Chapter 20 - Congratulations from Home

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They had decided to celebrate the two's victory and Penny's record in a cafe in advance so that they could also enjoy the local cake specialties. Tom was just enjoying his third piece of cake, while everyone else had already after one more than enough because the pieces were so big. Sam and Alex were again deep in conversation about Ellie and Penny was exchanging recipes with Franziska when Penny's cell phone vibrated in her pocket and she reached for it. Ellie. Yet again.

She had just called about an hour ago and congratulated her and Sam on the win. The whole team had gradually come to the phone and no one had been as proud as Steele, until at the end Ellie said she had to lecture her that she should finally use her feminine charms and wrap Sam around her finger, as she would never get such an opportunity again. She had acknowledged it with a smile, while Sam had also had a great time because he had been listening in the whole time.

>It doesn't look like there's anything between you!<, she read, followed by a video that made her pale.

"Sam?" He turned to her, immediately saw how pale she had become and put his arm around her worriedly.

"What's wrong, angel. Don't you feel well?"

Without a word, she held out the cell phone to him so that he could see it and started the video, where a news anchor could be seen with the Pontypandy Fire Department logo shown in the background while he said: "We have just received the report that two Participants from Wales took first place at this year's World Fire Brigade Championships in Germany." As the speaker continued to speak, images of the awards ceremony and also of them during their competitions were displayed. Short sequences, but they left no doubt that it was them."Samuel Jones and Penny Morris from the fire department in the coastal town of Pontypandy didn't just bring the men's and women's world championship titles to Wales. Ms. Morris is also the new world record holder, because she was the fastest firefighter to complete the competition and even beat the men's record time." A final sequence was recorded showing Penny on Alex and Tom's shoulders before the report ended with a shot of Sam and her kissing on stage. "And it looks like there's a little more to the two of them to celebrate, it was still said on the Pontypandy Planet Online website that Sam Jones was single, this picture makes a completely different impression. Our congratulations to the young couple for all their achievements," the presenter concluded his report and the video was finished.

"Where did they get the recordings from?" Sam asked them, perplexed, and they looked up at Alex, who cleared his throat and wanted to get up to get thin for a moment. "Alex?!" Sam now admonished him and he sat down, groaning again.

"Ellie asked me earlier if I had something for her because a TV team had asked. But I only sent her the recordings of your competitions, nothing else!"

"And where did they get the rest from?"

"Probably from the Internet. They're all keen on uploading everything that's somehow interesting these days and thanks to cell phones, that's possible everytime," Tom objected and put the large remainder of his cake in his mouth.

"Well, that can be fun," Sam murmured and Penny also put her face in her hands, which were supported on the table, when both of their cell phones rang.

"Helen," Penny said.

"Charlie," Sam replied and they gave each other a pitying look before answering the calls and enduring the congratulatory tirades, which of course were mostly about the two of them rather than about their new titles.

After she had spoken to Mike Flood, Lizzie and Joe Sparks and last but not least to Bronwyn, during which she noticed that Sam had spoken to Norman and also to Steele again, she hung up and put her phone on mute.

But Sam was still on the phone.

"Okay, okay. She's ready. One second," he said, holding the phone so that she could look at it before he answered the incoming video call. Mandy, Sarah and James appeared on the screen and Penny couldn't help but smile as the children sighed loudly with joy when they saw Penny leaning against Sam.

"You are such a beautiful couple!" Sarah enthused.

"Sarah! Take a screenshot!" Mandy shouted immediately.

"This will hit like a bomb!" James interjected as they heard the screenshot click.

"What for a bomb?" Sam asked, visibly confused.

"Our clicks have increased a hundredfold since the news and are constantly increasing. Everyone just wants information about the two of you. Let's hope that you give us exclusive privileges on all upcoming news?!" Mandy now warned them.

"We've taken first place, what else is there going to be news about?" Sam now objected.

"I'm sure you mean the team competition tomorrow," Penny reminded him with a smile.

"Yes, yes, that too, of course, but primarily about you two," James interjected and they saw him take out the pencil and get ready to write down.

"Exactly. How long have you been together? How did it happen? What are you planning to do next?" Sarah interjected excitedly.

"What did they mean with next?" Sam looked at Penny perplexed, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"So when do you want to move in together? Where are you going to live? Have you already gotten engaged or is one of you already planning a proposal? What will it look like? Is the date for the wedding already set? Is the first child already on the way and how will you call it? Do you have..."

"Stop!" Sam now interjected, becoming a little paler with every question Mandy asked, while her three friends in front of them were having a great time. "We're not engaged yet and therefore there's no date for the wedding yet. We have..."

"Uncle Sam has said YET!" James shouted excitedly and the children looked at Sam questioningly, just like Penny, Alex, Tom and Franziska. They all had big grins on their faces.

"Holy sparks. Yes, I have said YET. And?"

"What do you have planned?" Mandy asked excitedly before turning to James."Write everything down carefully, James! Our readers will love it."

"I haven't planned anything yet. In fact, we've only been together since yesterday. Besides, if I had planned something, I wouldn't tell you either so that you can publish it on the website where Penny can read it and you can ruin the surprise so." Sam saw the children put their heads together and whisper briefly. He just picked up on how Sarah agreed with him and Mandy thought that he had something planned if he acted so mysteriously. Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance and Penny laughed quietly and took advantage of the children's distraction to give him a kiss on the cheek - which was immediately commented with the click of the button on Mandy's screenshot option.

They looked again at the faces of the children, who were grinning broadly at them.

"So let's get back to the children. When is the time and how much have you planned to get?" Mandy said and Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"We haven't planned that yet either, Mandy."

"Why not? Don't you know how to do it, Uncle Sam?" James asked dryly and while everyone around him burst out laughing, Sam turned bright red.

"I'm certainly not going to discuss that with two 8-year-olds and a 10-year-old!" Sam muttered sullenly.

"What? It's a fair question. We've never seen you with a woman before," Sarah objected, shrugging her shoulders.

"Because there weren't any. I've only ever had eyes for Penny since I first met her," he objected and pulled her a little closer to kiss her on the cheek with a smile. The sound of the screenshot cut through the silence at the table again and Sam sighed in annoyance.

"So if it helps you: The two of them haven't kept their hands off each other for days. It won't be long with the offspring," Tom called in and Sam saw in horror how James was already writing everything down.

"Who was that?" Sarah interjected.

"A friend who deserves a beating today," Sam now growled.

"But it's good that you hurry up. You're not that young anymore," said James dryly and the other three laughed loudly again, while Penny and Sam looked at each other skeptically.

"We're in the prime of our lives, James. It'll work out, even if it turns out to be ten," Penny objected jokingly and Sam covered her mouth, but unfortunately it was too late - James was already taking notes diligently.

"They're writing it all on their website, angel. Hundreds will read it," he whispered to her.

"To be precise, we currently have 16,396 subscribers. The number is rising," Mandy objected with a grin and Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose out of frustration.

"I think we'd better end the interview before your uncle gets a headache," Penny said with a grin, knowing exactly what his gesture meant.

"One more question," said Sarah. "Your first kiss: when, where and why?"

"Dancing last night after dinner because it was so romantic?!" Penny replied, feeling Sam's eyes on her.

"We can make something with that. Thank you Uncle Sam, thank you Aunt Penny!" James shouted and they also said goodbye before Sam hung up and Penny blushed because of her new nickname.

"Your nephew is the real deal. I have to get to know him," Tom said with a grin.

"Don't. You'll be no good for him. He's the most sensible of all of the children in Pontypandy."

"In any case, you never seem to get bored," Franziska objected.

"We can't complain." Penny smiled, her heart still warm since James had called her aunt.

"Shall we go back and see if they have posted the participant lists and tasks for tomorrow's team competition? We don't have much time left," Tom said after looking at the clock.

"Time for what?" Sam replied helplessly and everyone else shrugged their shoulders as they followed Tom.

"To go to dinner. Do you want me to starve?"

"Tom, you just have three pieces..." Penny stopped and waved her hand in boredom. It didn't make any sense. "I know, the metabolism," she then objected and Sam grinned next to her before he stood up and offered her a hand.

"Shall we, Aunt Penny?" he asked, grinning.

"You liked that, didn't you?" she teased, punching him in the stomach as soon as she was on her feet.

"That and your saying about the ten children. Then I have to take the position in Newtown. It pays better," he replied and now it was Penny's turn to roll her eyes in annoyance as he pulled her close to him again and gave her a kiss on the cheek, before they walked arm in arm with the others back to the hotel.

To be continued...

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