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Hello guys and gals!! So this is my new story, my love story actually. So I ain't gonna write the whole real facts here. This isn't gonna be boring. You will meet some romance, funny things, emotions and etc. So okay instead of spending time in my authors note let go into the story!

Kirito P.O.V

A pleasant morning started with the birds chirping. A cold wind started blowing. Leaves flying around as the wind blows. The students of the school running,chatting and some of them studying as this is their new academic year.

 A tall boy in his school uniform enters the school.

"Atlast! New year, new academic. Hope this year won't be so boring like the last year," mummbles Kirito.  

As he mummbles,Kirito hears someone shouting his name," Yo!Kirito!" 

Kirito turns to his right side and sees a guy waving his hands, and finds that it was his childhood friend Eugeo.  

"Yo!Eugeo!",shouts back kirito as he sees his best friend.

Eugeo runs up to kirito and does the fist bump they always do since their childhood.

"How was your vacation brother??", asks Eugeo as he messes Kirito's hair.

Kirito grabs Eugeo's hand and gives a slight twist."It was a normal vacation as always and How many time should I say to you DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR!!!"

Eugeo jumps in pain and shouts,"Ouch!Ouch! Okay okay calm down,"

Kirito let's eugeo's hand free as he apologized. 

"Bruh really? Will you twist your future wife's hand when she touches your hair?" asks Eugeo as he holds his hand which got twisted by Kirito. 

"I am gonna be bachelor for life. I had enough with my ex, so I guess in my opinion it's better being single," says Kirito combing his hair which was messed up.

"You can't be a bachelor for life Kirito. I bet that you will find your right love this year," said Eugeo with a smirk.

"I hope you pay the bet cause I am gonna be the winner," said Kirito keeping a hand on Eugeo's shoulder.

"We will see," said Eugeo with a wink.

As the two childhood friends were having their fun talking about their vacation the school bell rang.

Kirito looks at Eugeo and asks "Wanna race me to the class?"

"Start running slowpoke!",said Eugeo as he took his head start before Kirito started running.

As they both raced to the class kirito and eugeo entered the class at the same time screaming,"Good Morning Mam!" 

Eugeo and Kirito were panting as they both completed their whole energy on the race.

"Why are you guys panting?" asks the teacher.

Kirito keeps panting and says ,"Oh..Nothing.. mam..a dog was chasing us, so we ran at out full speed," 

   "Dog?? A dog in our school campus?? From when did our school started having dogs??" asks the teacher with a suspicious look.

"Y-yea mam, the principal bought a new dog and now it's in the campus," said Eugeo trying to control his laugh as he said it.

"Well okay, you guys can go and take your seat," said the teacher taking a chalk in her hands.

Kirito and Eugeo sits near to each other in the first bench.

"Bro did you actually meant the principal as dog?" asks Kirito trying to control his laugh. 

"Yea, actually the principal barks like a dog when he turns angry. He kinda reminds me of a rotweiler dog," said eugeo. 

Kirito and eugeo giggles as they both were talking.

 After a few minutes the teacher started taking the attendance. As the teacher was taking attendance a tall girl in pink dress  stood in front of the class

The teacher stops taking attendance and walks towards the girl who stood in front of the class door.

"You should be Asuna right?" asks the teacher with a pleasant smile.

"Yes mam!" replies Asuna with a joyful smile. 

The class teacher welcomes her to the class and asks every student to welcome her.

"Students welcome your new friend to our class!" said the teacher.

Everyone stood up and welcomed her except Kirito as he was busy taking his notes from his bag.

The teacher looks at kirito with a stern look and asks,"Kirito! Should I say specially for you alone to welcome her?!" 

Kirito stands up suddenly from his place dropping all the books he took from his bag and said," Sorry mam, I didn't notice what you said."

"You are physically present and mentally absent my son," said the teacher looking at kirito.

The whole class started giggling as the teacher said it. 

Kirito started scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment and welcomed Asuna.

"So Asuna we shall find a place for you to sit," said the teacher looking around the class.

"Eugeo get up and sit in the next bench,"said the teacher pointing Eugeo.

"Aww come on," mummbles Kirito with whine.

"Asuna now you can sit next to Kirito," said the teacher looking at Asuna.

Eugeo takes his bag and sits on the next bench behind kirito and whispers in Kirito's ears,"Bro looks like you got someone. Get ready to pay your bet." 

Kirito knocks on Eugeo's head and mummbles,"Shut up bruh,I said I don't want anyone."

Eugeo screams silently in pain,"Ouch! That wasn't fair!" 

Asuna sat next to Kirito and said,"Hi! I am Asuna! Nice to meet you kirito!"  

"Hi!uhm...nice to meet you too," said Kirito stuttering.

Eugeo interrupts the conversation and says,"Oh don't mind him, he is shy. I am Eugeo by the way"

"Oh nice to meet you Eugeo. You can call me Asuna," said Asuna with a pleasant smile on her face.

Kirito stares at Eugeo and says," I am not shy you full shaved chicken head." 

Asuna starts to giggle as these two friends were teasing each other.

"Oh yea? Then why did you stutter while speaking to her donkey head?" shots back Eugeo with a wink.

"T-that was b-because uhm...I had throat irritation.." said Kirito stuttering again.

"Oh okay, Whatever you say you are shy," said Eugeo. 

"Yea, You are shy Kirito lol," said Asuna giggling.

As the three students were having their fun chatting the first period started. 

The science teacher entered their class and all the students stood up and wished the teacher.

"Please be seated," said the teacher.

The students sat down on their respected places and started to listen to their class.

As the teacher was taking class Kirito,Asuna and Eugeo were talking instead of listening to the class.

"If you don't mind me asking where are you from?" whispers Kirito to Asuna.

"I am from West Bengal," replies Asuna in a low tone.

"Oh nice. Eugeo and myself are  from Kerala," said Kirito with a joyful smile.

"Oh Kerala it's a nice place!" said Asuna with a smile on.

Kirito started to giggle all of a sudden and ,asuna and eugeo started to look at kirito with a suspicious look.

"Why are you giggling?" asked asuna looking at kirito.

"I ship you and Eugeo. From now onwards you both gonna be girlfriend and boyfriend," said Kirito with a smirk.

Asuna got filled up with anger when Kirito said that to her. Asuna stared at Kirito with anger. Kirito saw the rage in Asuna's eyes. 

Asuna did a HMPH!!!! with anger and looked away. Kirito felt so bad as he broke her heart.

Kirito tried to Apologise by stuttering, but Asuna kept ignoring him. 

"Asuna...I am sorry..." apologised Kirito to Asuna. 

Asuna was filled with anger and she didnt wanna talk to Kirito. She ignored him so much as he apologised.

Kirito was broken down to several pieces. He coudnt bear his tears and holded Asuna's hand tightly.

To be continued~

Author's Note

I hope you all enjoyed the first part. Its a bit short cause i didnt have enough time to spend on this and also i dont know whether the first part is nice or not. It has been so long since I wrote a story lol. Well Hope you all enjoyed and what do you think? Will Asuna forgive me? Or do you think that she woukd have been angry on me for like 1 month? Leave your thoughts in the comment box. Thank you! 

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