A Friendly Chat.

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"Master! Master!" His son and most faithful warrior teleported into his mist by a flash of red.

"What it is?" He said looking over at his heir.

"It is the Gerudo! I've heard whispers that their King has arrived!"

"Ganondalf?" He asked calmly.

"No master, it is a Hylian! He is the of the Gerudo blood we have tried to kill for centuries, ever you ordered us to assassinate the next Cheiftain Gerudo!"

Master Kahoha stared to shake. He couldn't believe that his entire force, the entire Yiga Clan couldn't take care one measly woman before it got out of hand. He slammed his fist down on the desk next to him, making his son jump.

"How old?"


"How old is the damned Hylian?"

"He is only a boy, I'd guess seventeen"

Master Kahoha laughed full heartedly, that was fortuitous. Finally, he would be to one to kill off the bloodline once and for all! A boy, Ha!

"Come Kohga, we march to him! We march to the Gerudo!"


Link thanked his guard for the warning before he walked over to the balcony. He saw them. The dreaded Yiga Clan were in the distance, marching towards them. Link estimated that they had enough time to alert the warriors and get them prepared for battle.

"Alert every warrior we have, I will meet them in the training grounds soon!" Link looked at the guard and pointed to the stairs. She ran down them headed for the guard Captain.

Link turned to Zelda and saw her look of fear.

"Why are they here? Have they come for me?" She stuttered.

"No. They have come for me... The ThunderHelm showed me my entire family being killed by the Yiga..." Link sighed and looked out again over the desert to the distant assassins.

He didn't notice that Zelda had crossed the room. He only noticed when he felt her wiggle her way into his arms.

"Then let me at least help you" Link couldn't help but smile at the genuine concern in her eyes.

"Of course"


Link stared down at the Gerudo force, all waiting for his command in the training ground. He leaned over the balcony and mentally told himself not to mess anything up. After all, he still needed his legacy.

"Now I know what you are all thinking. Yes, I am technically your King. But I still do not see myself that way. I see myself as a friend to you all. I do not believe that anyone should die for me. Rather I hope to die with you, besides you, instead of you. Those that march towards us right now, they are as my enemies as they are yours. Now I ask you not for your loyalty to a King. I ask you for your loyalty to a fellow warrior. Now who will stand with me and defend our home?" He bellowed, and to his amazement, all the Guards cheered and roared with passion. Link joined in by drawing the Mastersword and raising it above his head.

The leader of the Gerudo Guard walked up to Link and began asking him about strategies. Link was a knight, and he knew how to fight with advantage...


Master Kahoha could see the great arch that was the entrance to his enemy's nesting ground. He could almost smell the victory he was about to achieve!

To his left, there was nothing but open desert. To his right, there was the remnants of some old temple. He suddenly grew timid. That could be a great place to have an ambush... Maybe even the entire Gerudo force was hidden behind the relics.

Master Kahoha told ten of his men, the quietest and his best assassins to scout the area. If he heard crys, weapons or even a yelp, he would charge.

He saw the men creep down over the ridge and spread out in search of anything put of the ordinary. They expected to find the Gerudo army, but they didn't see anything. Well, one never sees an assassin...

Link and the Mastersword worked as one. He crept along a fallen pillar and peaked round to see his first victim. Gliding through the air like it was nothing, Link quickly sprung from his hiding place, and came to the back of the first Yiga assassin. In an instant, he wrapped his hand over the man's mouth from behind and used the Mastersword to slit the victim's throat, silencing him before he could let out a cry. And then there was nine.

Link scaled the chipped wall and crawled along the top, sneaking up on his next prey. As silent as a cat, he leapt down and slid the Mastersword into the man's skull, making it so that he made no noise upon falling to his death. And then there was eight.

The next Yiga Clan member sauntered round the corner, to see the body of the last victim. He ran silently towards him but he didn't even reach the body when a black shape ran straight past him. He looked down at his belly and saw his blood pouring out of him. And then there was seven.

Link climbed the wall again and sneaked along the top making the next victim oblivious to his presence. Finding a decent ledge in which to hold on, Link swung down from the wall, picked up the assassin with his sword and swung back up with the body. And then there was six.

Link slit another throat. And then there was five.

Another assassin saw a black shape ran past him. And then there was four.

Link strangled another. And then there was three.

Another found a sword producing from his chest, hitting the ground without even knowing what hit him. And then there was two.

Another skull crushed. And then there was one.

The last felt a sudden rush of agony as his attacker managed to silently snap his neck. And then there was none.

Master Kahoha hadn't heard anything, no weapons, no army. He felt confident that the Gerudo were about to fall. No one could kill so silently. Little did he know that Link being silent was somewhat his superpower...

A few more moments passed and his assassins still hadn't come back. His nerves returning to him, Master Kahoha moved the rest of his army to the very edge of the ridge. They all obeyed and converged on the temple. The sun could just be seen on the horizon, highlighting the temple.

"So... I heard you were looking for me?" Link leaned against a pillar, using a cloth to wipe blood off of the Mastersword.

"You must be the new boy I've heard about..." Link eyes spiked up and bored into Master Kahoha's eyes. He hated being called a boy.

"Master Kahoha, at your service" he answered with a bow, trying to pretend not to be threatened by Link's stare.

Link answered with a grunt, as if the Yiga leader was a mere peasant. Maybe this one is worthy, Master Kahoha thought. With that thought, he tried to sound friendly.

"We don't have to fight you know." He put in as he leant on his sword, as if he were bored.


"No. I think that a young gentleman like yourself is smart enough to evade a conflict before any of his people dies... Why do we need to fight?"

"No, your right" Link played along, putting the Mastersword back in it's scabbard. He stroked his chin as though he had a beard, "Let's be friends," Link didn't shift from his position as he put out his hand as if to tell the Master to come down and face him. Master Kahoha cottoned on to this trick and didn't budge.

"Well then... We must destroy you..." Link said with a sad sigh with was over exaggerated.

"How?" Master Kahoha laughed contently, "We have you surrounded on all sides-"

"Well there I have to disagree with you. Let me guess, your plan of action was to take the front gate and therefore gain access to the rest of the gates, taking out our exit. But when you got here you noticed that this temple was a good place for an ambush. I knew that once you realised that, you would sent men down to investigate. Once I eliminated them, you would be curious and move all your men to your side so as to keep yourself safe..."

Master Kahoha was dumbfounded. How did this boy know his plans.

"Now here the reason I disagree with your original claim. You did have us surrounded but, in the time we've been talking, my forces have silently surrounded you." Link smiled innocently up at the Master's horrified expression.

"Now!" Link cried.

The Gerudo warriors jumped at their targets and took them by surprise. Link didn't want to let them have all the fun though, he sprang into action. He slaughtered any Yiga Members that managed to escape his blockade. Master Kahoha looked back at Link, this time with an expression of dread.

Link chuckled at his own irony. He was known for being silent, and yet, him talking brought death anyways...

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