The Truth

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Isla leaned against the ship railing, staring out over the city. The sun crept towards the horizon, pulling in its wake streamers of peach, rose gold, and violet. Seagulls glided on the breeze overhead. The thrum of voices and carriage wheels on stone blended to form a lively melody.

The peace around Isla contrasted with the thumping of her heartbeat.

"Are you aware of how reckless this is?" Hawk asked.

Isla didn't look away from the bustling docks.

"I am. I told him that, but he has insisted."

"There's no talking him out of this?"

Isla cast Hawk a pointed look. "Have you ever tried to change his mind?"

No response came. Isla took a deep breath. It was reckless, she knew this. There were so many reasons why they shouldn't continue forward. An even wiser decision would be to raise the anchor and set sail. But she knew she couldn't do that.

The steady rhythm of footsteps climbed the steps and approached the motionless pair. At the sound, Isla felt her heart lurch to the side. She knew that tread better than she would ever admit.

"Are you ready?" Raif asked.

The simple answer was no. But that was also something she would never admit to.

"Are you aware of the danger you're walking into?" Hawk asked arms crossed, his concern only ever for Isla.

"There is no chance of danger here," Raif said.

"There is always a chance of danger when it comes to us."

"Even if that is true, my faith in Isla's abilities have kept fear at bay."

At the smirk and confidence in his voice, Isla put her back to the city. The nobleman she'd once kidnapped was nowhere to be seen, only an unshaven, rugged-looking Raif. The collar of his shirt lay open and she wondered if he did that to tease her. Or distract her. Either way, both goals were accomplished.

"Is this truly wise?" she asked, not showing that he could distract her or that she wanted to run her fingers through his wild mane of hair.

"I made a promise," Raif said, sobering. "And you made a promise to me."

She had, but still Isla struggled against the uncertainty gnawing at her. There were too many unknowns. Too many bad conclusions.

"Then I will keep it," she said. She looked to Hawk. "Keep the ship safe. You, the crew, that is what matters. If anything know what must be done."

Though she'd made Hawk promise he would see to the safety of the crew and way anchor if it came to it, Isla knew he'd never leave her behind. Hawk nodded. Isla followed Raif off the ship. Waiting at the edge of the gangplank stood a boy clutching the reins of a bay stallion. Isla paused.

"Where is my horse?" She asked.

Grinning, Raif hoisted himself into the saddle with breathless ease and held out a hand to her.

"It's right here," he said.

She shook her head.

"I want my own."

"I knew you would, but I didn't get one for you for many reasons. One of the main reasons is if you decide to change your mind about coming with me, you'll have to walk back."

Isla planted her hands on her hips. "I'm perfectly capable of walking."

Her defiance spark mischief in Raif's eyes. "True, but it would mean you'd arrive at the ship alone and without a horse, telling the crew that you did not keep your promise. I believe your pride will keep you on the horse."

Isla wanted to punch him for knowing her so well. The fire of her look wasn't lost on Raif and he stretched out his hand further. Glaring at him, she took it. He helped her onto the back of the horse and she wrapped her arms around him. He laughed.

"And that is another reason I only acquired one horse," he said, "I have the pleasure of having my wife's arms around me."

Lantern light flickered around the room, elongating the shadows. The ship rocked gently as it drifted through the sea. Isla sat behind her desk surveying a map of the West Isles. Raif cleared his throat and she glanced up to where he stood before her desk.

"If you don't need anything else Captain, I have a comfy hammock next to a loud snoring boy waiting for me," he said.

Isla could see him wanting her answer. Slowly, she rose and rounded the desk, leaning against it as she faced him.

"You've been on the ship for two seasons," she said. "And still you stay."

Despite knowing his stubbornness, his frustrations with Court, his disdain for his father and all he stood for, Isla had wondered if Raif would eventually want to return to the life he left. A life filled with luxury. But he remained.

"I still stay," Raif said.

He offered nothing more. What he had to offer, he'd already given. And now he waited.

Seeing the earnestness in his gaze, Isla came to her decision.

"You know," she said, her voice soft. "As Captain, there are certain ceremonies I can perform."

Raif arched an eyebrow with mock curiosity. "Such as..."

"Funeral ceremonies."

Raif took a step forward. "If you no longer want me on your crew, I can simply leave, death doesn't have to be the way out."

This teased a smile from Isla. "Also marriage ceremonies..."

Raif stilled, eyes locked on hers. "Is that so?"

His voice was a low rumble. Isla took a step forward, closing the gap between them. When she held out her hand, Raif placed his in it.

"The only ceremony I know is Eldin," she said.

"It could be a ceremony for sirens and I would accept."

Smiling softly, Isla guided Raif's other hand towards her heart, placing it there. She rested her hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. A beat that kept pace with her own.

"Before you, Raif, I lay all that I was, all that I am, and all that I will be. To you and you alone I bind my life, my soul, my spirit, my heart."

Warmth and peace flooded through Isla as she spoke, staring into the eyes of the man who weathered storms with her and fought by her side. As Raif repeated the promise, Isla couldn't see a single flash of teasing or mischief. He spoke with a solemnity that she'd never heard before but felt the depth of. When he finished, she placed her hand on top of his and he did the same.

"Now we seal this moment," she said.

As she leaned in, Raif's smile slipped out and he kissed her.

Isla was glad Raif's back was to her so he couldn't see her smile. The memory lived in her heart next to the ones of her father, a treasure that could never be stolen.

"I still think this is foolish," she said, not wanting him to know how his use of her title affected her.

"As you have said before, but it changes nothing."

Isla scowled as they trotted away from the docks and cut into the main thoroughfare of the city. Shop keepers busied themselves with closing up as customers hurried to find last-minute purchases. Mothers corralled children towards home as workers set their weary feet towards taverns. Watching over the city lay the palace, glowing in the fading light.

Looking at it made Isla feel sick. Lies and deception had gotten her beyond the gates last time, she didn't know how the truth would get her through now. Unconsciously, she gripped Raif's shirt. Why did facing an army of men feel easier at that moment?

She started when Raif laid a hand over her knotted fist. Gently, he uncurled her fingers and slid his fingers into hers. She breathed out.

When Raif steered the horse away from the path to the palace, Isla tensed.

"I thought you said we were-"

"Trust, you must trust me, my love."

As they drew further and further away from the gleaming symbol of royalty, Isla fought to hold in her thoughts. They cut towards the outskirts of the city that led to a grassy knoll. Strains of music floated on the wind and swirled around Isla, beckoning her to come closer. The scent of woodsmoke curled into the air in pillars of white. Laughter rang out like church bells.

Raif halted the horse on a slope that overlooked a city of tents. Isla gazed out on the vibrant sight, life bursting out of every aspect.

"I never planned to take you to the palace," Raif said. "I planned to take you to where the Princess truly calls her home."

Nudging the horse, they descended towards the Eldin camp. Children spotted their arrival, some choosing to watch the visitors as others ran away to spread the word. The first Eldin to approach them was a young man with merry blue eyes and tousled hair. Seeing Raif, he broke into a wide smile.

"You made it," he said.

"I gave my word I would, Huck."

Huck took hold of the reins, scratching the horse's nose.

"She had doubts that you wouldn't."

Raif swung down from the horse and lifted his hand to Isla. At the gesture, Huck turned his attention to Isla as well. Though his eyes still danced with amusement, a touch of curiosity sparked in them as well. Isla dismounted and accepted Raif's hand, holding onto it for courage.

"They're waiting," Huck said, leading them through the maze of tents.

Heads poked out of tent flaps and eyes followed the pairs procession as did cheerful greetings. Isla had long ago stopped being surprised at how Raif fit himself in among strangers until they accepted him as one of them. If he hadn't possessed that gift, she'd never known him beyond the stubborn noble.

At a fire in the center of the canvas city, sat a couple that wouldn't have stood out if Isla hadn't known who they were. Prince Thayer and Princess Gigi looked no different than the other Eldins around them in their worn clothes and bare feet.

As Isla and Raif approached, the royals stood. At that moment, it was clear who they were with their graceful and confident stance. A stance that spoke of command. In a breath, they could have Isla locked away. After all the last time they'd crossed paths, Isla had lied about who she was.

"Your royal highnesses," Raif said, motioning to Isla, "I am happy to introduce you to Isla. My wife."

Beaming, Gigi took Isla's hands and squeezed them affectionately. Whatever fears Isla had about never making it back to her ship melted away.

"A pirate," Gigi said, looking Isla over. "That explains it all. No noblewomen had managed to capture Raif's heart, it makes sense that it is a pirate who stole it. Come."

Gigi led Isla to a log by the fire and sat her down beside her. Despite the girlish manner of the princess, there was an authority that caught Isla off guard. This was a girl who knew how to fight, even if it wasn't in a way that meant wielding a sword.

"I want to know more," Gigi said, switching to Eldin, "about the lady who has turned my friend into a pirate and made him less of a rascal in doing so."

The contradiction of the statement made Isla relax a bit because in giving away parts of herself she could learn more about the man who held all of her.

As Isla and Gigi talked, companionship grew. Stories of their past showed how similar their lives had been. Where Isla took the position of Captain to protect her father's crew, Gigi took the position of princess to protect her people. Their fights though different, were still ones they fought with a strength of will and spirit.

Only when the music around them bloomed, even more, did their stories end. Thayer crossed to Gigi and he held out his hand, which she took. As she stood, she settled her other hand on her stomach and Thayer's smile deepened with a shared secret.

As Thayer swept his princess away into the twirl of dancers, Raif reclaimed his spot by Isla's side. They watched the Eldin as they danced, the freedom they had surrounded by their own. Even with royalty dancing with them, they did not change who they were. Isla watched them, feeling the bond woven among these people. A bond she felt with her crew. With Raif.

As if sensing her thoughts, Raif took her hand, a display of affection she normally would pull away from with so many strangers around her, but she didn't. The music, the night, the warmth of companionship softened her.

"Thayer told me about a word that the Eldin have," he said. "Talloo. It's a wish for endless peace and hope. Like the ocean which doesn't have an end or beginning. It faces storms and comes through the other side stronger. A word that seems to fit us."

When she smiled up at him, he kissed her fingertips.

"Talloo, Isla," he whispered to her.

"Talloo, Raif." She kissed him. "My pirate."


Weddings, I love weddings! Drinks all around!

I felt I couldn't leave you without knowing how everything was resolved between Isla and Gigi and Thayer. Also, how could I also not show you a glimpse of Raif and Isla being adorable!

Go ahead and sail your thoughts over to me! Preferably not in a bottle because do you understand how long it takes to get a message our of bottle without breaking it? Forever! It's the worst! So you might as well just comment instead! 💭💬🗯💥🎉

I love you, I hope this brightened your day!

Vote, comment, follow because well might as well!

(If you started singing Twenty-One Pilots in your head then I love you)

Also I decided that Raif and Isla's song is What A Man Gotta Do by the Jonas Brothers! Because it just fits so well!

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