Chapter 14 - Rude Awakening

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Here I processed an idea that popped into my head while reading the chapter Karaoke night from Training your heart (I can only absolutely recommend reading it. It's a fabulous story😊) and that I just had to process 🙈 So many thanks to Andantee34 for this idea and I hope it makes you smile as much as it did me. Have fun while reading.

"I love you Sam," she sighed against his lips and he couldn't resist taking possession of hers again. She felt so good in his arms. Her passion was intoxicating. Her hands on his neck drove him crazy. Her lips were as soft as he had always imagined, her scent captivated him and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen - he would never get tired of looking at her, holding her in his arms and exploring each of her curves with his hands and stroking her silky-soft skin...If it weren't for that cough...

He coughed even harder when he woke up and found it difficult to regain consciousness. The dream had been too beautiful, like so often when he had dreamed of her. What had woken him up? He opened his eyes and immediately jumped up in panic. Smoke. The whole room was full of smoke.

He glanced at Penny, who was now also waking up panting and trying to fight sleep. Had she also dreamed something as beautiful as he had? Maybe even from him? But there was no time for that, he scolded himself quietly. They had to get out of here. As quickly as possible! He grabbed Penny and took her in his arms just as the fire alarm went off.

He ran to the door and threw it open, with Penny in his arms it was a little more difficult. But he managed it and pulled the door closed again with his foot before he stopped.

To his surprise, the hallway was clear of smoke and there was no other sign of fire. Everything was quiet and no one rushed from the other rooms.

"Sam?" he heard Penny's voice and looked at her. Her hands were on his neck and her face was only a few centimeters away from his. "Thanks for saving me, but I can walk myself," she replied with a smile and he sheepishly smiled back at her while he sank in her beautiful eyes. He knew he should let her down, but somehow his body wouldn't obey him anymore.

"Shalalalalala, Oh my, oh my, don't wanna be too shy, go on and kiss the girl!" Sam startled and turned to Alex, who was standing diagonally opposite in front of the door. Franziska also looked out from the next door, grinning, while Alex sang his solo and performed the song from The Little Mermaid. "You better do it soon, no time will be better. She don't say a word. And she won't say a word until you kiss the girl Shalalalalala, Oh my, oh my, don't wanna be too shy, go on and kiss the girl!" Sam and Penny blushed violently as others gradually peeked out of their rooms, curious about what was going on because of the fire alarm and Alex's singing, and Sam finally let Penny down.

"Would you be done with your singing now?" Sam grumbled and looked down awkwardly as the porter, who had already greeted them at check-in, came around the corner.

"It wasn't useful at all. Not even romantic music can get you in the mood. Hopeless," replied Alex, theatrically throwing his hands in the air.

"What's going on here? I got a report downstairs that the fire alarm went off in your room. What's on fire?" the doorman shouted excitedly.

"That's right. The whole room is full of smoke. But I didn't see any fire, did you Sam?"

"No, I really didn't see any fire." Sam became suspicious. "The alarm only went off in our room?"

"No one elses!" replied the porter, perplexed. "I don't understand where the smoke comes from when there's no fire," the porter now objected and Sam agreed with him just as Penny discreetly nudged him and showed him with a nod to look to the side. He followed her gaze and immediately Pedro withdrew again, who have had standing in the doorway of the next room and had been watching everything until now with a grin.

On the spur of the moment, Sam opened the door to their room again, despite the concierge's protests, and stepped inside. The smoke wasn't quite as thick anymore and after looking out the window he could see that it was quickly disappearing while no more was coming in.

He felt Penny following him. The doorman stopped in the room and looked around helplessly when Alex and Franziska joined them and they both searched the room. Sam noticed that the doorman was on the phone reporting a false alarm to the fire department when Penny called him.

"I think I've found the culprit," she objected, pointing to a smoke grenade lying in the open balcony door.

"Who does something like that?" the porter interjected in shock.

"Above all, how did someone get it up here? We're on the 5th floor," Franziska added and Sam went out onto the balcony.

"What's going through your head, Sam?" Penny, who had followed him, asked him gently.

"That it is extremely easy to climb over the parapet, where the balconies all directly border one another."

"And we have a nice neighbor who could be trusted doing such things," she finished his sentence and they went back inside.

"But what's the point of Pedro throwing a smoke grenade into your room?" asked Franziska, now perplexed.

"This smoke is also dangerous if you are exposed to it for too long, which is why it should not be released indoors. Maybe he just wanted to give us a restless night, or maybe he was hoping that we would end up in the hospital with smoke inhalation and so Sam can't take part in the competition tomorrow or is simply so tired that it reduces his chances."

"I'm going to call the police and have them investigate. I just don't know where to put you until the police get there and secure all the leads."

"You can sleep in our room," Franziska and Alex objected at the same time.

"Thanks Alex, but considering that it's also your brother's room and he has access to it at any time, I would rather accept Franziska's offer," Sam now remarked and Alex realized his mistake.

"Well then, let's get going. The ladies take the bed linen, we take the mattresses?" Alex replied and Sam followed his suggestion, just like Penny and Franziska. During this time the porter opened all the windows to air out the room, then locked the door behind them and said goodbye to do everything necessary to have this case

They entered Tom's and Franziska's room and Alex and Sam moved the table against the wall to another corner to lay the mattresses next to each other on the floor.

"What's going on here?" Tom asked, waking up from the commotion.

"Don't tell me you didn't notice anything?" Penny turned to him, perplexed.

"Don't pay attention to him. After a hard day, Tom could even sleep right under the fire alarm in the station and not notice anything when it goes off. We've already had to experience that," Franziska replied and Alex said goodbye for the rest of the night. The other three crawled back under their blankets and Franziska explained to Tom what had happened.

"Well, there's one good thing about it. Now you're sleeping next to each other and Sam won't be able to fall too far when he gets up tomorrow morning," Tom mumbled.

"Good night Tom," Sam simply objected.

"Good night, lovebirds. Don't overdo it and please try to be quiet. We're still here too." A second later, you heard him panting and Penny, who had already closed her eyes and listened to the conversation with a smile, opened her eyes to see Sam sitting upright next to her.

"My pillow, Tom!" he just grumbled and a second later it flew into Sam's head.

Penny laughed quietly as Sam grumpily threw it onto the mattress and then lay down again. When he turned to her and saw her smile in the pale light shining through the windows, a smile came to his face too.

"Good night, Pen," he whispered quietly.

"Goodnight, Sam," she replied just as quietly, only hesitating for a moment before she took his hand and they smiled and fell asleep.

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"I'd say they'll definitely have it made by the end of the week," Alex's quiet voice reached Penny's ear.

"Oh well, a day or two at most. They can hardly keep their hands off each other anymore."Sam stirred sullenly. Why did Tom have to be the first thing he heard when he woke up after being allowed to hold Penny in his dreams all night?

"Just leave them alone. They're so cute together. The more you tease, the more likely they'll hold back. Maybe we should leave so they'll be alone when they wake up." Franziska spoke just as quietly as the other two before and yet at that moment everything came back to them both. The smoke bomb last night, the move into their friends' room, the two of them lying next to each other on two mattresses that were close together.

At the same time they opened their eyes and looked into each other's. The tips of their noses touched as Sam became aware of Penny's hand on his waist and she became aware of his at her back. Their legs were entwined and they lay so close together that they were so aware of each other's warmth and scent that their hearts suddenly threatened to burst out of their chests with excitement.

"Well, our cuddly cats have finally woken up," said Alex with a singing undertone in his voice. They immediately separated from each other and looked up at the three of them, who were sitting next to each other on the bed and who had obviously not been watching them for a few minutes.

"Now don't start singing again! Have you seen enough?" Sam mumbled embarrassedly as he stood up.

"Well, there could have been a little more action, but for now we'll be satisfied," Tom objected and promptly got Sam's pillow on his head again, which made Penny laugh. She got up and grabbed her room key before fleeing to her room to get ready in the bathroom.

"So, are you ready for your big day, Sam?" Alex changed the subject and Sam silently thanked him for it while he started to fold their bedclothes when the phone rang and Franziska answered it.

"I would probably be more rested if I could have slept through the whole night, but I have to take it as it comes, right?!"

"You didn't look like you were dissatisfied," Tom said with a grin. "None of you."

"The doorman just called. Your room is well ventilated and the police released it again last night. You can move back over," she interjected.

"Well, I'll go then. Thank you for taking us in. I'll pick up the mattresses right away." Sam picked up blankets and pillows and turned toward the door.

"We can take that too. We're just waiting for you anyway so we can finally go having breakfast," Tom shouted and grabbed the first mattress, Alex the next, while Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance and led the way.

To be continued...

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