Chapter 10

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(Ruby's POV) (6 months later)

I opened my eyes. I looked around and it looks like I'm in a bunker of some sort.

Ruby: How long have I been out for?

I heard a door opening. I looked over to see Weiss walking in.

Weiss: Ruby!

She ran up to me.

Weiss: I'm so glad that you're awake!

Ruby: Weiss. How long have I been out?

Weiss: Six months.

Ruby: Six months?! What happened?!

Weiss: Infinite is still out. A couple of students from Vacuo joined with us to make a resistance.

Ruby: Resistance?

Weiss: Come with me.

We got up and walked out the room. We walked into a room with a screen showing a map.

Weiss: Guys! Ruby's awake!

Everyone looked over and Yang and Blake ran over to me. Yang started to hug me tightly.

Yang: Finally, you're awake! I was so worried about you!

Blake: A lot has happened since you went into a coma.

Ruby: What is this resistance I've been hearing about?

Yang let go of me and a boy with red hair and dreadlocks walked up to me.

Knuckles: Infinite has been destroying and killing everything. A lot of people have lost hope. So some students made a resistance and we are hoping that we can stop Infinite.

Ruby: How many people are in the resistance?

Knuckles: There is your team, team JNPR, the team I'm in, and that's about it.

Ruby: Where is everyone?

Knuckles: They are out right now trying to safe people and seeing if they will join the fight against Infinite.

Ruby: One last question. Who are you?

Knuckles: I'm Knuckles. Rougher then the rest of them. I'm the commander of the resistance.

Ruby: That's really cool.

Knuckles walked off. I leaned towards my team.

Ruby: How did he become commander?

Weiss: We placed commander on a game of cards and he won.

Yang: And I was this close to winning.

Yang almost put two of her fingers together.

Blake: I didn't even know how to play.

I heard a knock on the door. Knuckles opened it and team JNPR walked in.

Knuckles: Hey guys. How was your mission?

Jaune: We were able to protect the people at the village, but non of them wanted to join.

Knuckles: It's still a job well done.

Jaune: Ruby?! You're awake!

Ruby: Hello Jaune.

Team JNPR ran up to me.

Pyrrha: Are you ok?

Ruby: I'm just fine.

Ren: That's a relief.

Jaune: Are you in the resistance?

Ruby: Of course I am!

Knuckles walked up to me and patted my back.

Knuckles: Welcome to the team rookie.

Yang: What is that supposed to mean?

Knuckles: This is her first day.

I heard another knock on the door. It opened and two boys walked in. One has blue hair and parts of his hair looked like quills. The other is blonde and has two fox tails.

Sonic: What sup Knuckle head? Me and Tails are back.

Knuckles: You're late Sonic. That's not like you.

Sonic: Sometimes you need to go slow and smell the flowers.

He looked over at me. He walked up to me.

Sonic: Names Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog Faunus.

He raised his hand for a handshake. I smiled and shook his hand.

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose.

Sonic: My two tailed buddy over here is Tails.

Tails: Hello Ruby.

Ruby: I can see where you got the name from.

Tails: Yeah. People get surprised when they first meet me.

Ruby: Is this everyone?

Sonic: Technically yeah.

Ruby: Technically?

Sonic: There is one person in my team and he likes to do things by himself. He is trying to stop Infinite, so he is technically part of the resistance.

Ruby: Ok. Did any of you meet Infinite while I was out?

Sonic: No. we only have seen small glimpses of him.

Tails walked up to me and lead me to a corner of the room.

Tails: I want to talk to you privately.

Ruby: Ok. About what?

Tails: I found this gem in your pocket while you were in your coma.

He pulled out my Phantom Ruby.

Tails: This has the same energy that Infinite has. How did you get this?

Ruby: One time, me and my team found a destroyed lab and that was in there.

Tails: Ok then. You can have this back.

He handed me the gem. When it was in my hand, it started to glow lightly.

Tails: It never did that before. Did you do that?

Ruby: I don't know. It just glows when I'm in trouble and stuff.

Tails: If you don't mind, can I do a few experiments later?

Ruby: Sure.

He nodded his head and smiled at me. We walked back the group.

Knuckles: Does anyone have any ideas on what to do?

Sonic: I thought you were the commander. Shouldn't you be the one to think of the plans?

Knuckles: I just want the others input. That's all.

Sonic: Sure you do.

Knuckles: Shut up!

I started to laugh a little. I thought about an idea and got one.

Ruby: I have an idea.

Knuckles: Let's hear it.

Ruby: We have to find Infinite.

Knuckles: Ok.

Ruby: We stop him.

Knuckles: I'm following.

Ruby: And we can save him!

Knuckles: Yea- wait, what?

Ruby: Infinite is a jackal Faunus named (Y/N). He was my first ever friend. He has that gem he calls the Phantom Ruby in his chest. I know that he isn't the one doing all this, but it's the Phantom Ruby manipulating him.

Knuckles: So you're saying that Infinite is really a good guy, but he is being controlled?

Ruby: Yeah.

Knuckles: I don't like that idea.

Ruby: What?!

Knuckles: Don't you realize what he has done?! He has been killing people for the fun of it and you want to redeem him because he was your friend?!

Ruby: Well... yeah.

I looked around and everyone else looked either confused or not liking my idea. I started to feel sad. No one else thinks that (Y/N) can be saved.

Knuckles: You think this is some sort of fairytale?! If I ever see him again, I will kill him and nothing you say will change my mind!

Tears started to fall from my eyes. I ran back into the room that I was in earlier.

(Sonic's POV)

I saw Ruby, with tears in her eyes, run into the room she was sleeping in.

Sonic: Way to go Knuckle head. You just made a girl, who has been in a coma for half a year, cry.

Knuckles: It's not my fault that she thinks Infinite can be saved.

I looked over at Yang and she looked like she was about to explode with rage.

Yang: You made my little sister cry.

She cracked her knuckles and started to run at Knuckles. Knuckles started to run away.

Yang: Get back here!

Knuckles: No! As commander, you must stop!

Yang: I'd like to see you try.

I sighed and looked at Tails. He gave me a nod and we walked in the room Ruby ran into. She was on a bed crying. She heard us close the door and looked up at us. Me and Tails walked up to her and sat down next to her.

Ruby: What do you guys want?

Sonic: Sorry for the Knuckle head back there. He's not the brightest when it comes to anything.

Tails: Whats wrong?

Ruby: It's just that I know that (Y/N) is still there. I told my team that same plan months ago and they said it couldn't be done.

Sonic: You think you can safe him?

She just gave me a nod. I smiled at her.

Sonic: Then let's safe him.

Ruby: What?

Sonic: Lets do it. We can save the world and you get your friend back. It's a win win.

Me and Tails gave her supportive smiles. Ruby wiped her eyes and smiled at us.

Ruby: Thanks guys.

Tails: No problem. You say that his Phantom Ruby is controlling him. Maybe you can use yours to stop his.

Sonic: You have your own Phantom Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah.

She reached for her pocket and she showed me the glowing gem.

Sonic: Looks like we found our ticket to win this war.

(Chapter 10 end)

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