shivika 2

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Hai..after seeing the response to this story ...I can't control myself..from writing this part..

Thanks to mira_410,princesssrr0813,Harinistyles2000,Pjcutee,Dare_devil1997, Mansi_SR,pari220,Abby_bhi

Shivaay :"Answer me anika, do you love your fiance.."

On hearing shivaay everyone look at anika waiting for her answer...unknown to themselves omru move towards shivaay to hold if anika answers " Yes"

Anika :"yes I love him but not as women love a man , I love him as friend...from childhood he is there for me and because of me only he lost his parents...if my family happiness is in me marrying him means ....then I will marry him. Nothing important to me then my family happiness, if need I am ready to sacrifice my love and life for then...which is you shivaay ...I love you ...I still love you inspite of your mistakes and the pain you gave me but if I have to choose between my family or you...then I will choose them only...I will only marry a person who my family choose as a Perfect groom for me "

Anika said while tears falling from her eyes on the thought of leaving shivaay for her family...but she is ready to do it for her family happiness....all the oberios are shattered by anika words but they understand her as like shivaay, she is too giving importance to her family....if shivaay can marry anika forcefully for saving his family reputation, then why can't anika marry someone who her family chooses for her ...for her family happiness...

All are lost in deep thoughts...when rudra suddenly exclaimed

Rudra " bhabhi I have an idea...due to this idea you can marry your perfect groom according to your family choice and also you no need to separate from shivaay bhiya.."

Om :"what nonsense you're talking rudra...are you asking anika bhabhi to cheat her husband...after her marriage to him..."

Rudra :"what...when did I say dumbbell omkara...I could never ever ask my bhabhi to do something like this ...what I mean to say is why can't we make shivaay bhiya a perfect groom infront of anika bhabhi family...this way they can marry each other "

On hearing rudra ...everyone think about that it's seems working...if shivaay proved to be perfect groom infront of anika parents..then shivaay and anika will get married with anika family members wish...... suddenly they all heard a voice saying "It's not that easy rudra bhiya"

All turned to see shail in the door...walking towards them with a smirk in his face

Shivaay :"why it's not easy shail , I the shivaay Singh oberio is in the top 10 richest man in the world and I am the richest man in India...if I wish i can buy the whole state in the blink of my eye...what more they want from me..i can give anika each and everything she wishes...with me she can live the life of queen " he said in his usual arrogance making shail laugh while anika face palm herself for loving a such an idoitic man

Shail :"sso..Our family doesn't look how much money you have ...instead they will see how much goodness you go with that money..we don't care whether you are in top 5 or top 10..what we care is whether you're a good man with humbleness and good attitude...anika didi family are jaminthars..they own many lands but later they give some lands to poor people for living ....believe me if you think you can won our family members heart then let me tell you instead of becoming perfect groom you will become imperfect groom ..." he said making shivaay gulp in fear ...while omru to feared for shivaay as if shivaay loses then they will lose their anika bhabhi

Om :"I won't make shivaay lose..I will teach shivaay all the good qualities and will take away his bad habits...this way he won't lose..we will also not lose our bhabhi....shivaay if you love have to make anika didi as our bhabhi " he said .rudra who is near him too nodded saying he too agree with om..leaving shivaay to suffer

Shail :"well that's alone not enough...there may be some circumstances where shivaay jejju may have to go through some test "he said looking at shivaay

Shivaay :"test..what kind of test and from which subjects..anyway it's no problem..I am all rounder in my school and I am tipper in my college...I can answer all the questions...I am sure I will score full Mark's in all test " he said this time making both sahil and anika to face palm themselves...while rudra stood proud on seeing his brother intelligent

Sahil :"jejju...I think you misunderstood my explanation of test with school tests...wait let me show you...what type of test I am talking about " he said taking his mobile out and opening Google

Sahil :"look this is stone lifting...before marriage the groom have to lift this stone and have to place it in his a way of proving his love for his bride " sahil looking at shivaay who look like he could faint any moment on seeing this image and picturing himself trying to lift it

Sahil :"and the next test for groom is bull fighting and controlling it...anika didi brother is very expect in it..he married anika didi's bhabhi by winning this test " ..he said showing next picture to shivaay

Sahil :"here the groom should single handedly control and fight this bull and should make the bull come under his control ...I am you will do it you for this is nothing...after all you're shivaay Singh oberio..who has the power to make the impossible ..possible " he said looking at Shivaay who look pale while drops of sweats falling from his forehead ..making shail think..whether sso is afraid....but before he could find answer for that question...all of them hear a lound thud sound ....only to find the great wall sso unconscious

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