Chapter 33 - "I have no choice, do I?"

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"I say we retire to my rooms for a drink," Raif said, facing Drollan.

The man beamed with pleasure. "Excellent idea."

He held his arm out to Isla and she accepted. With the emerald making an imprint in her palm and freedom within her reach, her senses were heightened. The smell of wine clinging to Drollan's skin. His weak arm beneath his thick sleeve. Raif's elbow brushing hers as he led them back into the corridor. The guard's eyes latching onto Isla. The deep green of them sparking. Not with suspicion but with intrigue. The rumors had found their way all the way down here.

The syncopated tap of their steps as they ascended the stairs. The swaying shadows created by the flitting candles in the sconces along the wall. The way that the lute, harp, and flute tangled together and infused the palace with a sense of merriment.

The light catching on a young lady's ruby necklace as she tilted towards the man who shushed her, even as he smiled. The plush carpet muting their presence. The scent of cigars floating from an open doorway accompanied by the clink of glass and the deep murmur of voices.

By the time they returned to Raif's rooms, Isla was weary from every sound, smell, and sight she had kept track of. The sitting room lay empty and she knew the men had heard them and hidden. When Raif pointedly looked from Isla to the settee, she understood the unspoken direction. She was to be a decoration.

Drollan was delighted when Isla sat beside him and he began chattering away, barely noticing when Raif handed him a glass of wine. Isla was given one as well, but unlike Drollan's glass, hers never lost any of its contents. Raif kept Drollan talking and his glass refilled until the man's eyelids dipped. Before the wine glass could drop, Raif snatched it up as Drollan nodded off.

"There," Raif said. "That will insure that he doesn't remember this night."

"Hawk," Isla said.

The men appeared from their hideouts, all of them eyeing the snoring nobleman before looking to Isla.

"We have what we came for," she said.

The relief from the men was palpable and Isla let out a breath of her own, feeling her body relax.

"Brockton," Raif said. "Help me get Drollan back to his rooms."

As Raif slung one of Drollan's arms across his shoulders, Brockton hurried forward and took the other side. Loch opened the door and the trio slipped out.

"Everything go according to plan?" Hawk asked.

In answer, Isla tugged off her glove, leaving the emerald laying on her palm. They all stared at the gem, lost in disbelief. After all the long, agonizing months they had their escape.

Raif and Brockton returned, snapping them out of their trance. Isla closed her fingers as she looked to Raif.

"How soon do you think he will discover the emerald is gone?" she asked.

Smiling, Raif extracted a key from his pocket. "Not until he can get a locksmith. Hopefully, that won't be until he returns home and notices the key missing."

Isla clutched the emerald. "Do you think we could pass the emerald off to Lord Sutherland now?"

The words had barely left Isla's mouth before Raif shook his head. "He wouldn't risk having it in his possession while he remains at the palace."

"Very well, we will intercept him at the docks."

"You won't have to wait long, everyone will be departing Loria by tomorrow."

Isla nodded. "It's time for us to leave." She handed the emerald to Hawk. "Keep it safe. You know the plan."

He nodded and held the emerald close, feeling the same sense of hope Isla had when she had first held it.

"Shall we?" Raif said, extending his arm to Isla. "One final time Lady Isabella will be seen."

Isla took Raif's arm, feeling the strength it possessed. Giving one last glance to the crew, she left the room.

With each step they took towards the ballroom, Isla felt her heart hammering. She was so close to being free and yet to be so, she had to face the Court once more to insure the men were again ignored.

Strains of music swirled through the corridors accompanied by the fluttering of voices. When Isla and Raif reentered the ballroom it was to find couples, trios and groups had spread out, taking to the balcony overlooking the lower level and spilling out archways onto the terrace beyond.

As Isla and Raif descended the main stairs, Isla noticed as conversations paused and nobles turned to them. Her reappearance fueled their speculations as had her absence from dinner. She gripped Raif's arm, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes, the way it cut into her. It was like facing a fierce storm, there was no way to fight it, she could only try to not let it take her under.

As she scanned the crowd, her eyes alighted on Lord Sutherland in a distant corner. His gaze pierced her, making her nerves shake with apprehension. Did he know what she had done? Would he order the palace guards to seize her? Would she be able to fight them and get away? Would the crew be safe?

"Think of the memory," Raif said, leaning in. "You appear as if you are about to stab someone."

Isla swallowed her emotions and donned a calm expression. When she looked back to Lord Sutherland, she found she could no longer see him, the mass of nobles blocking him from view.

As they crossed to the open archways a freckled-face man approached and bowed to Isla.

"May I have the next dance, lady?"

Isla simply stared at him without understanding while Raif edged forward. "I am sorry, Baron Hastings but the lady wishes for some air and I'm escorting her to the gardens."

"Ah, perhaps later then."

Raif didn't even acknowledge this suggestion as he guided Isla away. They moved through the thickness of the ballroom without trouble, the crowd splitting to allow them passage and to catch a closer glimpse at the woman who had done what no other lady of the Court had managed to do; capture Raif's heart.

The cool, night air was a relief from the stuffy ballroom as they walked out onto the terrace. Isla let out a breath. A breeze with the scent of honeysuckle and the sea wound in it whispered against her cheeks.

Raif led Isla down the stone steps and along a pebble pathway. Lanterns hung from posts illuminating their way. The initial part of the garden held low flower beds, benches, and fountains and Isla knew that she and Raif were still in view of watchful eyes. Raif steered them further into the grounds, cutting around the palace, towards the stables.

"I don't know how you live in such a vicious world," Isla said.

Raif laughed. "This coming from a woman who has been in more fights than anyone I have known."

Isla didn't look at him. "Those battles are easy to face because my opponent holds a weapon. Here I don't know what way my opponent might try and cut me."

"And maybe that is why I never stay too long. There is no way to fight what they say."

Isla locked eyes with Raif, thinking of how his father tore into him and nothing Raif said could stop it.

Raif stopped walking, his whole countenance sobering. "Isla-"

The patter of footsteps cut off whatever Raif was about to say. He glanced back then with a sense of urgency he took Isla's hand, tugging her behind a wall of lattice entwined with thick ivy. On guard, Isla peered through the small gaps in the leaves.

When she saw the prince and princess strolling down the path, she understood. Anyone else could be easily turned away, but not this pair.

"Gigi, you know we can not leave," Thayer said.

Gigi spun on him, chin titled up as if teasing him to kiss her whenever he wanted.

"We can. After you give the farewell speech. We could sneak out, join the last of the celebration in the square." She reached out and cupped his cheek. "I want to dance with you with the stars overhead and the street beneath my feet."

Thayer twisted his face, kissing her palm. It was such an intimate gesture that Isla knew this was for no one's eyes.

"We will be noticed if we leave," he said.

Gigi gave a playful laugh. "No, not when there is so much talk of Raif and the lady who has stolen his heart."

Beside her, Raif looked down at Isla as she lifted her gaze. He smiled as if it were all a joke, but there was a steadiness in his eyes that said it wasn't.

"I still find it hard to believe," Thayer said.

"As do I," Gigi said. She paused. "I only hope that his heart is safe with her."

Isla went rigid. Her heart was not a matter for others to speculate over.

"I believe it is," Thayer said.

Isla stopped breathing as Raif brushed his hand against hers before lacing their fingers together. Raising her hand, he kissed it. Isla felt warmth racing throughout her body and her stomach twist.

"Then I am happy for him," Gigi said. "I will be more happy though if you will come with me to dance."

Thayer chuckled and leaned close to her. "I have no choice, do I?"

She kissed him. "None."

Shaking his head, Thayer took Gigi's hand and wrapped it around his arm. "Then it appears I have a farewell speech to give."

The couple returned to the palace, all the while their heads bent close together sharing quiet words only meant for each other. When their footsteps faded, Isla stepped away from the wall of ivy. Raif looked at her with an intensity she didn't know how to decipher.

"We must go," she said. "The speech will hold everyone's attention."

Raif appeared to want to say something but settled for a simple, "of course."

Moonlight and lanterns guided them as they wove their way around the palace. When they entered the stables, Isla saw that it was a different type of palace with high ceilings, spotless floors, and polished stalls. The scent of hay and horse filled every corner. A stablehand talking with a fair-haired girl holding a baby glanced over as Isla and Raif strode in.

"Duke Sayers," he said, crossing over to them and bowing his head. "What can I help you with?"

"Vic, I sent servants down to ready my carriage."

"Yes, it is waiting for you in the courtyard."

"Thank you." Raif dipped his chin in the direction of the girl. "Evening, Margo."

The girl curtsied with surprising grace despite the baby in her arms.

As Vic said, Raif's carriage waited in the courtyard, the crew already stationed on the front and back. Raif opened the door for Isla and she stepped inside, relieved to see a bundle of clothes and her boots.

As Raif climbed in - taking the seat opposite her - and shut the door, the carriage took off. The wheels crunched over the gravel and Isla stared unseeing at the passing grounds. Each breath they drew closer to escaping.

When the carriage stopped before the gates, Isla stilled, waiting to hear the gates clang open even as she feared she would hear shouts from the guards, see the door wrenched open and have to fight against the men who wanted to drag her out, to make her pay for the thievery.

Isla felt the knives strapped to her legs and wondered how many she could take down before she was stopped. Could she get the crew out before the force of the royal guard was after them?

Their freedom felt a breath away. An eternity away.

When a guard appeared in the window, Isla tensed, shifting the edge of her dress up, preparing to grab her knives and act.

"Evening, your lordship," the guard said.

"Evening," Raif said, everything about him at ease.

The guard glanced at Isla and ducked his head. "Lady."

Isla didn't move, didn't blink.

"I am returning Lady Isabella to her ship," Raif said. "It seems our way of celebration is too overwhelming for her."

The guard smiled at Isla in a reassuring manner. "I see. Farewell then, lady."

When the guard disappeared, Isla let go of the edge of her dress. The gates opened and the carriage passed through. They were safe.

Kicking off the flimsy dancing slippers, Isla drew the curtains to the carriage, blocking out the world. Once her eyes adjusted the dim interior, she reached for her clothes and found her trousers. After removing the knives from her legs, she pulled the trousers on under her dress while Raif watched with blatant amusement.

"I have to say this is a first," he said.

Isla shot him a glare, finally able to wear the expression again. She draped her shirt over her head but when she reached for the back of the dress, her movements were restricted and the buttons too many. With a growl of annoyance, she twisted in her seat, putting her back to Raif.

"I need your help," she said.

Chuckling, he leaned forward and worked the buttons, his fingers brushing her skin. The dress fell away and Isla slid her arms through her shirt sleeves and tossed the gown away from her. When her boots were on, her knives hidden in them, and her shirt hem tucked into her trousers, Isla settled into her seat, feeling like herself.

"I spoke in error before," Raif said. Isla raised her eyebrows at him. "You are beautiful now, like this."

Isla didn't know how to answer. All night men had stared at her, enraptured with an idea of who she was. But here, dressed as she always was Raif was enraptured, knowing fully who she was. When she didn't respond, Raif took the spot beside her and caressed her cheek.

"Isla..." He stopped, uncertain.

Isla knew that she didn't want to know what he was going to say. Not when everything she wanted lay within reach. Not when his words could sway her heart in a different direction.

She was saved as the carriage halted. The door opened bringing in the tang of the sea into the carriage. Touching Raif's face softly, Isla turned away from him and slipped out.

As Isla stepped down, she froze, feeling the bite of cold steel against her neck.


AHHHHHH!!!! What the flying dolphins!?!?!
(How can dolphins fly? That makes no sense)

*falls to the deck, crying with weariness* Oh by the stars! Why must this happen again!?!? What have we done to deserve such torment?!?! *Comes to the realization that I'm the author and quickly jumps overboard*

Oh ahead and yell at me for yet another cliff hanger! I'll most likely only hear blub blub blub seeing how I'm underwater and everything.🗯💬💭🌊

*comes up for air* Before I go back under, Raif you need to protect Isla!

She can protect herself, you know.

Yes, but she's the love of your life, so it seems fitting that you should help out at least a little. Also I have no control of this situation so you have to step in, if you don't I'll kill you.

I thought you said you had no control.

Sometimes you're too smart for your own good.

And whose fault is that, author??

*ducks underwater, deciding to become a mermaid*

Tell me you enjoyed the moment with Gigi and Thayer! Also the glimpse at Vic and Margo's little kid! And any other thoughts you want to share, like the fact that Raif is completely smitten with Isla! 🗯💬💭❤️

Kysymys luvusta (Finnish): If you were going to be a mythical or fantasy creature, what would you want to be?

Obviously I just said mine: mermaid. 🧜🏼‍♀️ I've wanted to be one since I was a little kid.

Vote because people could die, comment because you never know how your words might sway me, follow because really do you want to miss more adventures?

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