The End of the Beginning

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Kaede woke up to her alarm at seven am like always. Of course, her new school was only ten minutes away, and started at eight, but she liked being up and about!

A bonus about her new school: Her childhood friend was going to be there! They hadn't seen each other in person since fifth grade, as Kaede had moved to a different city. They hadn't lost contact, always texting and calling, but now she was back and they were going to the same high school!

She giggled excitedly, calling him.

"Kaede, it's seven-"

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!"

"Kaede, school doesn't start yet, go back to sleep."

She huffed, "Wow, I finally get to see you again after a couple years, and the first thing you tell me is to go back to sleep."


Kaede groaned, "You can, I'm not."

Her friend chuckled, "Alright. See you at school."


She hung up on him.

Kaede skipped out of her room and into the hallway. She continued walking until she reached the kitchen where her mom was cooking.

"Good morning Kaede!" She called out, passing her a plate of pancakes over the kitchen island.

"Morning mom!" Kaede cheered, sitting on a stool and starting to eat, "Thanks for breakfast!" Her mom smiled and nodded, before also sitting down and eating. Her dad walked into the room, rubbing his eyes.

"You both get up too early, I swear," He groaned. The two females giggled.

"Dad, I could play a song for you to help wake you up!" Kaede mentioned. Her dad ruffled her hair.

"That'd be great sweetheart." Kaede whooped, and started to eat her pancakes faster in order to get to the piano faster.

Her parents chuckled as she shoved her plate (gently) into the sink and grabbed her dad. Kaede brought him downstairs into the concert hall they owned. It was small, and the stairs led into the backstage area.

She brought him past the curtain and sat down at the piano, surrounded by other various instruments.

Kaede took a breath, before starting to play a calming song on the piano.

Her dad clapped at the end of her performance, "What song was it this time?"



"The name of the song is Morning. It's from Peer Gynt Suite, and by Edvard Grieg!"

"Oh," He clicked his tongue, "You should go change and get ready for school."

She nodded, "Alright!"

Kaede raced back up to her room, almost tripping at the top of the stairs from running too fast. She changed into a white long sleeved shirt with a pink vest and purple musical note skirt. Kaede also attached the obligatory Hope's Peak pin.

She checked the clock in the corner of her room, "Seven thirty... I still have time to play!"

Kaede picked up her white backpack that was placed besides the door and went back to the piano. She cracked her knuckles and started to play.

After a couple of songs, her mom tapped her on the shoulder, "Sweetheart, time to go to school. It's seven fifty."

Kaede nodded, getting up, "Thanks mom!"

"No problem. Wouldn't want you to be late because you were playing the piano. Again."

Kaede whined, "Are you ever going to let me live that down!?"

Her mom giggled, "Nope!"

Kaede groaned, standing up and starting to walk towards the door.

"Good luck! Have fun!"

Kaede waved goodbye as she walked out the door.


Rantaro glared at his stepsister, "What do you mean you won't let me go to Hope's Peak?!"

Junko glared back, "You lost your mom, my mom left us, and dad's in despair." She placed a hand on her shoulder, "I...I don't want to lose you too."

Rantaro sighed, shoving it off, "Can't we at least compromise? We still have Mukuro! And you both go to Hope's Peak too! I don't want to be home schooled anymore!"

Junko pressed a finger to her forehead, sighing, "Do you have any brilliant ideas?"

Rantaro paused, "If I get a friend, and bring them here for you to evaluate to keep me safe, will you let me go to school?"

Junko stared at him, before hesitantly nodding.

Rantaro sighed in relief, "Well, I'm going to go change."

Junko watched him go away, "We're leaving at seven fifty."

"Alright!" Rantaro went into his room, and changed into a white undershirt with a baggy blue shirt with a compass pattern and some brown pants. He also attached the required Hope's Peak pin.

"Rantaro, hurry up!"

"Coming!" He slid down the railing of their stairs to Junko and Mukuro.

"Hurry up," Junko pouted.

"I'm here! Let's go!" The trio walked out the door.


Kaede was walking past a alleyway when she heard a shout. She always had sensitive ears.

"What are you even doing at Hope's Peak?"

"Everyone's special except for you!"

"Of all people who got chosen, why you?"

Kaede peered into the alleyway. There was a male teenager with brown hair surrounded by three other teenagers.

"Please, school starts in a couple minutes. I'll be late," The one surrounded said, staring at his phone.

One of the others knocked it out of his hand, "Good! Maybe they'll kick you out and give it to someone who deserves the spot!"

Kaede stepped into the alley, "Hey, what're you doing?!"

The three turned to look at her, "It's someone from Hope's Peak!"

"Scatter!" They ran past her into the open street and away. She turned towards the male.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Just some bullies."

She noticed the pin on his shirt, "You're a Hope's Peak student?"

He nodded, reaching out his hand, "Hajime Hinata. I'm in the 77th class."

Kaede shook his hand, "Kaede Akamatsu! I'm in the 79th class!"

Hajime smiled, "Well, we should start heading out. Class starts in a few minutes."

"Ah, right!" Kaede started running out, "I'll see you around!"

Hajime nodded. As she walked out, he palmed the green bracelet on his wrist.


Rantaro walked a couple feet behind his sisters. They kept getting surrounded by adoring fans. He groaned. The attention was in good nature, but it was annoying.

He glanced at the one person not trying to get closer. A white haired teenager was standing idly by. All of a sudden, a bus came flying over the hill and directly towards the male.

Everyone around him screamed and moved away, but he stayed still. Rantaro pushed through the crowd, "LOOK OUT!"

He grabbed the male and pulled him back just as the bus slammed into the place they were previously. They both landed on their backs, breathing heavily.

"Rantaro!" Junko came running up, "Holy macaroni, are you okay?"

Rantaro nodded, getting up, "Is anyone else injured?"

A nearby fangirl squealed, "Even when he's in danger, he's still so polite!" Rantaro shuddered.

The white haired male also got up, "Just my luck." He turned to look at the bus, "Huh, there's no one in there."

Rantaro blinked.

How does that even happen?

Rantaro noticed the Hope's Peak pin on his shirt, "You're a Hope's Peak student?"

He nodded, "Nagito Komaeda, 77th class."

Junko grabbed Rantaro and started storming away, "You are not getting near that safety hazard."

"Eh? Junko!"

Nagito watched the trio walked towards the school. He pulled out his phone.

Bae <3

Me: I found someone

Bae <3: Same

Me: I almost got hit by a bus again

Bae <3: Again?!


Kaede bounced into the classroom, before immediately getting tackled by her friend.


They both fell to the ground. Shuichi smiled.

Kaede chuckled, "Still wearing that emo hat I see."

"Why does everyone call it a emo hat?" Shuichi whined, getting up and helping Kaede up as well.

A purple haired male leaned out from behind Shuichi, "Who's that?"

Shuichi turned to him, "This is my childhood friend, Kaede Akamatsu!"

Kaede waved. The male stared at her, putting his arms behind her head, "Oh, that's a coincidence! My name's also Kaede Akamatsu!"

Kaede blinked, "Kaede's a girl name?"

The boy, uh, girl started crying, "WAA! SAIHARA-CHAN, SHE JUST ASSUMED MY GENDER!"

Kaede started waving her arms around, "Wait, no, I'm so so sorry, I just thought-"

"He's lying," Shuichi chuckled, "His name is Kokichi Ouma."

Kokichi pouted, tears disappearing, "Boo. Boring."

All of a sudden, a green haired male was shoved into the room, "What? Junko!" He face planted onto the ground before the door shut behind him. Kaede ran over.

"You okay?" He nodded and picked himself up. Kaede blinked, "Y-You're that fashion model!"

"Rantaro Amami," He smiled, "I know."

Kaede grabbed his hand, shaking it, "I'm such a big fan! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Rantaro shook her hand, smiling. Kaede let go before skipping over to Shuichi and Kokichi.

A blond girl with large breasts bounced over, "Hey, avocado!" She grabbed onto his arm,  "Come sit with me!"

Rantaro blinked, "Who're you?"

The girl scoffed, "You don't know me? I'm the one, the only, gorgeous girl genius, Miu Iruma!"

"Never heard of you," Kaede and Rantaro spoke in unison.

Miu squealed, "Eh, you'll know who I am soon enough." She grabbed onto Rantaro, "Come sit with me, hottie."

Rantaro yanked his hand away, grabbing onto Kaede, "Hah, I'll just sit with the one girl who hasn't treated me like an object!"

Kaede smiled, "Aww, thanks!"

Shuichi giggled, "Still nice after all these years I see."

Kaede huffed, "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

The duo walked over to the two tables where Kokichi was sitting. Kokichi grabbed onto Shuichi and dragged him down next to him.

Kaede giggled and sat in front of them, Rantaro sitting next to her. Miu huffed and sat across from them, a robotic boy joining her.

The teacher walked in, "Alright class, take your seats! Oh, you already are. Thank you!"

"I'd like to welcome Rantaro Amami to our school especially! Everyone give a round of applause!" Rantaro groaned and covered his head with his arms as the class proceeded to do just that.

"Lmao, rip!" Kokichi exclaimed. Shuichi chuckled next to him.

And with that, their school year at Hope's Peak started.

(A/N: As ML is not over yet, I will be taking some creative liberty with the story!
Also Thanks to MunkiSmol for creating the cover for me!
If you want to see a specific DR character get akumatized, please tell me in the comments! Also please tell me any ideas you have for them! Although, I have ideas for some characters, so if you request a character, I might deny those I have ideas for!)

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