Chapter 2

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:) so much inspiration for this book that I just cant stop writing.

Cinder POV

'Seems Raven backed off after her attack failed. That defence... it seems to have to openings. Well, an order is an order. I'll wait till they tired each other out to snatch the masked faunus. I'm pretty sure he is the reason for the disappearance of grimm in this area.' I thought as I watched the two observe each other for weaknesses.

"Fire Style!" The masked individual said as he did hand signs before blowing out a large fireball in which Raven in trun doged to the left while avoiding the stringes of sand that all tried to grab her.

"What the hell was that?!" Mercury whisper yelled to us as we were all gaping at the new revaluation.

"That is not a sembalance. It has to be magic. The question is how is there another male magic user besides Ozpin? Our queen is going to kill us if we don't get him." Cinder says to her subordinates.

Eraga POV

'So is amazing. Dodging the onslaught I've been bringing her way is nearly impossible unless someone is beond skilled. Tho this match is getting tiresome. System give me the new jutsu rewards now, other quest reward can wait.' I say as I prepare to end this battle.

[New Jutsu Recieved!

Chidori: Kakashi's specialty jutsu that infuses lightning chakra with a change in chakra nature to produce an A class jutsu. Cost 8000 Chakra

Water Dragon Jutsu: user summons a dragon made of water and launches it at an enemie. Can only be used if there is water nearby. Cost 4000 chakra

Puppet Master Jutsu: allows user to control puppets. Costs 400 x number of puppets/ sec]

'Guess that will work.' I thought to my self as Raven's eyes gained a glow that went unnoticed to everyone as she suddenly launch at me and slashed causing a small explosion to engulf me.


'Ha I got him. Can't believe he managed to make me resort to the power of the spring maiden to beat him. To bad I couldn't have him join the tribe.' Raven thought to herself as the smoke clear and she saw something she couldn't believe.

'His face is .... cracking. What the hell is he!?!' Raven screamed at the sight of an unfazed Eraga with cracks covering his body as if he was made of proclien.

Meanwhile Cinders group was just as surprised.

"He's a fucking monster!" Mercury said in bnb horror of what's happening.

"Kukukukuku. All that effort and all you did was activate my secondary line of defence." Eraga said as a piece of his defence flaked off before the cracks fixed themselves and filled in the part the flaked off.

"Now it is time to end this. Chidori! One Thousand Birds!" Eragon yells has the sound of chirping fills the battlefield.

'He can use lighting too?!?!' Ravem and Cinder's group mentiall yelled in surprise as the next words Eraga would say would instill a sense of fear of the young faunus.

"This move is one so powerful it was used to cut lightning!" Eraga then charges Raven who attempts to use he sword to defend but he slips around and stabs her in a non vital area before backing off.

"Since you actually managed to get past the first layer of my defence I'll let you live as a reward." Eraga says out aloud as mentally he is annoying about meeting one of his rwby waifus.

"D-damn you!" Raven says before passing out. As Eraga turns around and begins to walk off as the sand returns into the gourd.

"Also, you three can stop that pitiful display of stealth. It's honestly disappointing... expected Salem's followers to at least be compentient enough to hide their presence." Eraga stops before lifting his hand causing sand to rise out of the ground and grab the three stalkers.

"How!?" Cinder yelled in surprise as she and her companions could only wait for what's to come.

"Kukukuku, a Shinobi like me are masters of stealth. So spotting amateurs is pretty easy. Anyways to prevent you from following me the sand will hold you will I'm well away from here." Katma says as he disappears into the forest.

"RRRAAAHHHGHH" Cinder angrily yells as she uses the her maiden powers to escape the trap. Before she then let's Emerald and Mercury out of their traps before going to where he disappeared.

" Damn it! He left no trace of where he went. Guess all we can do is report to mistress." Cinder says as she slowly calms down.

"Wait didn't you say she will kill is of we didn't catch him?" Emerald questions as she realizes their heads are on the line.

"She will spare us for now. The information we gained is enough to satisfy her enough so she won't kill us for now. Tho she will want him alive even more since he is a fellow magic user like her and Ozpin. He better be watching himself for of she gets impatient she will go after him herself, and of she has to do that he will suffer." Cinder says as she shivers at the thought.


Eraga POV

'Yes yes yes yes yes!' I yelled mentally due to the rewards I've gotten. Kakashi's mask,a sharigan left eye, Akasuki cloak, sooo much lien, and due to completing a hidden quest I got Hidan's scythe.


[Hidan's Scythe: A scythe used by the immortal member of the Akasuki. It has a rope atached to it so that the user can throw it at enemies. The triple blades make the scythe much more deadly for ot can hit three different vital areas all at once.]

'Now I don't have to use a kunai as much for close combat. This scythe is perfect for both close and long range.' I thought as I began to swing the scythe around gaining a new skill and a few new quests.

[New Skill

Scythe Combat: user is now more skilled and effective in combat while using a scythe. Level 5/50]

[New Quests

Gai's Training: You have did Kakashi's training and now it is time to test the power of your youth with training from Kakashi's youthful rival.

Defeat 10 deathstalkers using only taijitsu while wearing 100 lbs weights.

Way of the puppet master: craft your own ninja puppet.

Hidan's training: use the scythe to slaughter enemie.

Kill 200 grimm
Kill 20 people
Kill a heathen



Black Ant

10 levels of scythe combat

Opening of the first inner gate

Knowledge of how to do Gai's special Taijitsu


New jutsu

Shop Chest

Shop chest key]

"This is going the be interesting..... probably going to regret doing the Gai's Training quest tho" I said out loud as my journey continues.


Hope yall like the book so far. I'll try to do daily chapters and sometimes I'll do what I did today and do a triple update. Anyways be safe and have a great time. And be sure to vote if you like the book.

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