Thursday: Four Cents

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The next day Trixy showed up at Norah's apartment wanting to know details of the walk home. They grabbed coffee but avoided Muddy's, opting for a different coffee house. During their BART ride, Norah confessed the uncomfortable farewell and could see Trixy's shoulders drop with defeat.

"I guess he's not Prince Charming after all." Trixy frowned sympathetically.

"I just feel so... so..." Norah shook her head with furrowed brows. "Disappointed."

"I could be wrong." Trixy shrugged and rubbed Norah's arm. "Bear sure doesn't like the guy though. He seemed really worried about Cole walking you home."

Norah recalled the look on his face as she left. Maybe that's what it was, a simple dislike for Cole? A protective instinct? She looked down at her feet and saw a shiny penny at her toes.

"Hey look!" She pointed.

"That's the fourth penny this week!" Trixy realized.

"You think I should give Cole another shot? Maybe that's what this penny means." Norah contemplated as she picked up the coin. "Maybe last night was just an off day?"

"Maybe." Trixy shrugged. "I guess we'll have to find out."

Walking through the lobby of their office building, Norah decided she was going to forget about the awkward night and try again with Cole. People deserved second chances. After all, if she had never given Trixy a chance then she wouldn't have learned how kind she is. Truthfully, Trixy was the closest she had come to making a friend since moving to San Francisco. At the elevator they paused and stared at a sign that read,


The Annual Mixer for our building's professionals has arrived! Come join us tomorrow starting at 8:00p for drinks, catered food, dancing and a chance to get to know your peers!

Attire is semi-formal so please shine up your shoes and be ready for a fun night of boogying.

Building Mngmt

"Please tell me we're doing this!" Trixy pointed to the sign.

"I forgot all about it actually."

Trixy placed her hand on Norah's arm, "you and Cole should go together! It'll be like Cinderella at the Ball and a chance for him to redeem himself."

They stepped into the elevator and Norah considered it. Each of them took their usual spots but this time when Cole walked in his eyes landed on Norah. He squeezed over to her side and leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. It immediately made her knees gelatinous and the night before was instantly forgotten! Funny how such a gesture could retreat that voice in her head. He whispered a good morning in her ear, causing a flush in her face. If he tried anything else, Norah swore she would pass out from joy because her heart was fluttering so hard that she thought she could see her chest jumping. Maybe their quasi date-night was just a fluke? When the elevator doors opened to level six, he leaned into her again and whispered,

"See you later."

Renewed hope filled Norah's heart and she entered the eighth floor on a carpet of clouds. When the girls finally made it into the office, they parted ways for the morning. She kept busy with emails and reviewing the latest ad campaign the company was contracted to do. She brainstormed catchy phrases while trying to visualize a storyline for the presentation but her mind kept bouncing back to Cole. Sometimes the thoughts brought butterflies to her stomach and then other times she shook her head feeling confused. His eager hands... but then the sweet gentle kisses to her cheek... it was as if he was a different person entirely when drinking.

By lunch Norah was sick of her conflicting thoughts over Cole so to distract herself she decided to talk to Trixy. Plus she was eager to find out if anything happened with her and Barrett after the Casanova Lounge. So as Norah leaned over the reception desk, Trixy revealed in a whisper how Barrett was sweet and walked her home but that he only kissed her on the cheek.

"On the cheek? I'm surprised! It seemed like the two of you were really into each other." Norah replied.

"Well sure, I'm attracted to him but to be honest, I think he has a crush on you."

"Are you kidding me? I'm like a dart board to him!" Norah chuckled. Using her fingers, she began counting off, "he pats my head like a dog when I walk by, calls me an infinite amount of synonyms for my height, he always plays some sort of prank on me... how on earth are these signs of love?"

"Didn't your Mama ever teach you that boys tease girls because they like them?"

"That's only when you're a kid!" Norah laughed again.

Trixy reached out and cloaked her hands over Norah's. She shifted her gaze toward the Art Department. "Look at him. You don't find him the least bit attractive?"

Norah glanced over her shoulder and saw Barrett through the glass wall. His arms were folded as he scrutinized the art a coworker held up for him. Then his eyes drifted to the reception desk and when he saw the girls staring at him, the corners of his mouth lifted.

He raised his hand in a wave and mouthed hello. Norah wasn't going to admit it but she stopped breathing and her stomach did a tiny somersault. He did look attractive, in fact, the first time Norah ever met Barrett she thought he was but at that point her sights were already on Cole. Now as she stared at him, she realized just how green his eyes were. It may have been the mixture of fluorescent light and the sun's natural rays casting into the Art Department but his eyes practically glowed.

"He's hot." Trixy declared.

Norah turned back to her. "Ok, so he's kinda cute."

"Kind of? Try BIG TIME cute."

"Ok, ok, he's more than just cute but I think you're wrong about his feelings. Besides, the pennies are working. I suddenly have Cole's attention and that's what I've been wanting. Right?"

Trixy glanced back over to Barrett with a sigh and Norah took another peek at him too. Deep down, that little voice told her that maybe what she really wanted was in front of her all along. Sure Barrett teased her but it was mostly playful and they always got along from day one despite the teasing. Plus, out of everyone in the office he took the time to say hello or ask how her day was going. He could be sweet when he wasn't horsing around. And there was that time he had noodle soup delivered to her apartment when she called into work sick. She shook the thought away. Cole was what she wanted and the pennies were guiding him to her.

That afternoon, she stood next to Barrett in the Art Department discussing the artwork for their client. As he shuffled from draft to draft, he would nudge her with his elbow, momentarily taking her off balance. The first few times she ignored it, but by the fourth, she had enough.

"Could you STOP shoving me?"

Barrett smiled and looked down at her. "I'm just messing with you. You're so tiny. It's adorable."

With a stomp of her foot, Norah balled her fists and reached up to grab the collar of his shirt. She pulled him down at eye-level to her and glared.

"Does it feel adorable being at my height?"

Barrett tried to hold in his laughter by clamping down on his lips but the more Norah glared at him, the more her expression melted. She went from angry, to serious, then to a smile she tried desperately to hold back. When she couldn't take it anymore, the laughter exploded from her mouth and Barrett doubled over chuckling as well. She released his shirt and clamped her hands over her mouth.

"You're strong for a Hobbit." Barrett said with a nudge to her shoulder.

Still giggling she said, "thank you, Gandalf!"

They locked eyes, their laughter subsiding and Norah found herself admiring his irises again. They were unlike any green she had seen before and they contrasted marvelously with the dark messy waves on top of his head. She guessed that if she could reach up and run her fingers through it, that it would feel like sinking ones toes into a shag rug. Cozy. As much as she imagined running her hands through Cole's hair, it was always styled and would undoubtedly become messy if she tried. Barrett's on the other hand wouldn't change if she played with it. She liked that. Then she realized that she and Barrett were just standing there staring at each other! She could just feel her face go warm again and turned away before he could notice.

She cleared her throat. "Are you going to that mixer tomorrow tonight?"

Barrett leaned his elbows on the drafting table and gazed at her profile. "Free booze and food? Of course! You?"

"Trixy is excited about it, so yes."

"Are the two of you Bff's? You're attached at the hip lately." He teased.

"I think it's a little too soon to say we're best friends." Norah replied.

Barrett drummed his pen on the drafting table. "Maybe but she seems to care about you a lot. The other night she went on and on about how she admires you."

"Really? I don't think anyone's admired me before..." Norah stared off to the reception desk where Trixy sat.

"Speaking of conversation," Barrett began. "I overheard you telling Cole how much you miss your Mom and wish you could afford to fly her out here."

"You heard that?" She jerked her head back to him.

"Sorry... guess I was being nosey."

"No." Norah waved her hands protesting. "It's ok, it's just that Cole didn't really acknowledge it so I figured he couldn't hear me over the music."

Barrett ran his hand over his hair repeatedly, a weary look on his face. "Yeah well, he's not the greatest listener. If it's not about himself then he's not interested."

"That's not true!"

With eyes wide, Barrett stopped stroking his hair. "Are you kidding me? Norah, how many times did he cut you off and start talking about himself? I even lost count!"

Straightening out her posture Norah huffed, "You were counting!"

"Norah." He shook his head and cupped her chin. "I know how Cole operates. He thinks you're attractive and wants only one thing." With emphasis he added, "Don't. Fall. For. His. Games."

She turned her chin away from him but could still feel the warmth of his fingers against her skin. Maybe Barrett was just jealous of Cole? Or what if he wanted her for himself? Her heart did a little flip with that thought so she pushed the idea away. Perhaps all he needed was a love connection of his own?

Turning back toward him she said, "I think you and Trixy could make a cute couple. You seem really into each other."

Barrett threw his head back with a laugh. "Wow, so we're changing the subject? Ok, to answer your question, Trixy's attractive and sweet, just not my type."

"But she's so out-going and funny." Norah replied.

"Yes, Trixy is a good catch but I don't want to date a girl who tells grosser stories than me."

Her heart rate quickened, suddenly feeling nervous but she asked the following question anyway, "well, then what is your type?"

When she shifted her gaze up to him, Barrett was studying her as if he was considering carefully how to answer. He was about to open his mouth and reply but their boss walked in to remind them of the afternoon office meeting. When she left they both turned back to each other and stared with so many unspoken words between them. Norah could feel her palms go sweaty, while at the same time it was as if someone was running a feather, teasingly up her belly. Except no one was. They were just nervous flutters like the ones she often felt staring at Cole. Barrett took a deep, noticeable swallow that made his Adam's Apple bob.

"We should go." He swiped a hand through his hair and left it resting on his shoulder. "You know how she gets when we're late."


They walked silently to the conference room, their knuckles brushing periodically with their strides. Each time it happened Norah held a breath. They had walked together to the conference room on multiple occasions but this time, it was different. As if they should be holding hands... However, Norah brushed the thought away and even cupped her mouth, muffling the giggle that escaped. She was being ridiculous! She and Barrett had zero chemistry. Right? She tried to convince herself.

Yet, during those two excruciatingly boring hours, Norah kept glancing over at Barrett and sometimes she would find him staring at her. Each time their eyes met, she could feel her heart pitter faster and her thoughts betrayed her. Cole Collins was out of sight, out of mind and instead Barrett occupied that space. They kept up their little game of catching one another's glance and she found herself smiling over it. Barrett was too and it felt like they held a secret between them. What that secret was? Norah did not know. However, what she did know was that it was as if she was finally seeing Barrett. Whereas before he was just there but never a romantic thought.

His eyes.

His hair.

Their easy conversation.

She was lost in it.

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