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"She hasn't come down for a while." Tyrion sighed as Jon came back down from upstairs, the plate of warm soup Dany had cooked for Ash still in his hands. "She's definitely taking this hard."

"We've all been through what she's been through." Daenerys said and glanced at the ceiling. "We know what it was like to lose a lover to an unfair death, give her time to cry it out."

"I...I shouldn't have been so harsh with her that day, perhaps he would have still been alive if I weren't so hostile and allowed her to bring the boy here to hide." Jon groaned. "She did the right thing by trying to save him, and he returned the favor with his life."

The three adults heard a frustrated scream and a loud crash from upstairs. Jon was the first to bolt up the stairs and run to the room his children shared. He flung the door open to see the room empty, one of the children's beds flipped over and the window wide open. Jon ran to it, praying his daughter hadn't attempted to take her life and was relived to find her in the dirt crying her eyes out and smearing dirt all over herself.

"Ashaeya, what are you doing outside in the dirt?" Jon asked as his daughter slathered some dirt on her face.

"Mourning!" She replied and glanced up at her father. "Now leave me to mourn or I shall have to resort to the Thorston way of mourning."

"N-no you are not locking yourself in your room and eating seaslugs and toenails!" Jon said in disgust and shook his head. "Go do something productive, like getting Elin to stop trying to cuddle Sven's sheep or take your younger siblings out for a flight. Or better yet, keep your brother from getting mauled by that new dragon Gobber found."

Ash muttered something as she got up and walked around to the front of her house where Rickion was trying to climb onto his dragon. About two weeks ago a strange dragon had crashed on Berk and accidentaly injured itself in an old dragon trap Gobber forgot he left out in the woods. The dragon hangar wasn't finished yet and Stoick didn't want to risk having it destroyed, and the dragons that were sleeping in the academy were too frightened to let it stay with them, leaving the Snow family to volunteer to house it in their stable. It was a rather strange looking dragon, the top part of its body was covered in soft and thick brown fur with a body somewhat shaped like a Night Furys, pale violet eyes that were always glaring at everyone and refused to let anyone get close to it and a small set of tusk poking out from the front of it's mouth.

Rickion got the brilliant idea of trying to befriend the injured dragon, but that resulted him in almost getting his hand bitten off and the riders had to keep slipping it dragon nip to keep it calm. Daenerys was able to get close to the dragon to feed it and even change the bedding with Pyro and Aemon keeping watch over her in case the strange dragon tried to hurt her.

"Rickion, it looks ready to bite you." Ash said to her brother as the dragon growled loudly at the fourteen-year-old boy who was attempting to climb on its back.

"It won't hurt me, just keeps shaking me off every time I'm close to getting- whoa!" The furry dragon stood right up and Rickion slipped off and hit the floor with a thud. It gave an annoyed huff before limping off to a different part of the yard. "Damn..."

"Serves you right." Ash muttered as she hurried forward to help her brother up. "I told you to leave it be, it likes basking in the sun."

"Why does it let mom touch it?" Rickion asked as his sister helped him up and began to dust his clothes off. "And why are you covered in mud."

"Nevermind that, what were you trying to do? Get yourself killed or lose a hand like Gobber?" Ash asked, dismissing her brother's last question. "You may have Targaryen blood, but that doesn't mean every dragon will bow down to you."

"Then why do yours and a bunch of wild dragons do that?" Rickion retorted. "Gustav heard from Snotlout that after you guys rescued a wild dragon from a fight it only let's you get close sometimes."

"Because he lets me tend to his wounds, and I'm not noisy when approaching him. Mhysa says that an injured dragon is just as dangerous as an angry one." Ash snapped. "And as for this one, you are to stay away from him, he is injured and once his injuries are healed he goes."

Rickion made a face and looked to the creature that was busy grooming itself. "What makes you think the dragon is a boy?"

"Male dragons from these parts tend to be more aggressive than females. Plus, it has a male body structure; strong and not very slim for its species, like Toothless." Ash replied and shrugged. "Now get inside before papa scolds you." Rickion stuck his tongue out at her before running back into the house.

Once he was inside, Ash turned her attention to the dragon as he was finishing grooming himself and began to slowly walk towards him. The dragon caught sight of her and growled loudly, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Shhh, it's alright I won't get too close." She said softly and carefully sat down, making sure she was sitting at a respectable distance. The dragon stopped growling, his shoulders relaxing before he laid his head down on the grass, his wide violet eyes never looking away. "This has got to be the stupidest thing I've done in my life, then again I've done some pretty stupid things but this really seems to top it." Ash muttered to herself as she continued to smudge her face and arms with dirt.

The dragon cocked his head and gave a small growl of confusion.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm just gonna rub my body with dirt to mourn for someone. He died recently and I feel like it's all my fault." Ash said and looked down at her hands. "Scratch that, it really is my fault. I shouldn't have left him alone on that island, I should have taken him somewhere safe and kept an eye on him. He was a really sweet boy when he wasn't being an asshole, and...and I was beginning to love him. I don't know when exactly but I...I wish that he was here to hear me say it."

Ash could feel the hot tears spilling from her eyes as she cried. She lifted her hand to wipe them away when she felt a warm snout touch it and heard a soft croon. She gave a small gasp when she saw the dragon had gotten close to her, his furry head resting under her dirty hand and looking up at her mournfully.

'It has Targaryen mine and my mother's.' Ash carefully moved her hand along the dragon's fur and heard him give a small purr before carefully placing his head on her lap. Ash gave a small sigh and adjusted herself so she was laying her head on the dragon's head with his head on her lap.

Daenerys found them like that later in the evening when she went out to call the children to return to the house. Taking care not to disturb either of them, the exiled dragon queen quietly draped some blankets over her daughter to keep her warm. She noticed her smile and softly murmur a name, one she never thought she'd hear her utter with tenderness.

'If only she didn't have to suffer that so early in her life the way I did.' Daenerys thought as she walked back to the house. 'My sun and stars, if that boy is up there with you, remind him to watch over my daughter the way you have watched over me.'

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