shivika 1

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Chiều cao dòng are you all. I know i am not updating regular but I can't help other than writing this book...while watching a movie I got a plot for this story...hope all you like it

This story starts a hero character Shivaay proposing anika , the Tamil girl.

Shivaay :"Anika , I know I have done lot of mistakes and hurt you lot ....I am sorry anika for giving you so much pain , before meeting you my life was like black and white but then you come and filled my life with rainbow of colors .you make me see happiness in small , small things, you not only broke my car windshield but also my ego and my belief on become candle to my darkness, melting yourself to give me light in my dark phrase....anika I realized my mistake, I promise anika hereafter I will change our life in to bed full of Roses....only happiness will be there .... this is not a promise of shivaay Singh oberio...instead it's a promise of anika shivaay....will you marry me anika ?

Shivaay asked anika kneeling before her in the oberio mansion while all the oberios look at her waiting for her answer ....omru look at each other in happiness, knowing anika will accept shivaay proposal

Anika was shocked by shivaay proposal, she thought she will leave from shivaay life after returning him back to his family as loving son and brother but here he proposed anika totally suprising her ....anika felt like her heat breaking once again as she know , once again she is going to break his heart and going to leave him ...she look at shivaay eyes only to find love for her ...she know the answer she is going to give him , not only going to break her relationship with shivaay but also with oberios.

Rudra : " come on bhabhi, answer my bhiya question....look he reduced two inches due to kneeling for few minutes...if you keep on making him wait then during marriage everyone will mock us saying "groom is shorter than bride "

On hearing rudra ....everyone laughed , while shivaay face turn red in anger

Shivom : "shut up rudra"

Shakthi :" come on anika ...answer shivaay, this way we can start the marriage preparation for you guys marriage soon "

Dadi :"yea shakthi , you're right ....the marriage should be done in a grand manner with all the rituals "

Tej :"ofcourse maa, it will happen in grandmanner only after all it's a oberio family marriage "

Om:"shivaay this time ,I am are in bride side . You have to get mine and rudra permission before marrying our didi "

On hearing om , anika thoughts went to her family , whom she haven't meet for five years ...her family who treats and pamper her like princess but make her stay away from them for her own safety ...the family who are waiting for her arrival

Anika :" can't happen " anika shouted ...startling everyone by her words

Omru who are joking look at anika in shocked and confused manner while a tiny bit of fear hit shivaay , he felt like he is going to lose her but didn't show it in his face

Shivaay :"what can't happen's if you don't want omru to be in bride side ...but I personally feel that it would be best if they are in your side as they are more your devars than my brother...anika this time our marriage will happen according to your wish only ....happy now " he said still kneeling

Shivaay said looking at anika with a smile in his face and love in his eyes ...making anika more guilty...unable to control herself on seeing everyone love on her....tears fall from her eyes...with the broken voice anika answered shivaay question....making his heart broke

Anika : " I wish I could say yes to shivaay...but I can't...I am sorry shivaay but you can't be the perfect groom that my family chooses for me ....who I promised to marry before I arrived Mumbai " she said breaking shivaay heart once again while leaving everyone at shock

Omru :"family...which family anika bhabhi....I thought sahil is your only family"

Anika :" , sahil is my father friend own family is in Tamil nadu waiting for me with my fiance Vijay devar konda to whom I got engaged to five years ago ...but due to some problems I was forced to separate from them "

On hearing anika , shivaay heart broke more...he felt like he will die due to the pain of his heart break...he can't believe he fall in love with the girl ...only to lose her....shivaay felt betrayed and hurt ...tears of pain fall down from his eyes ...even pinky felt bad on seeing shivaay expression ....with great difficulty shivaay asked anika the question which was swimming in his mind after her revelation about her finance

Shivaay:" you love him...I mean do you love your fiance " shivaay asked while everyone look at anika for her answer..

Okay guys....tell me do you like this you want me to continue or not

Another one thing since anika family are tamilians..I am thinking of adding Tamil actors as characters...If you guys don't like it...tell me I will change the characters

I will update this story....when I have free time my exams are there from 25 April to 10 may...I won't update till may 10th....sorry for making you guys wait


I hope I didn't leave anyone...if I did I am sorry ....waiting for you guys reviews

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