Scene 1

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(The time is late and the stage lights are dim to simulate the night. DAN is laying still on the ground of his parent's house's lawn, in-between two bushes that lay along the boarder of his house. His hair is messed up and his legs stick out of the bushes, visible to the audience. A rope made of a few white bedsheets tied together, hanging down from a window on the second floor of the house, blows in the wind. The rope had been torn in-half at the middle, with the other half not tied to the window laying on the floor next to DAN.)

(DAN, crawling out from the bushes groaning in pain and forcefully gripping his arm, now fully visible to the audience, sitting up on the ground. His eyes are puffy and red from crying, and his cheeks are glossed with tears.)

DAN: (In pain) Ah god. Oh god. My a-arm. Agh. What did I do? Geez.

(DAN, still groaning, looks up at the rope of tied bedsheets hanging down from the window.)

DAN: (Angrily) Stupid bedsheets! Agh! (Now sadly) Ruining my one shot of escaping this hell.

(As DAN starts wrapping his arm up like a sling with a piece of the other half of the broken bedsheets laying on the floor next to him, two voices — MOTHER and FATHER— can be heard offstage.)

MOTHER: (Passive aggressively) There's nothing left we can do. We've tried everything, but still, nothing can fix him.

FATHER: What should we do? We can't have a disgusting fag in our house. And especially not our son. God won't accept us. Are you sure there's nothing left to cure him?

MOTHER: I'm sure. I've checked.

FATHER: (Sounding concerned) What about all the physiological treatment. All that money for nothing?

MOTHER: I'm afraid so. I guess we'll just have to talk to him again. It's out last hope. My dear God, please save us from this disease.

DAN: (To himself, sarcastically but emotionally unstable) It's nice to know my parents still don't want me. (Now starting to sob) Those s-sons of bitches. They shouldn't have to find me like this. They shouldn't. They won't. (Now determined, he wipes the tears from his eyes with his sleeve) There's no going back now. T-the plan must go on.

(DAN stumbles as he picks himself up off the floor, looking around the scenery for an escape. Suddenly, a bright, quick flash of light occurs off the right side of the stage, and FX1 is played. DAN falls back from shock, and lands on his rear end. CEVINN enters from the right side of the stage and starts to walk towards DAN, who is pushing his body away from CEVINN with his legs, trying to stand back up.)

DAN: (Visibly shook, shouting) WHA-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!

CEVINN: (Standing in-front of DAN, speaking quietly and casually) Portal.


(CEVINN doesn't respond, and stares at DAN.)

DAN: (Nervously stuttering and speaking loudly) Look, I-I don't have any money on me. Please don't hurt me!

CEVINN: I'm not here to harm you. Please, Daniel, come with me.

DAN: (Calming down slightly) Name! H-How did you know my name?! D-Do I know you? You want me to c-come with you? I-Is this real? WH-WHO ARE YOU?!

CEVINN: (Speaking softly) Cevinn.

DAN: Kevin? Who's Kevin? Y-You're Kevin? (Surprised) You're male?

(DAN looks at CEVINN's chest area, confused, then quickly back up to her face as she continues to talk.)

CEVINN: (Mildly agitated, like she's gone through this many times) I'm Cevinn. Female. 'C' instead of 'K', two 'N's. Family name. Now would you please come with me. I know you want to leave this house, so now's your chance.

(CEVINN extends her arm out towards DAN to imply she wants to help him up. DAN looks at CEVINN with insecurity and backs away slightly.)

DAN: (Nervous and unsure) B-but I don't know you. Stranger danger, yaknow?

CEVINN: (Lying) Look, I'm a family friend. (Mildly irritated) Just take my hand, follow me and your life will be perfect. (Sympathetically) I can take you somewhere where you can live your life without any complications or hatred. A place where you can be yourself and everyone will still accept you and love you. Come on. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't want your money. I just want to make your life better. Give you a chance to enjoy living without fear of judgement. What do you say to that?

DAN: (Quietly, looking down) I guess might die after taking your hand, but it'd be better than being trapped with people who treat you like a disease. (Looking up at CEVINN) And I guess I'm ready to take that chance.

(DAN grabs onto CEVINN's arm, and he gets pulled up onto his feet. CEVINN then runs off to the right side of the stage, pulling an unprepared, stumbling DAN along by the arm. As they run off the right side of the stage, a bright flash of light occurs and FX1 is played again. Blackout.)

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