Chapter Thirteen

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Wes had absolutely no clue on what to do when it came to Danny.

At first, they agreed to keep as much distance from each other as humanly possible without completely avoiding each other. Whatever was going on with Danny's core and Wes (with their luck) was probably not good. That, and they just simply had no idea what was going on. So logically, avoiding contact and each other (to a reasonable degree) was a good idea and would more likely than not benefit their health.

And for a couple days they did. But in the end, they just couldn't help it.

They were pulled to each other like fly's to honey. That they subconsciously, against all logic and reasoning, go were the other was. Numerous times Danny or Wes would find themselves going to places that they never bothered to go before only to find that the other was there, as if with out even knowing themselves, that they were waiting. As if a invisible string tied them together and pulled them back in no matter how much they tried to distance themselves from each other.

Like the library incident, for example.


It was a day or so, after Wes's first tutoring session with him and Wes decided to do what he always did in his spare time. Go to the library. As Wes ran his hands over the spines of the books on the grey shelves (a habit that every avid reader seemed to posses) he suddenly stopped as he heard a familiar voice and static ran through him.

"Wes? What are you doing here?"

Wes turned to see no other than Danny Fenton. Then he turned back to the books and searched for the number that was on a sheet of paper that was on his hand "reading. I wanted to see if they had the sequel in yet of a book of mine." Wes turned back at him to ask the same question only to see Danny make a face.

"You read in your spare time?! I should of known, you seem like the type."

Wes's eyes widen "and you... don't?"

Danny replied with a shrug "No. I don't have anything against people who do but-"

"This won't do."

Danny blinked "... I'm sorry, what?"

Wes grabbed his hand ignoring the surge of static and Danny's protest as he proceeded to drag him across the library. "You. Not reading. Won't do. If were going to be friends of any kind, you have to read. I already know just the book for you!" 

Needless to say, by the end of the day Was had successfully turned Danny into a fellow bibliophile.

(end Flashback)

Or the time at the Mall. A few weeks ago.


Wes hated it there. Unless he absolutely had to go there, he would avoid the place like the plague.

It was too crowded, too loud, and too many unwelcoming face's from school. It had too many social rules, too many expectations. It had too much going on and yet not enough.

To Wes, he might as well be going to school. Minus the education uses and benefits. Mall? More like hell.

And yet, here he was.

He didn't even know why. One minuet he was out walking to the park then the next thing he knew he was in the Mall's arcade. Wes scoffed and couldn't help but think wirily to himself that of course he would end up here.

Of all the places.

Well, he was already here. Might as well have a look...

To be honest with himself, he never actually seen the inside of the arcade. The room was dark, the only source of light was the jarring game screens and the glow-in-the-dark rug with spaceships and planets. It had some old games like Pac man and Centipede. But there was also some newer looking game's. A part of Wes wondered how the Mall still had a arcade in this day and age.

"Hey, Hey Wes! Over here!"

Wes turned to the voice as the static once again began to rise to see Danny waving at him then gesturing him to come closer.

Wes, seeing nothing to do. Followed him to a lone game in the corner. It was a game called DOOM that was written in a bright purple with something looking like green goo spilling out of the letters and a demonic overlord looming over them. Wes looked over at the purple lever and the buttons with the faded and chipped green paint. "This looks like a one player game."

Danny gave him a mischievous smile that was strikingly familiar to Danni. "That's only if you play the game like a normal person."

It took a second for Wes to connect the dots. He couldn't mean.... "Wait, hold on a second. Are you suggesting that you can take us inside the game?! You can do that?!"

Danny's grin only widen as he rubbed his hands together giving Wes all the answers he needed.

"Danny, are you this is a good idea? I mean, there are probably cameras here. We shouldn't even be having this conversation! Is it going to be like the Matrixes? Because death by video game is defiantly not how I want to go, sound like a rather pathetic way to die too. Besides, what if someone come's along while we're in the game?"

Danny's smile seemed to only widen and seemed to look a bit smug "see that camera over there?"

Wes leaned to the right where Danny was pointing as Danny continued "The wires aren't connected. That's the only camera that would have any chance of seeing this spot. Trust me, I checked." Then Danny shook his head "as for the chances of us dyeing in a video game? Slim to none. When you're about to get hit by a sword or something like that it just passes through you and takes one of your 'lives' the little hearts at the top. When you reach zero you just start over until we decided to leave. And if the game for some reason turns off or brakes while we're in there, we'll just be tossed out."

Wes looked hesitantly at the game "alright then, I suppose that's a good point. But what if someone see's us? And you still haven answered my question on how were going to make sure that no decides to play the game while we're... in there."

Danny rolled his eyes "oh, puh-lease. Like anyone would believe that the actually saw a couple of kids literally get sucked into a video game and look away from there own video games for more than three seconds. And as for the last part..."

Then Danny took out a folded piece of paper, unfolded it and showed Wes what it said. Wes's eyes widen as he saw the message that read 'OUT OF ORDER' in black sharpie. "That's... actually pretty cleaver of you. And devious. How often do you come here, exactly?"

"Oh, about two or three times. A week. All of my life. Do you want to come?"

Wes looked at the game, then at Danny who almost seemed to quiver in excitement. Then let out a sigh "I'm just doing this for scientific purposes." That, and come on. Who wouldn't want to actually get sucked into a game?

Danny grinned "sure you are." 

(End Flashback)

Wes let out a sigh and looked over at Danny as he was doing his math Homework. His left hand was running through his ink black hair. A habit Wes noticed that Danny did whenever he was concentrating on something. His sky blue eyes were focused and slightly narrowed his jaw was some-what clinched.

Wes had realized a little while ago that he developed a habit of noticing even the small things of Danny and began ask as many questions about him as much as he could. They weren't even really questions about his ghost half, or about him as a superhero. They were more like:

What's your favorite color? Why do you want to be a astronaut? What's your favorite subject? They were little questions, like that.

Not in a way like he had a crush or anything...

Wes leaned over Danny's shoulder to check his answers "Uh, Danny?"

He looked over to him "yeah?"

"All of your answers are in the code again."

Danny's eyes widen as he looked back to the sheet of paper only to find that indeed. All of his answers were in the strange gibberish that hunted his walls night by night. He let out a loud groan of annoyance and proceeded to erase his answers "Aw crap. Thanks Wes, Lancer would of never let me hear the end of it."

Wes went back to his to 'finishing' his English essay that been done fifteen minutes ago. "No problem."

Then Danny suddenly brighten up "Oh, that reminds me! I got you a gift."

"A gift? Why?"

Danny rolled his eyes "for tutoring me and a whole bunch of other stuff, duh. Now here! Open and be amazed."

Wes chuckled as Danny handed him a slightly torn brown bag "Danny, you didn't have to give me a gift. You already thanked me a thousand times. Plus I, you know, Kidnapped you."

Danny scoffed "Dude are you serious? Without you I would be signing up for summer school classes. And we both know that if it was just because you felt guilty you would of just done one or two tutoring sessions." Then pushed the gift closer to Wes.

Wes looked at Danny, then at the bag. "well... thank you then. For whatever you got me."

"Wes, just open it."

Wes rolled his eyes and did as he was told, then froze. For in the bag was a prequel of his favorite book series "Wha- how-? Danny, this literally just came out today!"

Danny smiled "well, you were talking nonstop about it for days and so I just got it for you."

Ok, Wes took it back. He defiantly had a crush on Danny.

When Wes finally found the words, when he turned around Danny was already back to correcting his math homework. Wes let out a sigh,

Wes had absolutely no clue on what to do when it came to Danny.

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