Chapter 1 - Selection of Participants

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"You wanted to see us, Sir?"

"Very true, Sam." Steele rose from his chair, folded his hands behind his back, and began pacing in front of the fully assembled team as he began his execution. "The Newtown District, which we report to, as you know, has an invitation to the received participation in the TFA. That's why Boyce was here two days ago."

"Um, Sir?"

"Yes, Elvis?"

"What is a TFA?"

"Man, Elvis. This is the world championship of the toughest firefighters. Toughest Firefighter Alive is what it's called," Arnold explained to him excitedly.

"And it's complete nonsense," Sam interjected and everyone turned to him with a startled sound. Only Penny remained calmly next to him and tried to hide a smile.

"How can you say something like that, Sam? That's a big award. These are the Iron Man of firefighters. Imagine if you had this title: Fireman Sam: hero next door, movie star and the toughest firefighter in the world." Ellie objected theatrically and Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance before rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Well, you tough guy, are you getting a headache again?" Penny murmured teasingly to him.

"At least it can't last long if the nonsense here continues," he replied just as quietly, but smiled. "Because a title like that doesn't say whether you're a good firefighter or not. It doesn't say anything about knowledge the processes, the handling of the equipment or the teamwork," he then objected loudly.

"At least there has been something new this year in the form of teamwork, because the best team of two people will also be determined."

"Well then the world is a little safer now," Sam murmured sarcastically and Penny had to suppress a laugh before she gently but admonishingly jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow when Steele looked at her skeptically but otherwise left Sam's comment uncommented.

"Boyce got an idea of ​​the forces in each station and after careful consideration, he decided to select two people from a station who impressed him with their commitment, fitness and courage."

"Which is probably more because Newtown is a little tight on money and taking time off duty for training purposes would go beyond the scope, wouldn't it, Sir?" Penny couldn't stop herself from interjecting and Steele cleared his throat.

"Perhaps that too Penny, but that shouldn't have any meaning for us. I would now like to proudly announce that our station has been chosen to represent the Newtown district - and since no one else in the country is taking part - also the whole of Wales - in this competition to represent."

While Ellie, Arnold and Elvis were already clapping, Penny placed a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder, who looked at her in panic.

"There is no question that we will send the best: you Sam, and Penny will represent the women's world and will also do us all honor."

"WHAT?" Penny started and turned back to her main firefighter. "But Sir, who is supposed to be in charge of the team here?"

"I'll take care of that personally. You'll be flying to Germany in two weeks. You'll only be away for a week, we'll manage that."

"But why me?!" Penny asked in disbelief and punched Sam in the stomach as he was visibly enjoying himself next to her.

"Because women also run this competition and you are undeniably the best. Plus, Sam and you are the perfect team. Even Boyce says that in his entire career and in all the station's in the district he has never seen a team, that works together as well and knows how to lead the rest of the team as you both do.

You will train every free minute for the next 2 weeks. I have the tasks that are called up there on the table. Your colleagues will support you as much as possible! I give them absolute freedom to do whatever is necessary to improve your fitness."

"Roger that, Sir!" the other three shouted happily and Ellie rubbed her hands in anticipation as Steele left the office.

"Oh, no," Sam groaned in annoyance and Penny gave Ellie a warning look as they walked out into the vehicle hall.

"Now it's your turn to practice our training program."

"Don't you dare get too carried away, Ellie! In three weeks we'll be in control again. Don't forget that!" Penny replied admonishing her.

"I just want you to win. Nothing more, nothing less," she replied innocently.

"And that's exactly what we're worried about, Ellie," Sam replied, crossing his arms over his chest, just like Penny did at that moment, to examine her critically.

"Oh, come on. Don't be so negative. You two are so well-coordinated and have such a great connection, you can't lose this thing."

"Connection?" Penny was visibly confused and looked at Sam, who just shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"Of course, you're practically like that with each other," which she emphasized with a gesture by intertwining her two index fingers together. "Of course, a physical connection would be even nicer, but let's wait and see. We don't want to ask too much for it at the beginning. Everything will sort itself out in Germany once you've been away from home for a few days and seen some new wallpaper."

Sam rubbed his hand across his forehead in annoyance while Penny closed her eyes and took a deep breath to stop herself from making a rash and perhaps criminal act against Ellie. She could be so embarrassing sometimes.

"What is it? Are you coming now? I think a 10 mile run around the city is a good start, right Sir?" she turned to Steele, who was coming down the stairs with a cup of tea.

"Very good idea, Firefighter Philips. I'll just get my megaphone and then we'll both drive after them in Venus. So march, march, you two."

"This is a nightmare! Please pinch me!" said Sam, now stunned.

"I've already tried it myself. I don't wake up either, so you can keep me company," Penny objected, shaking her head and resigned herself to her fate, just like Sam. So they went outside the hall to warm up.

To be continued...

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