Threater Project, New Villain

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Adrien POV-

So today the teacher gave us a project like when the Horrificator was around but it had to be a romance and Chloé wanted to be the Leading Actress since I was the main Actor... again but something was different Marrinet wasn't here. "Alya where's Marinette?" I asked concerned "Didn't you hear she moved" "WHAT" me, Roe, and Nino yelled.
"Ya to another part of Paris she told me, but she'll be calling and texting us" she said. "Wow she's gone" Nino said "Ya and she was really nice" Roe said looking down. Then there was an argument on who's who.
"How about we be who we were before... even though I'm new-ish here you guys can chose what I'll be" Roe said letting everyone agree to that. "Roe you can me the leading lady"  Alya said giving a script.
"Anyways what's the story even about?" she asked "Well it's about a lady who always wore a mask and fell in love with a man even though she was engaged. So they tryed to run away but in the end the masked lady had to die to spare the life of her love l but with the hidden magic within them she came back to life" Alya said. "Wow... that's compelling like Titanic" Roe said and I was speechless.

Few Hours Later

"Alright ACTIO-" "WHAT" "Chloé what is it now, we're litterly on the LAST SCENE" Nino yelled  and they started to argue about her wanting to be the Leading lady. "Adrien you wanna look over lines?" Roe asked so I agreed and looked at the ending sence.
As we looked at the ending part it was tragic yet beautiful "Man Alya gave it her all" I said "That's IT I'm out!" Nino yelled storming out with the phone with all our work. "OH What the heck Chloé" I yelled at her and she just brushed it off like nothing happened.

"What are we supposed to do now? Cause we still need to do the LAST part" Roe said worried so I went after Nino...

Roe's POV-

As I waited for Adrien I looked over at the lines again until Chloé swapped the script out of my hands and looked "WHAT, THE TWO PEOPLE GET TO KISS, No that is NOT going to happen I refuse" she said smacking me across the face "Chloé what the heck is with you!?!" Adrien yelled helping me up from the ground and she just had a tantrum.

Then the door opened to revel a person that looks like a director put with blue skin and more crazy looking then he said in a dramatical voice "I am the DIRECTOR, and who ever goes agent my will won't be happy with what happened. When he said that everyone ran for it and Adrien grabbed my hand and ran "Roe stay here, that's Nino and he's been Akumatized, I'll go find another place to hide" he said and I nodded as he left.

"Melody what are we going to do, Marinette is gone and we'll she's... SHE'S" "Calm down Roe you can do the same thing just say 'Muse of Light' and you can feel the butterfly, remember you have the cane that can turn into anything you want" she said rushing so I turned into Phantom R. And ran out quickly.

"Cat Noir are you alright?" I yelled to him as I saw him being flinged around "Yes I'm fine I just hope Ladybug gets here" "Me too" I said as I looked at what he was trying to do and he was making everyone do the same part over and over until it was 'perfect.'
"His phone, we have to get his phone the akuma is in it" I said to him "But how are we going to get it?" he asked so I thought...

"I got an idea, remember the scrips they have we have to look at the last sense and get it right to make a him distracted" I said knowing all directors love to get a good scene. So he nodded and ran to get one quickly as I got him to look away from my classmates.
As I doged I saw that he got the script so I got him to look away and ran to him and we looked through it quickly.

After we looked at it I jumped up for him to see me and he struck my chest with a film wheel and fell to the ground like in the film we were making. "Muse!" he yelled and lifted me up holding me in his arms and the Director paused and took out his phone to film this. "Cat it's... to late for me" I said winking at him "Nope, please Muse you can't I need you, PARIS needs you" he says "Please Cat Noir lession... I leave you with my kingdom of music but please watch over my people for me and please look after Roe for me, promise me" as I said this he started to cry and said "Yes, of course Muse I will Cats honer" and with that I made it look like I took my last breath and he held me close to him.

"CUT that was beautiful, ABSULOTLY BEAUTIFUL" he yelled clapping his hand "Perfect timing" I said grabbing my cane and letting the whip grab the phone and smash it.
I got the little butterfly with my whip and it wrapped it into a small ball and went back into the cane. I opened the cane and the butterfly flew right out of there.

"Wha... what happened" he asked and Cat Noir held out his fist and said "Pound It?" "Pound it" and we dis a fist bump. I walked over to him with Cat and we helped him up "Don't worry everything is fine now" I said "Yep and Phantom R you gotta go before" me pointed to my necklace "Thank you Cat, until next time" I said kissing his hand and running out of there.

I quickly ran to the closet I was in and Melody hid in the pocket of my skirt and so enough Cat Noir came in "Cat Noir" I said hugging him. "So I guess that my buddy Adrien told you to hide in here right?" he asked and I nodded. "Here I'll escort you too your classroom" he said bowing and holding out his hand. I bowed and grabbed it saying "I'd be delighted" and then he pulled me close and carried me bride style.
When we got to class everyone was there except for the teacher "I hope we'll see eachother again soon my Lady" "Me too" I said "How about a date at The Effle Towet at 7 today?" he said "I would be honored to" I said "Well then, 'till 7 My Lady" he said kissing my hand and leaving.

"Ooohhh GIRL ANOTHER DATE WITH HIM!" "Wait what do you mean by another?" I asked Alya confused. "Well I was going for a walk around your naborhood cause it was so peaceful there then I saw Cat Noir go to you house holding a flower, sooo" she nugged me winking.
"Alya" I whined covering my face with hair "Please tell me you didn't post it on your Ladybog" "Well..." "You WHAT" I yelled "I'm sorry girl I had to" she said so I apologized to her about yelling.
"Ugh the REAL question is why didn't Cat Noir ask me out instead of you" Chloé complained but I ignored her as she tryed to make the situation about her... again.
"Hey guys... what did we miss" Adrien and Nino said walking in "Nothing!" I yelled blushing "Oh Adrikins you missed Roe getting asked out by Cat Noir" Chloé said  pushing me to the ground and hugging him. "Chloé not cool" he said struggling in her grip.

"Anyways when do we start filming?" Me and Adrien asked and Alya smiled "Well while you guys were hiding Phantom R and Cat Noir saved us by doing the last sence of our movie and I took a video of it and oh my GOD you could FEEL the emotions, plus they were so close that they could kiss... man if only that happened" she said.
So Alya showed the video "Wait where was Ladybug?" Nino asked "Don't know she wasn't there" she said.
"Well what are we gonna do now?" I asked "Well we have to make the last part, but... I thing this ending is much more better" she said so we all agreed on it and...

We made the Mayor was well touched by it but... below saticfide. But still it made it into the contest, and all I could think was 'THANK GOD'

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