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Name: Adrian Jones

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hometown: Athens ,Georgia

Height: 5'10

Weight: 215 lbs


Trained by: AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Frankie Kazarian, Bobby Roode, Shinsuke Nakamura, Amazing Red, and Low Ki 

Wrestling Style: Hybrid (High-flying, Strong Style, Lucha Libre, Shoot wrestling, Technical)

Attire: It is AJ's tights from the start of his WWE career 2016, but the No. 1 is on the right side and the word "Jones" is written in Olde English on the left side like from AJ's gear back in TNA. He wears two colored kickpad boots, black sports tape on his wrists, and wears an elbow pad on his right arm. And lastly, he wears AJ's hooded leather vest

Theme Songs


Flying Armbar 

Superman Splash (Springboard 450 Splash) 

Phenomenal Blitz

Spine Crusher (Pendelum Backbreaker, Gutbuster, and Bridging Fisherman Suplex combo)


Styles Clash 

Spiral Tap (Diving Corkscrew Senton Bomb)

Extreme Styles Clash (Styles Clash/Moonsault combo from the top rope)

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