Chapter 18

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(Ruby's POV)

Ruby: What do you mean I'm already there?

Ivo: I didn't only make a robotic version of the blue pin cushion right there.

Sonic: Crap. We need to get back to the village right away!

I agree with Sonic, but with Metal over here, I don't think it will be that easy. Sonic dashed forward and got out of Metal's grasp. Sonic kicked him away and he helped me up.

Sonic: Got any plans?

Ruby: Well, whatever the green gem was, it made him way stronger. We need to get that stone out of the robot.

Sonic: Sounds like a plan.

We looked at each other. We nodded. Sonic looked at Metal.

Sonic: Catch us if ya can!

We turned around and ran.

Ivo: Metal Sonic! After them!

Me and Sonic jumped up into some trees and hid. I looked down and saw Metal looking around for us. Sonic dashed down and kicked Metal into the ground. Sonic jumped back to a tree before Metal can attack back.

Ruby: Let's take this guy done.

I aimed at Metal. I shot at him. He grabbed the bullet. His chest opened up and I saw the green gem. A green blast came out of his chest. I jumped up, barely dodging the blast. I landed on the ground and Metal looked at me.

Ruby: That was too close.

Metal rushed over at me. I jumped up and slashed him into the ground. Metal quickly got up and grabbed my ankle. Sonic came over and kicked Metal to the ground. I reached into Metal's chest and I got the green gem.

Ruby: I got it!

Sonic: Nice work. Now let's get out of here!

Sonic looked at Metal.

Sonic: See you later, faker!

Me and Sonic started to run back to the village at full speed, leaving behind Metal and the crazy scientists.

Sonic: We are going to need Tails to do some research on that rock.

(Ivo's POV)

I got over to Metal Sonic. I looked around and the two children are gone.

Ivo: Metal Sonic! Where are they?!

He just looked at me. I sighed.

Ivo: You know what? This is fine. You do need some repairs anyway. Let's get back to the base.

He nodded at me. I started to fly away in my pod. I looked over to my left and saw Metal Sonic flying next to me.

(Time skip) (Ruby's POV)

Me and Sonic got back to the village. I looked around and it looked like there was a fight. I saw Shadow on the ground, knocked out. Me and Sonic ran up to him. Shadow started to wake up.

Shadow: Where is that stupid robot?

He got up and looked around.

Sonic: Did you fight a robot?

Shadow: Yeah. A robotic version of Ruby.

I looked around and didn't see (Y/N) anywhere.

Ruby: Where is (Y/N)?

Shadow looked around.

Shadow: I don't know. Best guess is that the robot took him.

I looked down at the ground. I clenched onto Crescent Rose with rage. I felt a hand placed on my shoulder.

Sonic: Calm down Ruby. Don't lose your cool.

I nodded at him.

Sonic: Shadow, did the robot Ruby power up with a gem?

Shadow: Yeah, a yellow one.

I pulled out the green one and showed it to Shadow.

Shadow: I can feel an energy from that gem.

Sonic: Sounds like we need to get this to HQ. Lets get going.

Shadow: Whatever.

(Time skip) (Sonic's POV)

Me, Ruby, and Shadow walked inside of HQ. I looked around and team JNPR are inside.

Jaune: Hey Sonic.

He looked over and saw Ruby.

Ruby: Hey guys. Long time no see.

Jaune walked up to Ruby and they shared a hug.

Jaune: It has been awhile. Good to see you're still doing great.

They broke the hug. I heard a door open. I looked over and saw Tails walking out of his lab.

Tails: Hi Sonic. You said you have something to show me?

I nodded. Ruby reached into her back pocket and pulled out the green gemstone. She handed it to Tails.

Tails: This is a perfectly cut emerald. Why did you want me to look at it?

Shadow: I can sense a power coming from it.

Tails: Then I'll run a few experiments right away.

Tails walked back into his lab and shut the door.

Nora: We got some major catching up to do.

(Time skip)

Everyone is just sitting at a table, talking about what's been happening for the last few months.

Nora: While at this party, Jaune trips and makes his drink fall all on Pyrrha.

Jaune buried his face in his hands.

Jaune: I said that was an accident.

Sonic: Yeah yeah, whatever you say.

We all started to laugh, except for Jaune and Shadow.

Nora: Since Jaune is already embarrassed, there's no harm in telling about this other time-

Jaune: That's enough, thank you!

Pyrrha put her hand on his shoulder.

Pyrrha: Don't get so worked up about little mistakes.

I looked over and the door that leads outside opened.

Knuckles: Your fearless commander is back.

Knuckle head walked in with Weiss, Blake, and Yang following behind. Ruby used her semblance and tackled all her teammates in a big group hug.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: I've missed you three so much!

They all got up and dusted themselves off.

Yang: You had me worried sick for the last few months!

Ruby: Sorry sis.

Yang: It's fine. It just feels weird with you not around.

Yang looked around the room.

Yang: Where's (Y/N)?

Ruby: That's part of the reason I'm here. He's been taken away!

Weiss: What? By who?

Sonic: Some cyborg scientist made robots of me and Ruby. The Rubybot most likely took him away and we don't know where.

I looked over and the lab door opened. Tails walked out, holding the green gem and some kind of radar.

Tails: I think I finally figured out this mystery stone.

Shadow: What are you waiting for? Tell us already. Im running out of patience.

Tails: This gem has a lot of energy. I don't know where it came from, but this thing is pretty dangerous.

Shadow: Interesting. That robot had a yellow one.

Tails: Which means there is more than one.

Tails showed off the radar.

Tails: I made this radar to track anymore of these gems.

Tails walked up to Ruby and handed the radar to her.

Shadow: If that robot still has that yellow gem inside of it...

Ruby: I can find (Y/N) with this!

Weiss: Then let's get going.

Yang: Yeah! Team RWBY are going on a rescue mission!

Blake: Let's not waste anytime.

They all got ready and they left HQ.

Knuckles: ...I don't know what's going on.

Sonic: Scientist made robots. They bad. Got it?

Knuckles: Yeah yeah. You don't have to explain it like I'm a child.

Sonic: Whatever Knuckle head.

Jaune: Is there anything we can do?

Tails: I did make another radar. You guys can try and find more of those powerful gems.

Jaune: Alright. Come on guys. We're going on a search.

Pyrrha: Sounds like fun.

Nora: Bet I can find them all first!

Ren: You don't even know how many there are.

Nora: I'll still find them all!

Tails handed Jaune a radar. Team JNPR left, leaving me, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow.

Sonic: So... Want to play cards?

(Chapter 18 end)

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