Chapter 6

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Wooo this book is a rollin. Just so yall know I wokr as a discord staff manager for a Youtuber friend of mine. He gives me youtube premium codes and does giveaways I sometimes win. I usually give away these so if you ever want a youtube premium just dm me and I'll make you priority if my friends don't want it.

Also just so yall know the more yall vote the quicker I'll publish cause how fast I write depends on motivation. For example if yall do like 30 votes in less than a day on 1 chapter I'll most likely will post 2 or more chapters a day. 10 votes more than 24hrs after publishing well you may be lucky if I post within a week



Since last chapter two weeks has past. Now the plan is in action. Proof of Jacques' mistreatment of faunus has been gained. Now the operation has begun.

We now cut to kist outside of Schnee manor where two guard now being dragged away by two figures covered in shadow. The figures now using jutsu to appear as the guards use the guards pass codes to enter the property.

"Purple go fetch the boy. I'll get Jacques." The leader says as they split up.

The red mask clone disguised as a guard now makes his way torwards Jacques' work study.

'Just as planned. Well be in and out before anyone suspects a th-' Red's thought is cut off by a voice. Turning he sees Willow Schnee.

" Wheyyyyy are youuu hearrrrr and not at yourrr posssflt." Willow spurs obviously drunk. Most likely drink away the trouble her horrid husband has brought to her.

" I am here to deliver a full report of the weeks guard duty to Mr.Schnee. now if you will excuse me I really should be going." Red replies quickly leaving.

A few minutes later Red enters Jacques' study to see the man passed out.

'This is gonna be a lot easier than expected.' Red says to himself as he take out and enjects the currupt businessman with sedadate. " Green this is red. Meet at base when your target is secure. My target is secure, so don't mess up on yours." Red reies before opening the window and jumping out with Jacques slung over his shoulder.

Meanwhile Purple has also secured his target. Unfortunately he has to make some guards.... disappear...





By telling them that there was a new strip club offering a free show a few blacks down... What? You thought he killed them? No no nooooo, they wouldn't do such a thing to guards that are just doing their jobs.


In an abandoned warehouse it was time. Time for the big reveal.


And action.

The scene cuts to Remnants new network as they are currently telling the top new of Remnant.

"And toda-" Lisa Lacender is cut off by the screen changing. Revealing two individuals. One with a red mask and the other with a purple mask. Behind them was someone many recognize. Shock spread through all Remnant as they realize Hacques was tied and gagged behind the new individuals.

White Fang? No they wear different mask so who were these newcomers everyone wondered. Then they spoke.

"Hello Remnant! We are the Hidden Blades. As you can see we have Jacques Schnee and his son bound behind us. Now you may be wondering why we kidnapped the richest man in Remnant? It's simple really. They stand in the way of my groups goals.
Just what are our goals you may ask? Well it's simple, we want unity and equality between faunus and human. These two disgraces of the human race are some that stand in the way of that unity and equality. Jacques' mistreatment of the faunus has inspired the drastic actions of the White Fang and that in return inspired further hatred from humans." The masked man said as he quickly grabbed his sword and plunged it into the young boy.

" This boy here. Well he hasn't done anything wrong.... YET! His despicable father has been molding him into a copy of himself. The boy unlike his sisters accepted this molding, and as such must be put down. After the execution we will publish all of the horrendous thing little Jacques has done on every website on Remnant over and over again for the next month. As you can tell my friend has multiple arms. He is a spider faunus so he will be the one to end the person who has tormented his people, but first we will share to you our means of achieving our goals.
As I already share unity and equality between humans and faunus is our goals. A few obsticals stand in our way. First is Jacques. The second obstical is the White Fang. The reason why is that their attacks only inspire fear and hatred for faunus. They served their part well but their time in now up. The third obstical is Atlas. This so called protectors of Remnant has allowed Jacques to mistreat and torture faunus kind. By protecting and supporting such a monster is not what I call a protector, but a false usurper.
Now that you know the truth join us, the Hidden Blade, and help us put an end to these threats so the unity and equality can truly happen. If you are wondering we already have members. Those members will not be revealed, yet. Just know that they are part of the Hidden Blade's inner circle. In order to be in the inner circle you must be capable of single handedly take down two groups of trained huntsman.
Now get ready Remnant cause the Hideen Blade will cut down all who oppose unity." The man finnished his monologue as the purple masked man began to torture Jacques for the camera to see.

That night was a night of fear, anger, and celebration. The fear came from those in Atlas that realized that if someone can somehow do all this to Jacques was indeed a threat. Anger came from Atlas as well for the fact that their name has been ruined. Last but not least celebration came from the faunus happy to see justice dealt.

Then the evidence of Jacques came. It shook those that called Remnant to its core. Jacques tormented not only the faunus but his family. He used dirty tactics to gain the Schnee company in the first place. Riots began all across Remnant against Atlas. The reason was simple. They allowed Jacques to get away with everything.

In less than a week all attention has shifted away from Eraga and now onto the new threat,.... the Hidden Blade.

Meanwhile the Hidden Blade had a boom in power. Hundreds of people lined up to join them at secret meetings.

A new power has arisen. And Remnant is in for a storm bigger than what it can handle.

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