The Berserk Gym

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In the middle of the road, Nagata was driving while Adrian was sitting in the back, wearing normal clothing while listening to music from is iPod Touch.

(This is his clothes)

(This is his iPod Touch and earphones)

Nagata: Adrian-san. We're here.

Adrian heard his Sensei's message as he took of his earphones and turning off his Ipod Touch. Exiting the car, Adrian and Nagata have arrived in front of a small arena where the electric screen at top of the main entrance said "Berserk."

Adrian: (Berserk...I've read about it one time in a magazine.)

One time, Adrian grabbed a quick meal at a convenience store and was reading a wrestling magazine. He heard about Berserk for being one of the top female wrestling promotions in Japan. Even being equal to Stardom and Tokyo Joshi. 

Nagata: Come. I'll introduce you to the owner.

Both guys enter the training facility and what was first seen is a collective roster of young women doing their training sessions and exercising. Observing the atmosphere makes Adrian feel that he is still at the New Japan Dojo. But when Adrian and Nagata were still walking, the female wrestlers stopped for a moment when they saw the Japanese wrestling legend in their training facility. And some of them were eyeing Adrian which caused him to be a bit uncomfortable. 

???: Nagata-san. Nice to see you here.

Both Nagata and Adrian turn to see the President of the Berserk Gym, Seiichi Inoba.

Nagata: Same for me as well, Inoba.

Seiichi: Is this boy one of the Dojo's newest trainees?

Nagata: He is. This young man was trained by his father for five years I've been perfecting his wrestling style for months. Adrian-san, please introduce yourself. 

Adrian: I am Adrian Jones. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Inoba. *bows*

Inoba: Same here. *bows back* So what do I owe for this visit, Nagata-san?

Nagata: I wanted to speak with you about Adrian making his debut in professional wrestling. Is there perhaps an opponent for him to show all of us what he can do in the ring in an impressive manner?

Inoba: I believe there should be one. His debut match will be against one of my wrestlers here. Kurea Komiyama. She'll be the proper test for him. Cause here in Berserk, she is one that doesn't hold back when the bell rings.

Nagata: Sounds perfect, when will the match take place?

Inoba: *smirks* Tomorrow. And Adrian Jones. I hereby welcome you to professional wrestling.

Inoba offers a handshake and Adrian shook and bowed in respect.

Adrian: *smiles* Thank you, sir.

After the major conversation, Adrian and Nagata start to head out of the Berserk Gym. But before Adrian was going to head out the door, him and his opponent stared down at each other. 

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