third week, clues

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the two nations suddenly had an interest of who their soul mate was seeing how they liked to prank each other and give stupid dares to each other and decided knowing a bit about each other for two weeks wasn't going to be that much of a help to get to know who it could be so they were going to search for clues about their flags.

on monday both nations felt too bored to participate in class so they decided to talk. "what colours are in your flag" Sweden asked the first question. "green and two more colours as a majority and a bit of navy blue". Sweden realized the hints were leaning even closer towards India and he blushed a little. "mine two has majority colours only, one of them is blue". India wasn't too suprised knowing that Denmark was the only nordic nation without blue in his flag so he wasn't too sure if it was Sweden because Finland already found his soul mate while Iceland and Norway were also there but they had three colours. India blushed a bit to the fact that Sweden might be his soul mate.

most of the time the two would talk between class and during recess every day about hints but they still were not knowing who their soul mates were when everyone around them knew who it was but never told them. During tuesday both nations felt that their soul mate was perfect but they would never find them. "brother, I'm sure you'll find him it'll take a while but you'll find him one day!" Bangla said trying to comfort her brother who groaned back in response while his blindfold was next to him. India had never cried before but he let a few tears out, Bangla already knew it but she wanted to let the ship set sail on it's own so she decided to take the entire shipping group on a adventure to make the ship set sail and make it seem like they did nothing.

"so how about we make it seem like they left love letters in each others lockers?" "that's a awesome idea Estonia!" Estonia and Bangla whispered as Belarus, S.Korea and Japan all nodded in agreement. "also guys, why are we in the bathroom with every light off and black capes and hoods and black masks on jus the say that one line?" S.Korea asked as all of them stared at him in silence with the black capes, hoods and masks. Then the entire ship group went back to the plan and all of them let out a loud evil laugh, loud enough to be heard till the opposite side of the hallway scaring who ever heard the laughter. The ship group threw all of their capes, hood and masks and ran off in search of their next victims. Japan and Bangla found India and used their walkie talkies to ask Estonia and Belarus if they gave S.Korea the love letter written in swedish for India and if they did then where was he. "South is on his way, give him the love letter written in hindi for Sweden and we will keep doing this till they find out that they are each other's soul mates!" Estonia said while Belarus was silently screaming in excitement. "Got it!" Bangla and Japan said at the same time. "Guys! I'm here heres the swedish love letter, where is the one in hindi?" S.Korea said while panting a bit from all the running. "here, go quick we can't miss any chances!" Japan said handing him the letter and S.Korea took the letter and gave Japan the other swedish one and ran for it. "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!" ASEAN said while starting to run after the Korean. Japan and Bangla snickered and made sure no one was watching and kept the letter in India's locker.
India walked to his locker and found a note inside.
"du är min kärlek, du behöver inte gömma dig
Jag vet att vi är själskompisar, och det är uppenbart att vi är det
solen skulle vara avundsjuk om du visade dina ögon, du är vacker så behåll ditt leende~"
(you are my love, you do not have to hide I know we are soulmates, and it's obvious we are. The sun would be jealous if you showed your eyes, you are beautiful so keep your smile ~). 'Nice one, swedish fish' India thought and smiled bit, he didn't know swedish but he could recognize the language easily now that's he's seen it once or twice in the past 2 weeks.

Sweden walked to his locker and found a note in hindi.
"अगर प्यार एक खेल था, तो आप हमेशा जीतेंगे। आप वास्तव में दिल जीतना जानते हैं, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे आपने मेरी प्यार को जीत लिया प्यारी नादिक~"

(If love was a game, you will always win. You really know how to win hearts, just like you won mine my beloved nordic~)

Sweden blushed and he knew it was hindi and looked to the side to India smirking at a note in his hand that he pushed in his pocket and smiled at Sweden before leaving.

behind them the ship was writing everything down in the page for the ship 'Inden' and they were paying close attention to the ship to make sure the ship would sail on forever. Bangla texted Paki to let him know how the ship was going

one of my buffoon older brothers

Bangladesh: Paki, the ship is SAILING EEEK INDIA SMIRKED AT SWEDEN AND HE BLUSHED BACK AT HIM AND now we have to make sure they get each others numbers *insert lenny face*

Pakistan: noice, can't wait to see the kids XD

Bangladesh: nice idea! me and the ship group will make that happen as well!

Pakistan: I was joking but, you do you

"guys! we need to give them each others numbers and I'll spy on my brother and his chats with Sweden!" Bangla said, getting the entire ship groups attention. "nice one! I'll ask Finland to spy on Sweden's chats with your oldest brother" Estonia said and the entire ship group screamed in excitement of another ship sailing.

India was in room when he checked the note from Sweden and thought about him. 'Does he really like me? I asked Estonia to translate the note for me and the translation did say that we were soul mates, maybe he's right about that. I don't mind him being my soul mate because he is a little bit cute~ well I don't care if we are soul mates or not I'm going to try my best to get close to him.

bunch of jobless fools

India: hey Estonia, do you have Sweden's number from Finland or something?

Estonia: your interested in getting his number aren't you~ but his number is ****************(fanfiction logic)

India: thanks and shut up

Swedish fish

India: yo, you there?

Sweden: yea but how did you get my number?

India: Estonia gave it to me

Sweden: oh ok

India: so whatcha wanna do?

Sweden: I guess we could meet up on sunday and get ice-cream

India: I wouldn't reccomend eating ice-cream during a season where it might snow but ok

Sweden: Yay!

India couldn't help but blush a little bit. Sweden smiled and blushed a lot as well. It was a Saturday so they had to wait a day. Bangla went into her oldest brothers room and checked his phone and took screenshot from his phone sent it to herself and downloaded the image on her phone and deleted the image on his phone and left his room. Bangla sent the image to her shipping buddies and all of them fangirled and planned to spy on the two

words : 1287

oh lord I'm soooo sorry if any translations are wrong I tried ok

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