath. The two kids run of the giant Percy.

"Percy is big!" The little boy giggles. Percy smiles and shrinks along with his throne pulling them in his lap. The two refuse to sit still and kick their legs.

"Gwen?" Percy warns with a glance to the kid at the door.

"They may have gotten into Dakota's kool aid stash." He rolls his eyes.

"Ah! Meanie!" The girl shouts suddenly pointing a small sword in Clint's direction.

"Get him Percy!" The boy yells. Percy shrugs and a small hurricane about three feet tall appears at Clint's feet. Clint takes a step back but it follows. He takes another before running to the otherside of the room. It follows.

Now Hawkeye is running back and forth. No one speaks and watches amused. He runs back again to be met with a wall of fire. He yelps and turns around and falls face planting into a hurricane. After a few moment Zeus speaks.

"This is going no where meeting ajourned," Zeus says still staring at Clint.

As if my life couldn't stranger.


I know the end was suckish. Whatever. I was thinking of the next chapter of

Apprentice and realized I haven't updated this. So here ya go.


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