March / Etheree: Hard to Get

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A Poet's Journey

(How Far Can You Go?)

By Fox-Trot-9

March / Etheree: Hard to Get



I retreat.

You follow still.

I now run away.

Now you run after me.

So I lead you to my trap.

You now pursue with everything

You've got: your body, mind and spirit;
Keep up, and I'll let you take me away!

(To be continued...)

A/N: Playing hard to get is EVIL!!! ( >_< ) 'Nuff said... Anyway, an etheree is a poem of 10 lines with each line having a syllable count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 syllables... Subjects vary... On to the next one! ( O_O )

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