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As  I was getting some stuff for the protect when Nathaile came in "Nathanile I'm going to wait outside for a friend of mine okay" I told her and she nodded letting me go. "Adrien what are you doing?" "FATHER I'm just going to wait outside for a friend, so we can DO our protect" I said rushing cause I don't know if she's out there "Very well then, take your body gaurd with you" he said "Uhh maybe next time father I  don't want to-" "No you're taking him with you" he said as I walked out with him.
It was a while since I got outside and I heard running and it was Roe. In a different outfit...
It was a white dress shirt, a blue hanker shift (* I spelled that right?) where the bow should be, a red skirt, gray leggings, and black shoes.

"Sorry I'm LaaAAAAATE!" she said falling down fearfully looking at my body gaurd "Oh sorry about him, he's my body gaurd oh by the way cute outfit but I ask. Why" I said helping her up then I noticed her necklace again. Loosely transparent blue and red string with a yellow gem and  a music note. "Neat necklace by the way"
"Umm First- okay then, Second- thank you, Third- I feel more nicer in this, and Forth- thanks... again" she said hiding behind me. "So shall we go?" I said "O-oh yes" she said leading me somewhere leaving the body gaurd.

"So where are we going?" I asked "My home" she said walking towards the abandoned part of town. It was really nice, it was quiet with only birds singing.
She led me toward a huge building with lights and inside was really neat inside, it kinda reminded me of Marinette's house for some reason but it's more quite.
"So... welcome to my home" she said walking me upstairs to a door. "It's really nice Roe, but does anyone else know where you live" "Thanks and only Alya" she said walking towards what I assumed is the kitchen.

So as we started to search about 18th Century I heard a noise upstairs "Please excuse me" she said running out, I wanted to know what happened and ran after her. I saw her go into a room and get a present then walk out to go to another room. "Roe who's that for?" I asked her "Oh umm my brother, if you want you can come along" she said walking past me and so I fallowed her.
We got to a room and she opened it and when the door was open it looked like a hospital room exept more roomie. There was a pale boy with brown hair and a white shirt, a really nice TV, a drawer, a large window with a latch, a I.V, a few dolls near the bed, sky blue wallpaper, and a side table.
"Hey little bro" "Hi Roe..." the boy said "Who's that?" he asked looking at me "That's my friend Adrien, you know boy I talked to you about" she said 'She talks about me' I thought a little shocked "Oh... oh my god you're  Adrien AGRESTE, dude I'm a big fan of you AND your dad's latest line of fashion" he said excitedly.
"Nice to meet you too kid" I said happily walking towards him "Adrien this is my brother Isaac" Roe said patting his head.
"Well Isaac since it's your birthday I got you a present with 3 items in it" she said giving the present "Thank you sis" he said carefully opening the box.
"Oh sis thank you" he said holding a Cat Noir and Phantom R. doll. "Isaac do you want your 3rd present?" "Yes please" he said and Roe started to take off her necklace and put it on him "Sis you can't give this to me, mom gave it to you on you 6th Birthday" he said "Well mother would have wanted you to have it" she said sincere and he sighed, then smiled at the necklace.
"Thanks sis" "Your welcome, now we have to finish a project I'll see you later" she said and we went out.
"Your brother seems nice" I said "He is" she said happily "So... shall be start?" she said pulling thread and a needle out of no where. "Where did you..." "Don't ask" she said and we went back to work.

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