Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome everyone to book 2 of Descendants go Prehistoric, now this story will be a combination of both Descendants Wicked World and The Dino Thunder Tv Show, so in a way I guess you could say this story takes place in an alternate universe. In this chapter you'll meet our Main Antagonist.

Another beautiful day in the kingdom of Auradon Prep, everyone was keeping themselves busy to prepare for the School Carnival. Mal was currently spray painting portraits of her friends and boyfriend Ben. Mal was currently working on Scott's portrait as she was spraying red paint on the canvas. All of a sudden someone walked into her tent, Mal turned around and saw it was Evie.

"You have to help me!" Evie cried.

"What's the problem?" Mal asked her best friend.

"This!" Evie presented a tray of green cupcakes with white sprinkles.

"Cupcakes?" Mal inquired.

"Yes! You see, I volunteered to make cupcakes for the school carnival this year because I heard that last year everyone loved Audrey's." Evie explained. "Everyone said her cupcakes, were like, an explosion of deliciousness. And I thought, "I can do that and everyone will love me and tell me how amazing I am," But none of that is gonna happen because I can't make cupcakes!" Evie cried. "I mean, it's not like I made cupcakes on the Isle of the Lost, the evil minion bakers did." Mal put a comforting hand on Evie's shoulder.  "Remember the awesome ones we had at my birthday parties?" Evie recalled.

"I wasn't invited." Mal remembered crossing her arms.

"I know, because that was a really mean thing to do. And on the Isle of the Lost, being mean was being nice." Evie reminded Mal.

"Uh-huh." Mal somewhat agreed.

Evie grinned nervously.

"What exactly did you fill these with?" Mal pondered pointing at the cupcakes that were now glowing and changing colors.

"They say baking is a form of chemistry, so I decided to combine all of the periodic elements." Evie explained making Mal glance at her with a knowing look on her face. "I probably should have left out the sulfur." Evie sighed. "You have to help me!" Evie begged. "Use your magic!"

"No way. I'm trying to be good, remember?" Mal reminded Evie as she turned back to her portrait.

"Magic for a good cause is automatically good." Evie bribed, trying to change Mal's mind.

"I don't think it really works that way." Mal said as she turned back to Evie.

Evie then got down on her knees, while Mal looked at her with a smirk. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please..." Evie begged.

"You're not gonna stop until I help you, are you?" Mal inquired.

"Yep. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please--" Evie kept on repeating.

"Okay, okay! Fine!" Mal said finally agreeing. "I'll do it, but just this once." Mal grabbed her spellbook, opened it and turned the pages until she found the spell she needed. "Oh, Magic Spellbook..."

Evie picked up one of the cupcakes she made and considered trying one to see if they were that terrible. "I've always wondered what unnilseptium tasted like."

"Make no haste, and turn Evie's cupcakes..." Mal chanted as Evie took a bite of the cupcake. But right after trying it Evie discovered they were terrible and quickly threw it away. "Into an explosion of--" Mal continued as an explosion went off.

Evie and Mal grabbed onto each other for protection having both been startled by the explosion. "What just happened?" Evie questioned.

"You didn't let me finish the spell! Instead of an explosion of taste, you made an explosion of-" Mal said as Audrey walked in covered in cupcake dough. "Cupcakes..."


Carlos was hanging out in his dorm room on his computer when his bracelet beeped. Carlos checked to make sure Jay or anyone else wasn't close by, once he saw the coast was clear, Carlos brought the bracelet to his mouth, "Yeah, Doc, you got Carlos." He said.

"Can you meet me out at the end of Lakeside Road in one hour?"  Tommy asked.

"Yeah, sure." Carlos said. "What's up?"

"Just be there, and I'll fill you in." Tommy promised.

Carlos closed his laptop and went to the forest.

Inside a lab on the outskirts of the kingdom Zeltrax was experimenting when the same voice from six months ago was heard. "ZELTRAX!!!!!" A voice yelled.

"Yes sir Cenogog sir?" Emerging from the shadows was a being who looked like the Dino Thunder Rangers old enemy Mesagog, but who he really was, was Mesagog's son Cenogog.

"Where is my explanation?" Cenogog hissed.

"My lord, I offer no excuse." Zeltrax said. "Only apologies and a promise to improve my performance."

"Where is Eliza?" Cenogog asked.

"I'm right here Cenogog." A teenage girl with black hair done in a braid wearing a black leather top and skirt came out.

"Am I to understand, that you feel no need to explain yourself?" Cenogog asked, moving towards her.

"Uncle, it's in my humble opinion, that it would be a waste of your valuable time." Eliza said. "Time better spent destroying Dr. Oliver and his new Power Rangers."

Cenogog moved closer to her. "Exactly the answer I was looking for." He hissed, before he turned and walked off. "Now have you had any luck in tracking down the location of what we discussed earlier?"

"We don't know exactly where it is, but we know it's out there." Eliza assured.

Cenogog took a seat on his throne.

"Oliver has not made his move yet." Zeltrax explained. "When he does, we'll be there to stop him."

"You had better be." Cenogog insisted coldly.

Tommy and Carlos were walking through the enchanted forest together.

"After the island exploded, some of my experiments were shattered all throughout this area." Tommy explained. "There."

They both crouched over four weirdly, shaped eggs, which all glowed slightly in color.

"What are they?" Carlos asked.

"Eggs." Tommy said.

"Oh, it's cool, Dr. O." Carlos said, thinking they were gonna eat them. "I just had lunch a couple of hours ago."

"No Carlos, we're not gonna eat them." Tommy assured. "We're gonna hatch them, then you're gonna ride them."

Carlos looked confused and got up, as Tommy smiled.

"Maybe it's all this quiet out here that's got me hearing things, but it sounded like you just said we're gonna ride these?" He questioned.

"I sure did." Tommy confirmed. "Trust me, Carlos. When these things are ready, they're gonna be a big help to us."

"Alright whatever you say." Carlos said, getting down.

They both began to put the eggs into Tommy's bag.

"Careful." Tommy said putting the red and yellow ones in his bag, as Carlos held the blue and black ones.

Once all four eggs were in the backpack, a figure dashed past a tree, making them look up.

"You saw that right?" Carlos asked, as they got up.

Tommy nodded. "We have to protect the eggs, no matter what." He said, putting his backpack on his shoulder.

"Who'd wanna hurt them?" Carlos inquired.

Eliza came out from behind a tree and leaned on it.

"I would." She said, folding her arms.

Tommy and Carlos turned and saw Eliza as Zeltrax came out from behind a tree, with his axe and shield.

"And I." Zeltrax said turning to them, as a squad of Tyrannodrones appeared. "I'm starting to have doubts about your intelligence, Dr. Oliver."

"Elsa?" Tommy inquired.

"Wrong Tommy, Elsa was my mother I am Eliza." She told.

A Tyrannodrone snuck up behind them and grabbed Tommy's backpack.

"Hey!" He complained, turning to it.

He tried to pull his bag away, before Carlos grabbed its arm.

"Attack!" Zeltrax commanded, pointing his axe forward.

The Tyrannodrones all charged at Carlos and Tommy.

Carlos knocked the right arm of the one near him up, then knocked its other arm up, before Tommy kicked it away. Another then jumped and grabbed Tommy's backpack, then began to pull on it.

Carlos whacked one in the back with his forearm, then he grabbed another's arm and flipped it onto its back.

Tommy kept fighting the one who wanted his backpack, before turning to another and blocked its arm with his own, before kicking its chest.

"Hands off!" He said.

Carlos jumped over and ran kicked the Tyrannodrone's arms, making it let go of the backpack, then he kicked its chest while having his back to it. He ran past a tree to dodge another, then leap frogged over a third as it ducked down, then kicked a fourth. He turned to a fifth between two thin trees, then he grabbed and wrapped his arms and legs around them, making the Tyrannodrone duck, before another pushed him away.

Carlos moaned in pain as he rolled along the ground. He pulled himself up, before two grabbed his arms and held him still.

Tommy put his backpack around him, then punched one's arm, then blocked another's with his forearm, before hitting its other arm while spinning around. He kicked a third's chest, then he rolled away past a few, then got up before one kicked his chest, knocking him down.

"Uh!" He moaned.

One grabbed the bag and began to pull on it, then he kicked another's arm as it moved towards him, before he kicked the first away. He then kicked a third one away, then got up and spun while moving away, as a fourth tried to pounce on him. He blocked one's arm with his forearm, then punched its chest, then he ducked and moved away as two tried to whack him with their arms, then he kicked a fourth one away, before he jumped and spun around, kicking the second and third ones. He then looked around, and saw Carlos locked in a grapple with one.

"Carlos, call the others!" Tommy yelled.

Carlos nodded and threw away the one he held, before bringing his bracelet to his mouth.

"Guys!" He called, before one kicked him against a tree. "Ah! We could use some..."


Scott was skating down a path near a fountain on his skateboard, when his bracelet beeped, making him stop, then he checked to see if he was alone.

"...Dino help out here!"

Evie was in her room working on one of the dresses for her fashion show tomorrow, when her bracelet beeped, then she looked around to make sure she was alone.

The Forest

A Tyrannodrone threw Carlos away.

"Ah!" He moaned, hitting the ground.

He pulled himself up and gritted.

"You asked for this, not me." He warned.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start at 4:58 and stop at 5:11)

Carlos blocked the Tyrannodrone's tentacle with his Thundermax blaster in saber mode. He pulled his saber away, when another kicked his chest and knocked him against a tree.

Three moved to strike him with their tentacles, when his friends all got in front of him, and blocked them with their sabers. They pushed the Tyrannodrones back, then moved past each other, getting in front of Carlos.

"These guys ever heard of giving up?" Scott asked annoyed.

"Don't tell me? Tell them?" Carlos said, looking at the Tyrannodrones.

"Let's make this quick." Scott said, as they brought out their weapons. "Tyranno Staff!"

"Ptera Grips, baby!" Evie said, crossing her arms.

"Tricera Shield!" Carlos shouted.

They all charged at the Tyrannodrones.

Scott spun his staff around, but missed one as it rolled forward, but then he hit another's arm and flipped it over, while hitting a third's chest.

"Ya!" He yelled, twirling it around. "I'm over you!"

He put the pointed end of his staff into the ground, then dodged as one tried whack him with its tentacle arm, before he jumped and kicked it in the back. He then put his feet down on the ground, then hit one's arm with the pointed end of his staff as it ran past him. He then hit another slightly with the other end, before he spun around and whacked its legs, tripping it up as it spun around. He dug the pointed end into the ground, blocking one's punch with it, then he blocked another with his forearm, before he jumped up and kicked another one.

Carlos whacked one with his shield as it came at him, knocking it down, then he kicked another's chest as it came at him.

"Yeah!" He grinned.

He turned around as another three came at him, then he blocked their tentacles with his shield, then he raised his shield up, knocking them down.

"Outta my face!" He said.

He ducked as one dived by to slash him with its tentacle, then he spun around and tackled another. He then got up and whacked a third one with his shield, making it spin around, before he ducked and slashed its chest with the pointed end of his shield. Carlos turned, jumped up and kicked another's chest before he landed on the ground.

Evie dived towards several, making a few move away, then she flipped sideways past one as it tried to trip her with its tentacle, before she landed on her feet. She spun around and blocked several tentacles with her Ptera Grips, before she held them both backwards.

"You freaks are so annoying!" She said as the Tyrannodrones tackled her.

Things weren't looking good until a boulder was thrown and the Rangers and Tommy saw what looked to be the Black Ranger.

"Someone call for back-up?" The black figure asked.

"Who are you?" Scott inquired.

"I'll tell you when this is over." The Black Ranger said.

The Black Ranger ducked as one tried to whack him with its tentacle arm, he then spun around and tripped it up with the pointed end of Brachio Staff. He then turned and kicked another as it came at him, he then tried to strike another, but the drone grabbed the end of the staff.

"Time for a lift." He joked, lifting his staff up.

The Black Ranger turned around and threw the Tyrannodrone over him making it land on two more, knocking them all down. He then turned around and slashed two more across the chest with his staff.

Tommy blocked a kick from Zeltrax with his hand, then he backed towards a tree, then ducked as Eliza tried to slash him with her sword. He then spun and moved away, then ducked as Zeltrax tried to strike him with his axe, Tommy quickly retaliated by kicking Zeltrax, but Zeltrax blocked with his shield. Tommy spun around and kicked Eliza's arm, then kicked Zeltrax's shield again, then grabbed his arm to make Eliza hit his shield with the butt of her sword, before Eliza turned and grabbed his shoulder. Tommy leaned back as Eliza and Zeltrax tried to double strike him, but he quickly jumped out of the way making the two villains strike each other instead.

"Ah!" Eliza moaned.

She stopped and glared at Tommy.

"Eliza!" Zeltrax gasped.

He ran past Tommy towards her, hitting him with his shield as he did, then stopped and looked at her arm.

Tommy stared at them both, as the Rangers all ran towards him, before they all looked at Eliza and Zeltrax.

"You really like these odds?" Carlos asked, pointing at them. "'Cause you looked busted to me."

"We aren't through with you, Power Rangers!" Eliza roared.

"Nor you, Dr. Oliver!" Zeltrax growled.

Eliza held her sword up, then they both vanished through an Invisiportal."

"They're a pleasant couple." Evie said, putting her hands on her hips as they turned to the Black Ranger.

"Hey thanks for the help." Scott thanked. "Now I believe introductions are in order."

"As promised." The Black Ranger powered down revealing themself to be Jay. "Hey guys."

"Jay?!" Everyone gasped.

"I should've known." Tommy said.

"Welcome to the team Jay." Scott said as the two teens shook hands.

"Anyway, we better get these back to the lab." Tommy said, holding his backpack.

"What are they?" Evie asked.

"We're gonna ride them." Carlos explained.

"Huh?" Scott muttered.

"I'll explain later." Tommy said, touching his son's shoulder. "Come on, let's go."

The five all turned and walked off.

Meanwhile, the four Rangers were out in the court yard, sitting around a table together, Scott and Jay were eating lunch, Carlos was on his laptop and Evie was working on the outfits for her fashion show.

"So Jay, how did you know where to find us?" Carlos asked.

"Well I was headed to our dorm to pick you up for Tourney practice when I didn't find you there, so I figured you might've been hanging out with Scott, so I headed to Scott's dorm and I found nothing as I was about to leave I tripped and pulled open the mouth piece of the Dino Skull, which opened the secret passage." Jay explained.

"And then you ended up in the lab and found the black morpher, and then you probably saw us in trouble and came to help us." Carlos finished.

"Yep that's the story." Jay said taking a drink of his soda.

"I wonder what Dr. O's doing now?" Carlos asked.

"Why don't we head to the lab and find out." Scott said as they got up but Evie stayed where she was. "Evie you coming?"

"I gotta finish this dress, I'll meet you boys there." She said.

"Okay." Jay said as the three boys walked off.

Later, the four Rangers arrived at the door to the lab, when Carlos pulled the jaw down, opening the door. They all looked into the Lab, hearing Tommy yell as soon as they walked in, followed by what sounded like a loud squawking noise.

"Don't come in! It's not safe!" Tommy warned, as a yellow tail knocked him away. "Whoa!"

"We can see that." Jay noted as a blue tail swung, and Tommy crashed to the ground in front of them. He was covered in slime, and looked exhausted as he stood up.

"Is that what was in those eggs?" Carlos inquired.

"Yeah." Tommy moaned, wiping some of the slime off himself. "I'm trying to train them."

"How's it coming?" Carlos asked.

"Uh, slowly." Tommy replied, ducking under a black tail as it tried to whack him. "Very slowly.

"Look, we can see that you're...busy with... Well, whatever, but we need to talk." Scott said, folding his arms.

A red tail hit Tommy's back and knocked him away.

"Guess I can take a break." Tommy said, looking at himself.

"Here." Carlos said, holding his hand out.

Tommy took it, and Carlos helped him up.

"Alright, what's up?" Tommy asked.

"Uh..." Carlos said disgusted, looking at his slime covered hand.

"Here dad." Scott handed his father a towel.

"Thanks." Tommy proceeded to wipe the slime off his clothes.

"I've been doing some thinking and I think you need to find someone to replace me." Evie said.

The others turned to her.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asked.

"You're talking crazy, E!" Carlos said.

"Alright, settle down, guys?" Tommy said. "What's the problem?"

"Look, I'm a fashion designer, that's all I've ever wanted to do."  Evie explained. "You know, and not only that, but with school and everything else going on, I just don't have the time to do what I really want."

Tommy sighed, seeing where she was coming from, as some of his old Ranger friends had to make choices like that before. It reminded him of his ex-girlfriend Kimberly going to Florida for the Pan Globals, his friends Jason, Zack and Trini going to Iceland for the World Peace Conference, Tanya Sloan turning down a recording contract, his other ex-girlfriend Kat Hillard going back to Australia to be a Ballet star, and himself giving up a chance to become a pro Racecar Driver.

"I understand." He said. "And you're right."

"You're agreeing with her?" Jay questioned, disbelievingly.

"Evie, I know how you feel, cause I've felt that way before." Tommy explained. "I want you to think about this before you do anything."

"Look, I've got things I wanna do, but I'm here. I'm dealing." Scott said.

"Well, good for you." Evie said. "I guess I'm just different."

She walked off past Tommy and down the tunnel, as Tommy and the others stared at her.

In Cenogog's lab, he paced around, as Eliza and Zeltrax had told him about losing the eggs.

"If Oliver trains those creatures, he will be able to use them against us." He realized. "And that will be disastrous. The time has come for Dr. Oliver to become a student, instead of a teacher."

Zeltrax nodded.

Cenogog stopped and turned to Eliza.

"Initiate the Geno-Randomiser." He instructed.

Eliza turned and walked towards a machine panel, which had three levers on, and three glass jars on, one with an animal, one with a plant, the other with an object. She began to press buttons on it, as Zeltrax approached another.

"Entering DNA code." He said, pressing buttons on another panel, and pushing a lever up.

"Engaging." Eliza said, pushing up the levers on hers, one at a time.

The three jars moved up on holders, putting them in a glass casing.

"Excellent." Cenogog hissed.

A panel screen showed the DNA of all three objects getting mixed together, then steam came into a chamber in the back.

Genetic mutation complete." Eliza said.

She and Zeltrax turned to the chamber, as its doors opened up, and then a humanoid bird/plant/cyborg hybrid named Birdbrain emerged out of it.

"Excellent." Zeltrax said.

Cenogog hissed in approval.

Back in Auradon Evie was getting back to work on her homework and the dress she was making, when Scott, Carlos and Jay walked over.

"Hey, E." Carlos said.

Evie turned to them all.

"Hey." She said.

"How's the dress coming?" Scott asked.

"It's coming along great." Evie said. "Listen, I'm sorry, you guys. You gotta understand?"

"Yeah, we do." Carlos said, as Jay rolled his eyes.

"It's your decision after all." Scott said.

"They know more than me, but it's what you really want?" Carlos said.

Evie looked at them all.

(Dino Lab)

Tommy sat the computer, seeing Birdbrain in the city.

A bunch of workers ran away as he chased after them.

Tommy typed on the keyboard, as the screen changed.

A squad of Tyrannodrones chased and scared a bunch of people, including a little girl, who hid under a plastic table.

"Guys, we have a situation." Tommy explained.

(Auradon Prep)

The Rangers held their bracelets up.

"There's a monster attacking the city." Tommy explained. "People are in danger."

"Okay, but this is the last time." Evie said, as the others looked around, seeing they were alone.

"Ready?" Scott asked, moving forward.

"Ready!" The others said, as they held their wrists up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start at 12:26 and stop at 12:38)

They all arrived in the city and stared at Birdbrain, who held a staff shaped like a blaster rifle.

"Whoa! Nasty!" Scott said, as they got ready to fight.

Birdbrain growled at them.

"Let's do it!" Scott said, as the Rangers charged in.

Scott tried to punch Birdbrain, but Birdbrain hit him in the chest with his staff, making Scott flip over onto his back. Carlos tried to kick him, but Birdbrain blocked the attack with his staff, then Birdbrain whacked Evie's chest with his staff as she came at him, knocking her back while she clutched her chest. Jay tried to kick him, but missed as Birdbrain dodged, before he whacked Jay with his staff, knocking him back.

Carlos spun around to kick Birdbrain, but missed as he ducked, who then blocked another kick with his staff. He then ducked and spun around as Scott tried to kick him, while trying to trip him up with his staff, but missed his leg, then he dodged a punch from Jay. All three Rangers then tried to rush Birdbrain, but he blocked all three of them with his staff, then he hit them with his staff, knocking them away.

"WHOA!" They yelled, before hitting the ground.

Evie sent a kick at Birdbrain, but he blocked it with his staff, then he blocked three punches with it, then made Evie turn around before kicking her back, sending her flying away.

"Hey, Birdbrain!" Carlos yelled.

Birdbrain turned around and saw Carlos, Scott and Jay charging at him with their Thundermax Blasters.

"Thundermax!" Carlos shouted, firing his.

"AH!" Birdbrain moaned, as the blast hit him.

"Fire!" Jay and Scott shouted, firing theirs.

The blasts hit Birdbrain and knocked him away.

"Thanks, guys." Evie said, sitting up.

She got up as the others gathered around her.

"You okay?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Evie said, turning around.

The boys aimed their blasters at Birdbrain.

"Give up?" Jay asked.

"Catch me if you can?" Birdbrain dared.

He turned around, and flew away.

"He's getting away!" Jay exclaimed, moving forward as Scott held his arm out.

"We'll never catch him." Scott argued.

"He's right, he's too fast." Carlos said.

"Looks like we've lost him." Evie said.

Evie's morpher beeped, making her raise it up, seeing the eye flashing.

"Not quite and you can catch him." Tommy said. "Meet the Raptor Riders."

Suddenly four mechanical Raptors ran towards the Rangers, one red, one blue, one black and one yellow.

"Oh, yeah." Scott grinned, rubbing his hands.

He turned and jumped onto his Raptor Rider.

"Whoa-ho!" He whooped, before he sat on it. "Got him!"

"Yeah, baby!" Jay whooped, riding his.

"These are great!" Carlos cheered, riding his.

"Now we'll catch him!" Evie whooped, riding hers.

"GO RAPTOR RIDERS!" They shouted.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start at 15:40 and end at 17:12)

"Dad, we may have a problem on our hands." Scott said.

(Dino Lab)

Tommy stared at his students on the screen.

"Let me guess; a 30ft version of the guy you were just fighting showed up?" He said.

"You've done this before, haven't you?" Carlos assumed.

"Once or twice. I'm sending the Dinozords." Tommy said.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start at 0:15 and just imagine the Black Ranger there)

The Rangers all jumped out of the Megazord and landed on the ground. They saw the little Indian girl and her mother standing in front of them.

"Hey!" Evie said, waving.

The little girl ran towards Evie, as she approached her, then she crouched down and touched her shoulder.

"Thank you." She said.

She hugged Evie tight, which she returned.

"Anytime. Anytime." Evie said.

As she returned the hug, she began to think about her duties as a Ranger, while also what she wanted.

On Friday, in the Courtyard, Evie was backstage with the other models.

"Good luck, guys." Carlos said.

"Thanks." Evie said.

"You nervous?" Scott asked Evie.

"A little." She replied.

"Hey don't worry you got this." Jay said.

At that moment Jane came backstage wearing a headset and holding a clipboard. "Evie it's time to start the show."

"Good luck Evie." Jay said as he and Carlos ran to their seats.

Scott was about to head to his when he saw Evie standing there looking at the floor.

"Hey everything alright?" He inquired.

"I don't think I can do this Scott." Evie whimpered.

"Hey if you can fight a 30 ft tall robotic bird, you can walk down a runway in front of a crowd of people and also the guys and I will be sitting in the crowd cheering you on the whole time." Scott smiled as he put his hand on Evie's cheek. "You can do anything if you just believe." Scott then got an idea. "Here." Scott then gave Evie a kiss on the cheek. "For some extra luck."

"Thanks, okay I can do this." Evie grinned confidently and walked out from behind the curtain as the school band began to play.

As the show began to start Carlos saw an empty chair.

"Hey, wasn't Dr. O supposed to be here?" He asked.

Scott and Jay both turned to him, as the show continued.

Unknown to any of them, Tommy was walking towards the courtyard, when a group of Tyrannodrones came out of an Invisiportal in front of him. He turned around as a few more showed up with Zeltrax, then he turned back. Two grabbed Tommy's arms, but he broke free from the one on his right, then he kicked a third one as it came at him, before a fourth one kicked Tommy in the stomach. All four Tyrannodrones then grabbed Tommy at the same time, they then vanished through an Invisiportal, as Zeltrax laughed triumphantly, resting his axe on his shoulder.

"That's it for chapter 1 don't forget to vote comment and share." Chapter 2 is coming very soon.

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