Chapter 31 - "You could say I have been stolen."

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"Remember to think of the memory," Raif whispered into Isla's ear, his breath fanning across her skin.

Holding onto to the blip of happiness, Isla felt her face relax. As they descended the stairs, the music resumed as did the conversations though the eager and curious tones were new.

With each step, Isla was aware of the interested gazes that captured her. Along with the intrigue was the subtle envy that rippled out from the woman of the Court. Raif had not given her the full truth. There was venom in some of these woman's eyes.

Before Isla and Raif could be pounced upon by inquisitive nobles, the mass of glittering gowns and tailored suits parted revealing the Prince and Princess.

They were was striking pair, prince Thayer with his black hair, sharp Lorian features beside Eldin princess Gigi with her satin brown skin and luminous blue eyes.

When she saw Raif, the princess beamed. It was an expression so open and familiar, Isla realized that Raif was considered more than simply a fellow nobleman, they were friends.

"Raif," Gigi said. "Where have you been? We have been worried about you. We heard rumors that you had been stolen."

Raif smiled at Isla in a manner that was both teasing and awe-struck.

"You could say I have been stolen."

Isla dug her fingers into his arm while she worked to keep her annoyance from showing.

"Oh," Gigi said. "How did..." She stopped, lost for words.

"Your highness, princess," Raif said, inclining his head to them. "Allow me to introduce Lady Isabella to you."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Thayer said, bowing his head to Isla.

In return, she lowered into an elegant curtsy, hearing Raif's voice in her head. "If you can learn to curtsy on a rocking ship then you will never fail to curtsy on land."

"We are delighted to meet you," Gigi said, smiling at Isla in welcome. "Now tell us, where have you been?"

This statement stirred the people around them as nobles tried to shift closer without giving themselves away for eavesdropping. Isla wanted to glare at them all, to send them scurrying away, but Raif laid his hand over hers, a silent reminder that her presence here was for a reason.

"I was indeed taken from my ship," Raif said. "I was then rescued by Lady Isabella who was traveling back to her home in Lithia."

Isla wondered if they would question how she had known Raif needed rescuing, but Raif kept talking, smoothly hindering any questions.

"Isabella kindly offered me passage to Vorin but we were hit by a storm and the ship took serious damage, leaving us stranded as the ship was repaired."

He turned his attention to Isla, donning an affectionate look that had women around them steaming and trying to bore holes into Isla with their eyes.

"In that time we got to know each other. When she told me she had never been to the palace or the King's festival I invited her to come with me that she may be able to see it at least once."

"This can not be true," Thayer said. Isla tensed and Raif squeezed her hand. "Raif, you have found someone who you care for?"

Gigi laughed and Isla relaxed.

"I would not have thought it possible as well," Gigi said.

"It is the truth," Raif said, softening his words.

His tone grated against Isla. She hated his sentimental inflection, the one that made him sound as if he were made of putty, easily molded to someone's will. It was not true and it was not the man she knew. The man she knew was steel. A fierce storm.

"If it is true," Gigi said, "then allow me to offer my deepest appreciation to you, Lady, for rescuing Raif."

Isla tilted her head and looked at Raif. He smiled at the facade of her confusion.

"I apologize," Raif said. "Isabella speaks very little Lorian. One of the reasons she has never come to the King's Festival. She does, however, know Eldin."

At this, Gigi brightened as if a candle flame had been lit inside her.

"Truly? You speak Eldin?" she asked in Eldin.

A ghostly presence passed through Isla as she heard the language her father had spoken to her as he put her to bed, or talked to her when they were alone. Their secret language.

"Yes," Isla said, her voice coming out quieter than she anticipated.

Gigi reached out and clasped Isla's free hand. Isla restrained herself back from jerking it away.

"It pleases me so much to have you with us," Gigi said.

"Thank you," Isla said.

Raif took a step away from her.

"I must apologize for this," he said. "But there is something I must attend to. I trust the Lady will be safe in your care."

"You need not worry," Gigi said, smiling on Isla. "We will see she is not fed to the wolves."

Taking Isla's hand, Raif bowed over it and kissed it. Isla the strongest desire to glare at him for the dramatic display but knew this was all to protect the crew. In the light of the news about Raif being taken with an unknown lady, no one would think about the presence of four unknown servants moving about the palace.

"I will return, Lady," he said.

When he disappeared into the crowd, Isla struggled to keep her composure. She was accustomed to facing scarred-faced men with murder in their eyes, not a ballroom full of entitled nobles. Without Raif beside her, she felt the vulnerability of her position. Fighting her way out would never be an option.

"Lady," Thayer said, claiming her attention as he spoke in Eldin. His accent wasn't as polished as Gigi's but it was sufficient. "As a show of welcome, will you honor me with a dance?"

He held out his hand and Isla forced herself to accept it. This was her part of the plan. Shine bright enough that no one would notice the figures lurking in the shadows.

They moved to the center of the ballroom where other couples twirled, eyes followed them, soaking in every detail of Isla.

When Thayer placed his hand on Isla's waist, all she could think of was the way it felt when Raif held her, the way his gray eyes remained pinned on hers. The way the sunlight fell across his face. The way he smelled like the sea.

As Thayer guided Isla into the whirl of dancing figures, she couldn't help but compare him with Raif. Where Raif danced as if each step was a daring task, Thayer was controlled, always in command. She appreciated him for that, as it reacquainted her with the steps that were barely imprinted in her mind.

"You may not know this, Lady," Thayer said. "But Raif is the reason I have my wife."

Isla raised her eyebrows. She had not known this. But the topic of Raif's relationship with the prince and princess had not been one they talked over.

"He has become a close confidante this last year. Gigi and I both care for him deeply." Isla remained silent, hearing an undercurrent in his voice that she could not explain. "He appears to be very taken with you." Thayer met her eyes then with an intensity she would not have guessed he possessed. "I would like to know if what he feels is not reciprocated."

Isla stared at the prince, intrigued by the protection he felt for his friend. Looking back on their introduction, Isla understood how he would be worried, she had been silent and never smiled. She would not smile for these people and though she didn't believe he had a right to know her heart, she could give the prince what he sought.

"He is not alone in what he feels," she murmured.

The words were true. Raif had won a piece of her heart, but she knew that the rest belonged to the crew.

Thayer visibly relaxed, his smile encouraging. "I am pleased to hear it."

They lapsed into silence for the remainder of the dance. When the song ended, Thayer stepped back and dipped his head.

"Thank you, Lady."

Before Isla could scan the crowd for Raif, a man no older than her approached. He had rakish good looks and hazel eyes. After nodding in acknowledgment to Thayer, he bowed to Isla, grinning with a touch of flirtation.

"Sir Clay," he announced. "May I have this next dance?"

Isla knew she had to accept but was loathed to do so.

"Sir Clay," Thayer said. "She speaks very little Lorian."

"I see." Clay held a hand out to her and Isla took it. "I will take that as a yes."

When he wrapped his arm around her, he pulled her closer than Thayer had. The music started up and Isla was forced to bear another dance partner, one which didn't hold either Thayer's command or Raif's skill.

"How much Lorian do you understand?" Clay asked.

Isla merely looked at him, expression blank. Clay smiled, pleased with the answer.

"You look beautiful, Lady," he said, experimentally.

Again Isla gave no response. Clay shook his head, chuckling.

"Beautiful and can't speak, how does Raif manage to get so lucky."

For this statement, Isla stepped on Sir Clay's foot. He winced. When Isla expressed no vengeful glimmer, he smiled over his surprise and pain.

As they danced, Clay slid his hand lower and lower. When he was getting close to her backside, she angled her leg between his and stepped just right. He grunted and hunched forward.

The force of her knee hadn't been strong enough to do damage, just enough to inflict pain. The song ended and Clay gave a weak bow before moving away, unsteady.

A portly man with the smell of wine on his breath took Clay's place. When their dance was done, he limped away, his left foot throbbing. He had not tried to feel more of her than he should, his crime was the shameless way he stared down her dress.

A pompous Earl faced the same fate as the portly man, his suggestions not to Isla's liking. The next partner she danced with was a relief. He introduced himself as Duke Evert and had a quiet air about him. When their time ended, he left unscathed.

Isla was in the midst of her fifth dance partner, who was taking advantage of the view her dress was offering him and receiving retribution for his misconduct when a voice stopped them.

"I believe this is where I cut in."

Isla didn't know she could feel such relief from a single voice. The Viscount who was now regretting his actions easily detached himself from Isla and left, his gait uneven.

Raif swept Isla into his arms and she softened.

"Along with our departing Viscount, I saw Sir Clay, Earl Vin, and Lord Bearenger all hobbling about, might I be correct in assuming they didn't act like true gentlemen?"

"You would have to ask them."

Raif laughed and brought her closer. Isla didn't mind this, strengthened by his presence.

"You should always come with me to balls," he said, still chucking.

Isla said nothing. This was not her world. She was never going to return.

"May I assume that we are free to leave?" she asked.

The amusement fell from Raif's face. "I wish so, but no. The search of Drollan's room yielded nothing. We'll have to shift the plan."

Isla closed her eyes, shaking her head. At least the next part ensured she would no longer have to endure more dancing. Raif leaned close to Isla, far closer than was proper in their current setting.

"The call to dine will be announced soon," he said in her ear. "We must slip away before then."


Raif steered them through the tangle of dancers until they were on the fringe. When he kissed her cheek, Isla saw the spark of scandal in the eyes of the bystanders. Whispers quickened as gazes singled out the audacious couple. The song came to a close but Raif didn't let go of Isla, instead led her off to a secluded corner, that remained in full view of fluttering lips. He pressed her into the wall, resting one hand by her head.

"Are they watching?" he asked.

Isla spared a glance at the ballroom. It hadn't been necessary, she could feel the hundreds of stares aimed at them.


Raif smiled and leaned in, but Isla went rigid. He paused, hovering inches away from her face.

"You understand you have to appear like you want to kiss me," he said.

The truth of the matter was Isla wanted to kiss Raif. She wanted to kiss him until they felt lightheaded. Until they were breathless. But she wanted to kiss him on the deck of the ship at night or dawn. She didn't want to kiss him for these people.

Raif cocked his head, cupping her face. "What is it?"

Isla couldn't voice her thoughts. Signs of affection were not meant for others to see. Only once had she seen her parents kiss and it had been an accident.

Raif smirked. "Are you scared to kiss me?"

The taunt in his voice hardened Isla and she narrowed her eyes. Taking the front of his shirt, she kissed him. Raif laughed, the sound spilling into Isla.

"I knew you had it in you," he said, between kisses, his lips moving away from her mouth.

"I believe they have seen enough," she said.

Raif caught her mouth with his. "We have to be convincing. They have to not blink an eye at our absence at dinner."

He slid his arm around her, bringing her closer to him. Isla took his face in her hands.

"You are practically devouring me, it's enough."

Raif nodded, then took her hand, lacing it with his. He guided her further down the length of the ballroom, towards a doorway. A few steps away from it, he spun her towards him and kissed her again. When he broke away he was wearing a devilish grin for the sake of all who were watching. Isla glanced over Raif's shoulder gauging the reaction. Their plan was working.

As Isla turned away, she froze. Across the way, staring straight at her stood Lord Sutherland.


Dun dUn DUN!!!!! 😱

(Ah the cliff hangers are back. I gotta say I've missed them, but you can't blame me for them since we are only two chapters away from the end!)

Go ahead and tell me how much you truly hate me for the cliff hanger, but afterwards scream about seeing Gigi and Thayer and laugh about how EPIC Isla was dancing with all those noblemen! 💭💬🗯👸🏽🤴🏼

Haha, leave it to Isla to take noblemen down without a single word spoken!

I gotta say Raif you really know how to pick them. *Nudges Raif* Did you hear me?

What? I'm sorry, I was looking at...what did you say?

🙄 Raif you understand Isla literally kneed some guy in the nuts for staring at her. How do you think you'll avoid that same fate if you keep ogling her!

*smirks* Because unlike them, I have her heart.

Ehhhh, I think that's pushing it a little. I would say you have 1/4 of it at best.

*smiles* I will have to win the rest them.

Good luck with that one, Isla's a fighter. We all know that.

Sidenote: I was completely surprised with how Isla felt about displays of affection. I mean she's a pirate after all, I didn't expect her to be...shy! So weird, but kind makes sense, she wants her life and her affections to be hers alone.

Any more thoughts you have about Isla and Raif? Gigi and Thayer? The danger we are about to face? The chapter as a whole? I'm all ears! (Well, I'm two ears, anymore than that and I'd look really weird)

Aa path no prashna (Gujarati): Wild predictions on how this book will end?

Mine: they all die in an epic battle the likes that haven't been seen since Endgame and Captain America said, 'Avengers, assemble'.

(That part is so great! Also when all the girls gather together to kick some serious bootay! Isla, Carter, and Louie would totally make it in that gang! I would not, but that's a disappointment I'll have to live with)

Vote for strong women, comment on the hilarity of Isla causing damage, and follow the flow of nobles!

These drawings of Isla and Raif were created by gwendolynn13 and they are amazing!! Also you can find her on Instagram at vanish.pkpatel

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