Keep Safe

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"Ah, they're back." Jon heard his wife murmur as a familiar dragon roar pierced the silence of the quiet afternoon. He got up from his seat and looked out the open window to see his daughter dismounting her dragon. The three of her other dragons scurried over to her as she was removing the saddle from Elin.

"Finally," Jon heard Tyrion sigh in relief.

They waited until Ash came in through the door, her blue dress that once belonged to her mother stained with mud with her hair in a very messy braid. Mud stained most of her bare arms and her face as well and Jon caught the sight of a bit of blood on the side of her head. Didn't look to serious but that didn't mean he shouldn't send his daughter to Gothi just in case.

"Where have you been?" Daenerys asked Ash as she walked over to the wash bin they used to do the dishes in and began scrubbing at her arms.

"Out saving someone from the Grimborns, Elin got injured and very tired so we stayed at an island to rest." Ash responded as she continued to wash her arms. "I dropped off the person I saved at a trader post so he could find some help."

"You know Ash, I think it's high time you stopped these crazy adventures." Jon stated as his daughter started to clean her face. "I understand that you want to help the younger riders, but you do realize that you have been neglecting some other things."

"Like what?" Ash asked as she took a towel that Robert handed her to dry her face. "It better not be about an arranged marriage, women in our family had bad luck with it."

"No, we know you'd definitely run off the moment we did that." Tyrion chuckled. "Unless you were willing to marry a certain boy with-"

"Shush." Ash said throwing the towel at her uncle to cut him off and glanced at her father. "Not with him in the room."

Ash saw her father's face darken and narrowed his dark eyes. "And who would that be?" He asked in an icy tone.

"No one." Was Ash's response before she grabbed a bowl with a spoon and walked over to the fire pit to get herself some stew that her mother and uncle made.

"Ashaeya Lyanna Targaryen Stark, you better tell me the truth."

"I am. And you know how I hate staying here on Berk for so long, I feel cooped up! Why else did I join my friends to travel to new islands and seek adventures and new dragons with a few new enemies?"

"I think what father is saying, is that he at least wants to to be safe until it is time to return home." Rhaella said and looked to her mother. "Right mhysa?"

"Exactly, we just want you safe." Daenerys replied with a nod and looked to her older daughter.

"You grew up under dangerous circumstances, everyone tried hard to keep you safe." Ash pointed out. "In case anyone hasn't noticed, this isn't Westeros or Essos or Braavos, this is Viking territory."

"Why do I have the nagging suspicion that the person you went to save from the hunters is a certain red haired boy who nearly kissed you the last time here was here on Berk when he wasn't an enemy?" Jon muttered as he sat back down in his chair. Ash glared at him before tossing her empty bowl and spoon onto the table and marched to the door.

"I'm heading back tot he Edge, I just remembered something I had to do over there." She said before slamming the door shut behind her.

"Dear, I think you's have to consider the fact that perhaps Dagur may not be a bad man anymore." Daenerys said to her husband as they heard their daughter and her dragons leave. "And she does have a point, the world will be dangerous no matter where we go."

"I know, but I don't want our daughter falling into the hands of a mad man!" Jon groaned.

"People as bad as him are capable of change, look at Alvin." Daenerys pointed out. "Ash told me that Dagur saved her and Heather from the hunters, so she must have repayed the debt by going back and saving him from execution."

"And most likely the reason why she didn't bring him here was because of you." Tyrion added. "Next time your daughter returns to Berk, talk to her about it."

"I...I'll try." Jon said quietly.

"You know, if those two bond you'll have a son-in-law to tease." Tyrion said loudly and the children giggled.

"N-no, no I am not letting them-"

"Jon, it might not happen." Dany interrupted. "You know how young men could be sometimes, this feeling between them might pass."

"And if it doesn't?" Jon asked. "He was in love with her ever since she was twelve, it increased after she had the moonblood and when he was seventeen he wanted to marry her. Johann said our names, mine and hers, were tattooed on his arm as a revenge list. How can you expect me to trust him with my daughter after all that destructive behavior?"

"People change Jon, remember Sandor? Used to 'never give a fuck about anything or anyone', now he's married to Sansa and the father to two beautiful girls." Tyrion pointed out. "And then my brother Jamie, now he's free from Cersi and the only woman he's ever loyal to is Brienne."

"He has a point dear, Dagur may have changed and that is why Ash risked her life for them." Dany said nodding in agreement. "I know that as a father you want to protect your children, keep them all bundled up and safe, but sometimes we need to let them go and allow them to do what they believe is right."

"Fine, but if he ever comes around asking to marry her, he's going to have to prove it to me."

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