shivika 9

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Both anika and shivaay walking towards to dinning hall to have breakfast .when shivaay stopped anika suddenly

Shivaay:" you know anika , sometimes i feel like some love sick teenager , I mean look at me , the great shivaay Singh oberio is trying to whisk away his own wife from her parents eyes . Don't you think it's ridiculous..let's not forget, we are going our first shopping trip together after marriage , that too like this secretly. How I wish , I could have take you out proudly and openly as my wife but look at fate , can't even romance with my wife without the fear of being caught " he said looking at her while anika rolled her eyes , she knows he wants everyone to accept him as her husband without any hardwork from his side .

Anika :" aww is my Billuji is guilty.. well I have a solution for you. You better do one thing , just go to my family and say the truth ...this way you're wish will be fulfilled and their wish will also come true " she said , while shivaay looked at her confused for saying about her family wish coming true .

Anika:" hurrah , don't look at me confused. Look if you say , then you're wish to tell them the truth will be fulfilled soon their wish of seeing me getting married to Vijay will also come true" she said making shivaay once again look at her confused.

Anika :"you're seriously dumbbell Singh oberio. Atleast my sweet Rudy is smarter than you ...God knows why I married you "

Shivaay:" excuse me , for you're kind information, I married you .not you married me ...I mean I made you marry me not you made me marry you . Infact you should thank me for saving you from that physco daksh , though that's the one wrong decision I took as sso " He said in his ego making anika nose red in anger .

Anika :" oh really ...then what about me. If it's weren't for me , then you could have married that tia and become father to her universe wala baby ..but instead of thanking me , you are indirectly saying that you regret marrying me " she said poking him in his chest in anger .

Shivaay :" anika I don't think , I can be more direct than that ..but then again you're sso selection and believe me my selection never went wrong " he said in his pride .

Anika :" hello ..even you're my selection too and my selection is also not wrong " she said while shivaay smiled like Cheshire cat ..

Shivaay:" if so.
..then give me a kiss.. yea give me a kiss to prove that you're selection is not wrong . You know if you want I can kiss you ,to prove that my selection is not wrong " he winked at her making anika blush like tomatoes

Anika :" seriously shivaay, you're a cheapde. Who will say like this , God what I am going to do with you . "

Shivaay:" nothing just love me , like you do .." he said encircling his arms around her pulling her for kiss but soon dropped it hearing throat clearing sound . Startled both turned in fear of being caught, only to face

Omkara standing there with his arms crossed and glaring at them

Shivaay:" it's you. Thank God, we thought it's some one from anika family..I was very afraid. By the way what's with this throat clearing voice , can't you see I am busy "

Om :" busy in what shivaay , trying to kill you and me . You should thank me idoit , it's not oberio mansion for you to romance with bhabhi, anywhere you like . It's bhabhi's home and what if instead of me , some one saw ..I can't even think about it.

Shivaay:" I don't think it will be problem om. I pretty sure , they will accept me after knowing the truth about me and anika, after all which parents will destroy their daughter happiness . If anyone can oppose them it may be anika brother and father but soon I will charm them to like me ...after all i am shivaay Singh oberio " he said in his tadi and overconfidence.

Anika :" shivaay don't you think, you're imaging too much now a days . Please try to walk on the earth , instead of flying in air . "

Shivaay:" oh come on anika , I am sure they will accept me , infact they will even ask us to make them grandparents soon " he making anika blush more

Before anika could say anything , they heard some shouting and crying . Shivaay look at around to find the source of sound but he find none. Even rikara look in confusion.

Shivaay:" anika, who is shouting. What happened "

Anika :" shivaay, now sit and just have breakfast.. don't poke your nose in unwanted matters. Please don't mind these shouting " she said gritting her teeth while sitting in dinning table and served herself aapam .shivaay look at her in confusion as what happened that suddenly she changed into angry billi from blushing queen , from the corner of his eyes he look at prabhas who was gulping hard looking at anika.

Anika look around the table for milk but finding none, she decided to ask it out.

Anika :" pal ellaya ...ungaluku theriyum la na pal ellama etha sapida matten nu .."

(Where is milk , you know right ...I don't eat this without milk "

Cook :" sorry ma ..I forget that you love to eat appam with milk . Today alone you adjust.......crack " before the cook could utter another word , he got a tight slap from anika father , who was now seething in anger looking at the cook .

Anika dad :" how dare you dare you ask my daughter to adjust ...she is princess and she will eat whatever she wants ...I will kill you and burn you if ask her to adjust another time " he said look at the cook who was now shivering ..on seeing that anika stood up from her chair .

Anika :" stop it ...just stop it . How many times should I tell you to leave all these fights and beatings but you will never change. No wonder akshaya akka left you and decided to live alone. Who do you think you're ..are you some type of God. This is the reason I stayed in Mumbai, everything started because of your this fighting nature . You will never early morning itself, you started beating some man . Leave it , it was waste talking to you after don't talk to me " she said looking at other side, while shi om shivered on seeing anika father in angry avatar.

Anika Dad :" ella ma...avan unna adjust panna Sonna, atha kovam vanthu tu ...eni na appadi panna matten. Apram veliya avan vanthu ...oru family ya cheat pani , avanga ponna marriage panita ..pavom antha ponu parents enkita romba feel panaga. Evan avanga ponna marriage panathu nalla marumagan aga mudiyathu , kalyanam vanthu rendu family senthu seirathu but evan antha ponu kuda eloped panita ..atha Avana adicha.

( no dear's not like that . He told you to adjust naa.. I mean why my princess should adjust .that why I got angry. Here after I won't do this . Please forgive me .. for that man, outside he cheated one family by hiding his real identity and married the daughter of that family. The parents of the girl were devastated that's why I beat him to teach him a lesson , you know just because he married their daughter doesn't mean he is their son in law .I want him to realize his mistakes that's why I punished him , i am sorry )

On hearing anika father , both shiom shivered in fear and unknowingly they start sweating making prabhas look at them in suspicion .

Prabhas:"why happened, why guys are sweating in this air conditioner filled rooms , is everything alright "he asked looking at them in suspicious way , making the duo gulp hard but fortunately anushka saved them.

Anushka:" may be it's because of this aapam. Seeing this, is the first time they are eating it , they may have allergies. "

Prabhas:" but anushka , how come they both can have allergies at the same time . I feel something fishy " he said but this time anika interrupted him

Anika :" there is nothing fishy bhiya. Bhabhi is right , as this the first time they are having this food ...they may have allergies..or who knows they may be afraid of seeing our father here , who beats people like eating chocolates " she taunted..making both prabhas and anika father to low their head in shame. Seeing them anika left from there in anger.

Anika dad :" prabhas, do something. You sister is angry at us..and my princess didn't even eat her breakfast "

Prabhas " . you know right , if I go and stand before her now , then she will pounce and kill me like angry tiger. I don't want to see my anushka as a window in this young age . Anushka why don't you try , I am pretty sure she will listen to you ...please make her atleast eat "

Anushka:" no way ..I am not coming between your fight . Papa sorry but I support anika in this . Anyway prabhas you can't see me after your death stop giving stupid excuses and pacify your sister ."

Shivaay:" I have never seen anika , this angry. God she look like Female version of sso " he murdered but unfortunately for him anika dad heard that and gave him a sad smile.

Anika dad " she got every right to be angry at us. God know how much she went through because of me . At the young age , she was forced to live in orphanage and lost her sister chutki. Then during her engagement time , she lost her elder cousin sister akshaya and once again forced to live without us . I know that she knows about akshaya and the place she lives but she won't tell me that . Because of me , sahil parents died .. it was no wonder that she hate us. All happened due to my anger, if only I didn't insulted that man and he didn't die by killing himself , then none of this could have happened. All happened because of my arrogant behavior. " he said but before shivaay could ask further , anika came there with her bag .

Anika father :" are you going somewhere , wait I will call driver and bodyguards. " he said taking his mobile

Anika :" no need. I know how to take care of myself. I am taking shiom and gauri with me . I am planning to enjoy my day with them ..please I beg you don't ruin it . Just leave me alone ...the only reason I decided to return is for my family not for you . You were not there when I need you in childhood , so please maintain that now also . "

Shivaay who heard anika were and gauri can't believe that their sweet anika bhabhi can talk like this but somehow they can understand her pain .

Anika dad :" I am sorry can go . Shivay please take good care of her and protect her .if any problem call me . This city is not safe for her " he said looking at shivaay

Shivaay:" don't worry long as I breathe, nothing can happen to her. I promise you , as long as i am alive she will be safe ..even if needed i will die protecting her . Don't worry uncle , your daughter will be safe in my protection ,nothing will happen to her . I won't allow it ." He said looking at anika dad eyes , giving strong hope and confidence to him with his words .

Om :" yeah uncle , trust shivaay. As long as he is alive nothing will touch anika bhabhi..we will take good care of her . You can trust us , you're daughter is in safe hands. Whatever the problem is , it has to cross us before it reach her " he said in very serious tone , convincing anika family..before leaving from there .

Prabhas:" dad , don't worry . I will send our body guards behind her"

Anika dad :" no need prabhas , I feel there is no need for it . Shivaay and om are there naa , they will protect my princess with everything they have. I don't know why but I feel like we can trust shivaay, as long as he is there around anika ,I think there is no need for bodyguards. I trust him to keep my daughter safe '' he said leaving prabhas is shock

Prabhas:" but shivaay and om are just two man , what can they do if anyone tried to attack anika "

Anushka:" you saw them as one man prabhas but I feel like omkara is equal to 10,000 lakshman and shivaay is equal to one thousand raman when it comes to anika . " she said shocking him further, leaving him more irritated behind .

Unknown to them all , anika mother aishwarya observed omkara calling anika as her bhabhi and anushka indirect sayings about anika. She just hope whatever she is assuming is wrong .

Once both shivaay and rikara are outside of house , anika turn to shivaay

Anika :" shivaay.. do you still want to say the truth to them you still think they will accept you without you doing nothing to impress them " she asked him who was now looking ghostly white on hearing her .

Shivaay:" now I understand, how both mine and your parents wish can come true .." he said going towards the car..not before sending message to someone .

Who do you think shivaay messaged , let's see how much of you're right .

What you guys think about this anika , do you guys like her. More mysterious is going to be opened

The longest update, I ever wrote. Hope you guys will vote and comment. I want to dedicate this update to Pinkisaha2012. She always made me happy with her comments, thank you di for your comments, I love reading those. This update is for you, hope you will like it

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