Chapter 3 - "Death is not the only leverage I have."

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Muted blue moonlight fell across the floor of Isla's cabin as she put her father's coat around her shoulders, letting the familiar weight strengthen her. For the span of a heartbeat she could feel his presence in the room. The feeling vanished as she shut the door behind her. On deck, she found Hawk waiting.

"Is it time?" he asked.

Isla gave a curt nod. They crossed the deck, their footsteps thudding on the stairs as they went below. The air was thick with the smell of salt and lamp oil. The narrow passage was lit by hanging lanterns, the light overlapping. Outside the brig, they stopped and Isla addressed Brockton, who stood guard.

"Open up," she said, handing him an iron key.

Accepting it, he slid it into the lock and turned, the heavy bolt sliding back with a loud thunk. He pushed the clunky door aside. Inside was dark and smelled strongly of sweat and urine. It was a stench that collected only in this room, serving one purpose, discomfort. There was a crack and a match flared to life. Hawk hung the lantern on a bracket.

Duke Sayers was positioned on a bench across from them, his arms stretched out to on either side, his wrists locked in shackles. His head lolled to the side, still unconscious or merely asleep, Isla didn't know and didn't care. His brown hair was spoiled and his face was bruised from her blow. Crossing her arms, Isla nodded to Brockton.

"Wake him," she said.

Brockton grabbed a bucket from beside the door and stepped forward. In one easy motion, he flung the water over the Duke. He woke with a shock, spewing a string of words in another language Isla guessed were not polite. He shook his head, spraying them with droplets of icy water.

Noticing how his shirt clung to his chest and arms, Isla was certain having him chained had been a wise decision. Sayers glanced around the room when his eyes landed on Isla a playful smirk curled his lips. Still dripping water, he sank back against the wall, as if not even noticing his freedom was not his own.

"You were not a dream then," he said. His voice was like a dark melody, enchanting and mysterious.

Isla stayed indifferent.

"I'm Captain Zev," she said.

His eyebrow rose at the title, as something like recognition flickered in his eyes. Pushing away his surprise, he ducked his head.

"I'm Raif, it is a pleasure, Captain." He rested his head back. "What is it that you find locking me up is necessary for?"

His complete lack of indignation and even annoyance at being locked away startled Isla, but she kept her features from betraying this.

"You are going to get me what I want," she said, calmly. "Or I will kill you."

The words hung in the air between them. Despite this, Raif looked unconcerned.

"Is that so?" he said.

The question was teasing, almost mocking in its delivery. Beside her, Isla could feel Hawk tensing as if to echo her words, bolstering the threat. Isla spoke, taking away his chance.

"You seem to believe I wouldn't," Isla said.

Raif smiled and this time the look was flirtatious as well as patronizing.

"I know you will not," he said. "I know Captain Zev's reputation. I have even crossed paths with him. He is..." he dipped his chin in respect. "Was an honorable man."

The note of condolence in his voice made Isla curl one fist, fighting the sickening feeling in her stomach.

"As you appear to be his daughter, I would assume he has passed on the same morals he lived by. Knowing this I know you will not kill me, it is not in your blood. As well it is not in your best interest to kill me."

Isla arched one eyebrow, trying to control her mounting irritation.

"Is that so?" she said, mocking his own words.

Hawk crossed his arms as if reminding Isla to stay detached from the man.

"Since you kidnapped me," Raif said, "you clearly know who I am. Therefore you know who my father is. He is a man that hates to see his property disappear, stolen or destroyed. Kill me and you would have the force of one of the Kingdom's most influential men after you."

Isla hated the ring of truth in his words, the barriers that were already being built between her and what she needed. The information that had felt within her grasp a moment ago was slipping away. The source of this occurrence was the man she stared at, who both held the knowledge and was pulling it out of reach.

She had dealt with a myriad of noblemen before: haughty, arrogant, selfish, entitled, stupid, rich, spoiled. Each one had been an easy thing to handle, but Raif was new. He was intelligent and knew how the world truly worked. It was this knowledge, Isla knew, that made him feel at ease even when he was chained to the wall.

Raif cocked his head, appraising her. Face unreadable, she didn't know what he saw or was looking for. There must have been something in her eyes because he spoke again.

"My father is not the only one you have to worry about," he said. "The Prince and his new bride will be expecting my presence at the King's Festival in Loria. My absence will not go unnoticed."

Isla dug her nails into her palm feeling like she was being penned in on all sides. Only the steady reminder of Hawk at her shoulder kept her from doing something irrational.

"You make excellent points," Isla said. Her eyes hardened. "Death is not the only leverage I have."

Raif gave a dry chuckle. "Damaging me would secure you a place in my father's prison. That leaves you with merely holding me until I give you what you want. But you seem to be under the thought that I care whether I am locked away or not."

The statement stole all of Isla's thoughts, as her emotions flared with disbelief and irritation. Hawk darted a glance at her, his own surprise hidden away. Raif raised his hands making the chains clink. Casually, he inspected the cuffs but seemed unconcerned about them.

"I have been worst situations," he said. His lips curled in amusement as he focused back on Isla. "Holding me here would offer me an unexpected service."

Barely containing her frustration, Isla managed to get one word out. "Oh?"

"Keeping me would succeed in aggravating my father," he said. "Which plays well into my plans. Do what you will, but as I see it holding me is to my advantage and you can not damage me or kill me."

The words of confidence were spoken with a mocking smile. The look set Isla off inside. Looking to Brockton, she nodded towards Raif. The man's eyes showed understanding at the silent command. Stepping forward, he punched Raif in the jaw. Raif grunted in pain, staring at the floor. Hawk inched forward but Isla made no motion for Brockton to do more than that. When Raif raised his head, Isla was staring at him with cold eyes.

"Your first mistake was assuming I'm my father," she said. "I am not." Her voice was controlled though inside she was fuming at the indifference of this man. "I may be at risk in killing you, but that doesn't mean what I search for isn't worth the price."

With that thought washing over him, Isla left, Hawk following. The door banged shut behind them and the bolt slid back into place. Brockton handed the key to Hawk, Isla already halfway down the passageway. The chill of the night swept over her as she rose to the deck, the salty taste buoyed on the wind. The calming atmosphere had no effect on her, her hands formed into fists.

She barely made it to her cabin before her frustration exploded from her. With a growl, she pulled free one of her knives and flung it at the wall. It struck the wood and sunk into the dark surface.

Breathing deeply, Isla rounded the desk and stopped in front of the line of square windows. She rested her hands on the narrow ledge below, trying to keep herself from hurling the other knife. The sea outside was black as ink and coated with a thin blanket of fog. She peered up, but the stars were obscured by dense rain clouds.

The cabin door clinked shut behind her and she waited for Hawk to speak. When he didn't, her shoulders dropped.

"He is right," she said, speaking to the floor. "I can't kill him. I shouldn't have even touched him." She looked out on the endless sea, the vast darkness oddly soothing. "All that we work for will be lost if I try to get the information we need by force."

"Then do not force it."

Isla spun on him. "You heard him, he doesn't care if we keep him here. We have no way of getting what we need."

Hawk edged forward, sensing her roiling emotions.

"There are other ways of making a man talk that does not require harm, merely time."

"You're saying we starve him."

Hawk gave a nod of assent. "That would seem our only plan."

Isla sank into the chair, resting her arms on the desktop. Beneath her hands were maps, with writing along the borders. Though small the letters were written with precision. Even the strong strokes spoke of the powerful force that had penned them.

"Duke Sayers would have given my father what he asked for," Isla said. She didn't look at Hawk as she spoke, knowing his look of understanding would be too humiliating. "I shouldn't be in this debt."

"Your father did what he did for you," Hawk said. "So you could succeed on your own, with your own crew and ship."

Isla slammed her fist on the desk staring up at him. "I didn't need a ship, I needed him."

Hawk rested a comforting hand on her shoulder. That one simple gesture stole away Isla's anger, leaving her feeling empty.

"We all needed him," he said. "And now we need you. Your father taught you the inner workings of his business like he never taught any of us. This crew is too old to find a new home, a new captain. We look to you." Isla lifted her eyes to meet his caring ones. "Whether you accept that or not, it is the truth. Our loyalty rests with you."

Isla felt the weight of what he said settle on her shoulders. It was echoed by the ghost that still lingered in the room. Tucking away her grief and pain, she rose and nodded. To find a way out of this burden, she needed to get out of this debt.

"I will not lose that loyalty," she said, squaring her shoulders. "Tell the men that no one is to give Duke Sayers food or water without my say so. He needs to be ready to answer when I ask for what I want."

As Hawk bobbed his head in acknowledgment, there was the barest hint of pride in his face as the edge of his lips curled.

"Of course, Captain."


Follow that horizon!

There we have it! Our first interaction between Raif and Isla! What is in that treasure chest of a mind of yours! 🗯💬💭

Let's face it, Raif was never going to back down easily, we know this about him. He's reckless, determined, and strong. But so is Isla so I think they have both met their match.

Now story time! 📖📚

When I was writing A Gypsy's Tale my sister (JoymomentsSISTER) was in love with Raif. She said he was the type of guy that you knew would break your heart but loved him so much you didn't care. It's because of her that you even have this story at all.

When I was gone writing A Vagabond's Tale she told me that I needed to write her a spin-off about Raif and her getting together. A fan fiction to my own story you could say.

Well knowing me it was a bad idea to put the idea into my head because I asked myself, 'okay, if Raif really was going to meet his match in a woman, who would she be?' Haha and naturally she turned out to be a pirate!

Does this mean they get together and I've spoiled the whole story? Haha oh you readers of little faith you know me better than that by now. Nothing is ever as it seems.

呢章 ge問題 (Cantonese) If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have three books with you, which would you choose?

Mine would be: The Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss), Fire (Kristin Cashore), and Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen). Mainly because I've already reread these books multiple times and know that I would be willing to read them all over again.

Vote for freedom, comment on the state of Raif's likelihood of living, and follow the current to what adventures it might lead to!

I totally saw him as Brockton! What do you think?

Gosh with all these hot pirates I wouldn't mind being kidnapped!

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