Accumula Town?

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Chapter 2

Nurse Joy hurriedly rushed over, a worried look on her face. "Are you girls okay?" She asked as she grabbed a towel for each of us.

I coughed as an answer. Sweat trickled down my face. What's up with that guy? I gave him a compliment! "We're fine. But, do you have anymore rooms for us?"

She nodded. "Yes, but what happened?" Murmurs were heard behind us as we walked towards our room. Snivy squirmed in my arms and jumped over to the already saddened Jade. Note to self: talk to her after we eat. My stomach growled even more at the thought of food.

After Nurse Joy left us some in the room, I looked at Jade straight in the eyes. She stared back with an angered expression on her face.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"What happened to you?" I retorted.


"Didn't I already tell you?" I said while crossing my arms over my chest. "I said I think I provoked him for saying that it's a nice mustache. Guy has some anger issues alright! How do you get angry from a compliment. It was so similar to Mario's and kind like Luigi's but-"

"I didn't mean that!" She yelled suddenly. This isn't like her... She's the type of person who's quiet and such but with excellent skill. Meanwhile I'm the embarrassment. "Why would you go to that extreme to kill an innocent pokemon!?"

My eyes widened as my mouth hung open. When did that happen? I don't remember a thing about that! She shook her head and pulled out my arm.

She pointed at it like it was something important which I'm sure it is. She seemed almost like she's about to vomit from looking at it. I slowly trailed my eyes down my arm until I looked at my hands.

Just looking at it made the metallic scent stronger than ever. The deep red substance dripped down my hands and onto the already stained sheet of the bed. I slowly inched my face up to look at her in the eyes but she had disappeared.

"What? What happened!?" The smell grew more and more monstrous as I immediately ran into the bathroom. My heartbeat beating way too fast and my temperature rising. A pokemon? Killed?

I looked at the mirror and saw what horrified me even more. The face of a purrloin stared at me back with a pained expression. It mewed and disappeared once more.

A sound of someone cackling like the Joker made me snap my head towards the window. There was nothing outside but darkness. My breathing increased by the second as my mind felt like it was about to snap.

I fell to my knees and covered my ears and shut my eyes as a splitting headache suddenly appeared.

"Your end will come soon. It will be a terrible fate, yes, but your life will end with you being useful... To the wrong side of the team. Remember this when you continue your adventure..." The headache grew more and more painful as the deep voice suddenly disappeared.

The sound of a man cackling in the distance came out of nowhere.

I had not known what happened that night was real or not, but both choices didn't seem too appealing.


The constant pitter patter of the rain filled my ears as I felt something poking me and another thing rubbing itself against me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a blurry looking Tepig lying next to my face and an... Oshawatt?

I slowly got up in a sitting position and put a palm on my face. Wait, what about the-

I exhaled. Nothing on my hands, not in the pokemon center, no headaches, and no creepy voices.

"Osha!" Oshawatt poked my arm as if I'm an odd object alien to it.

Tepig cuddled next to me for warmth and dug itself in the blanket and snorted. What's an oshwatt doing here, though? Could it possibly one of the starters at Professor Juniper's lab.

Wait, firstly, where am I? I looked up to see the neon ceiling of a tent. Durr... When did I build the tent? And where's Jade? Millions of questions, thoughts, scenarios, and possibilities invaded my head from anything for the moment.

"What took you so long?" Jade suddenly jumped in front of me from behind. I doubled over and nearly squished Snivy who was comfortable in her blanket. She sighed and face-palmed. "So, what did you dream about?"

I sent her a questionable look. "Before that, what's with the Oshawatt?" Oshawatt huffed and playfully punched my arm. It then zipped up the opening of the tent so that the rain doesn't mute the conversation.

"Oh, I found him right behind you right after you had passed out." She put a bored look on her face. "Called Professor Juniper already. Says one of us could keep him. She's been really busy about something."

"I passed out?" So what she's saying is that we were never chased, didn't go to the pokemon center, and never set foot in Accumula Town?

She nodded. "I had to drag you all the way here, make a tent, and yet, I was still able to catch a pokemon." She smirked and lightly tossed it on the floor where it opened in a red light. Out appeared a pokemon whom purred and started wrestling with Tepig almost immediately.

"A purrloin!?" I'm getting sick of them... I grabbed out my pokedex and registered the pokemon and the other three considering I forgot. What? Start of an adventure and one is of course going to be excited.

"And what's wrong with her?" The two crossed their arms and stared at me with a blank face. Snivy mimicked but her stare was colder making me shiver.

"Um... Never mind. And why aren't you soaking from the rain?"

Jade pulled out a waterproof jacket from her leggings. How in the...? "Comes in handy, y'know." I wasn't sure if she was talking about the jacket or the leggings.

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