Blinded Eyes.

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He saw a bright golden light, distant and yet, so very very close. It glowed and pulsed and grew. He heard a voice, barely audible in his disoriented state. He heard it again, this time clearer, still barely more than a whisper. The words blurred together but he was able to make them out.

"Open your eyes..."

The glowing intensified and soon all he could see was the golden glow. Finally, it started to clear, patches of the real world breaking through.

"Open your eyes..." The voice said again, this time it was crystal clear, it sounded strangely familiar...

The golden glow was overtaken by a blue one, originating directly above him. It took him some time for the blue structure above him to come into focus.

"Open your eyes..." She said again.

His eyes adjusted to the light but he felt so hazy. Where was he?.

"Wake up, Link." She encouraged.

Some sort of blue liquid started draining off him. He felt the strength return to his arms and his legs. After all of the liquid was drained, Link sat up and looked around. He was in a dark room, with a blue light coming from the pool he had just layed in and the ceiling above it. He clambered out of the cold pool and stood up tall, his muscles flexing from the first time in one hundred years. He looked down at himself quickly and realized he was stripped to his pants, that was just one of the questions he wanted to answer at that moment.

He looked around, trying to find something that would answer him, but instead he found a glowing blue panel from the other side of the room. Slowly, he moved to it.

As he got near to it, it started to bleep. When he was right in front of it, he could see that there were different sections. They started to twist and move, untill finally, a small stone slab was held up to him.

"That is a Sheikah Slate. Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber." The voice said.

Link wasn't exactly in a position to argue so he did as he was told and picked it up. It was rather cold, like it was made from stone. The intricate designs were formed from orange blue and gold. There was a strange pattern on the back, it looked like an eye. As he lifted it up, he thought he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember. He couldn't remember anything!

Suddenly, the screen bleeped and turned blue. No longer had that happened when the pedistle on which the Sheikah Slate had come to him started to go back to its usual form. That then activated the huge stone door that Link had apparently missed.

He moved through it and came into a room with crates and barrels. At the other side of the room he saw another door, as well as another blue pedistle. He hurried over to it, taking out a pair of old trousers  from a chest, desperate for answers. Why couldn't he remember anything?!

"Hold the Sheikah Slate up to the pedistle." The voice instructed him, "That will show you the way." He knew she sounded familiar, but how?

He took the slate off his belt and held it up to the orange glow of the stone. It bleeped upon contact and glowed a deep blue.

Authenticating... Sheikah Slate confirmed.

It wasn't clear how the machine had got into his mind, but it seemed to speak onto to him. He didn't have that much time to work on it before the door started to open. The seal broken, and the dusty air met with the windy breeze.

Link walked into the middle of the doorway, holding his arms up to block the shining light. When his eyes adjusted, he looked into the sunlight, at the end of a dark tunnel.

"Link...You are the light- our light- that must shine upon Hyrule once again. Now, go..." The sweet voice said.

He ran towards the welcoming light. He climbed up a small ledge and stumbled down the corridor. He could feel the cool breeze. He could hear the rustle of trees. He could smell the sweet aroma of the grass.

He finally reached the archway, running out on the top of a woodland cliff. He stopped right at the edge and looked out over the land. It was beautiful. In the distance, he saw a dark, rocky volcano. Most of the land was fields and woodland, a beautiful shade of green.

He listened to the birds singing in the treetops, but he also heard something else. He turned and looked down the cliff. There stood a hooded figure, a white beard producing from under the fabric. He held a staff with a lantern hanging from it. He looked at the old man who turned around and walked off.

Link wanted answers, and he hoped he would give them to him. He ran off after him...

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