Keeping a Secret

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"Where are we going again?" Ash asked Hiccup as the younger teen lead her through the woods with a basket of fish slung over one shoulder.

"That one cove you hid in one year for a few hours to avoid Dagur." Hiccup said to her. "You were fifteen at the time."

"Ah yes, the one with the lovely pond that had plenty of fish and a nice view of rocks and grass." Ash said and frowned a bit. "What are you hiding there?" Hiccup stopped walking and turned to look at her with a nervous expression on his face, now making her more suspicious.

"Okay you have to promise not to tell my dad, or anyone else!" Hiccup said quickly and gripped both her hands. "Please Ash don't tell anyone of what you're about to see!"

"Fine. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick an arrow up my nose and out of my eye." Ash said making an x shape over her heart. "Happy?"

"Yes, now please do not do something stupid when we get there." Hiccup said continuing forward.

"Like I'd ever do something stupid! What are we looking at anyways?"

"You'll see, and I think you're going to like him."


The two teens continued to walk deeper into the woods until they reached the destination. Hiccup lead Ash down the small path that led into the cove and stopped at the spot where the axe was wedged. Hiccup slid under it with Ash and led her deeper into the cove.

"Toothless! I brought a friend!" Hiccup called out as he placed the basket of fish on the floor.

"Hiccup, please tell me you're not hiding what I think you're hiding?" Ash asked gripping the back of his vest.

"What do you think I'm hiding?"

"Don't you sass me mister!"

There was a loud growl and Ash and Hiccup's head snapped in the direction it came from. Ash had to squint to see the dark shape that was hiding in the shadows before it crawled out into the light. She gave a small gasp and went for her knife before remembering that Hiccup made her leave all her weapons at home.

"Hey bud, I brought a friend to meet you!" Hiccup greeted the black dragon cheerfully. "Toothless, this is Ash. Ash this is Toothless, he's a Night Fury."

"A real Night Fury?" Ash asked as the dragon got close and began sniffing the bottom of her skirt. "But how..."

"I'll explain later, wanna feed him?" Hiccup asked and held up a fish. Toothless' head shot up and he wagged his tail eagerly as Hiccup dropped the fish into Ash's lap.

"Gross..." Ash muttered as she picked the fish up from her lap. The Night Fury sat down in front of her, as if waiting patiently for her to give him the fish. "" Ash said holding it out to the dragon. He gave a little coo before carefully taking the fish out of her hands and devouring it.

"Well he seems to like you." Hiccup chuckled as he dumped the basket of fish down on the floor. "Didn't think he'd be this friendly to you."

"Gee I wonder why?" Ash muttered. 'Maybe he could smell the blood of the dragon in me, I am 3/4 Targaryen after all. Could all dragons be friendly towards me?'

"Maybe you smell nice or don't look so threatening and lack a weapon." Hiccup suggested and sat down next to her to watch Toothless eat his fish.

"Why do you think you'll get into trouble for this?" Ash asked as Toothless shoved his head into the basket in search of more fish.

"I...I don't want anyone to hurt him. How did people treat dragons in your country?"

"Oh my parents said everyone was terrified of them! So terrified that they dared not to even hurt the dragons, especially since they belonged to the queen. My father said the first time he saw one of the dragons he thought he was dreaming and kept pinching himself!"

"Maybe someday we'll go to Westeros, dragons seem more appreciated there." Hiccup said as Toothless walked over to him and started sniffing his vest for more fish.

"Hey what happened to his tail?" Ash asked, catching sight of the dragon's tail and noticing it had one fin. "Is it suppose to be like that?"

"Uh that was my fault. When I shot him down he lost his tail fin." Hiccup explained and looked at her sheepishly. "He can't fly now but I'm building him a new tail fin."

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third you better fix this poor creature's condition! A downed dragon is a dead dragon!" Ash scolded and smacked the back of his head. "And you know what? I am going to help you with that! I can't bear seeing this beautiful creature stuck on the ground like this!"

"Okay you can help!" Hiccup exclaimed, covering his head to block her hands. "Geez don't overreact Ash!"

Toothless gave a laugh and nuzzled Ash's hips with his snout. The girl gave him a gentle smile and patted his dark head.

"Don't worry laddie, you'll be up in the air in no time. Maybe once we help you out we can figure out a way to prove that dragons aren't as bad as everyone thinks they are."

"We sure will, and maybe go down in history like Bork!" Hiccup said when Toothless turned his attention to him. "But first, let's fix that tale of your bud."

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