Green Ranger.

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The rest of their journey was uneventful. Link had wiped the blood off of his face but would have to wait till they found the stables before he could wash his attire in the river.

Zelda still didn't know what had happened to Link when he had fought, but it absolutely scared her. She couldn't deny he had shown skill beyond his years, even more than that, it was like he knew every move and counter before they happened. But besides from that, he had lost his mind, hacking at the corpses even though he knew they were already dead. It scared Zelda to the bone.

Link felt ashamed that he had shown that side of him to none other than the Princess herself... Most of the time, he could keep it in check and could keep his head on straight. But that was different, he wasn't just looking out for himself this time, he was looking out for the Princess.


Dusk had just broke over the sky when they reached the stables. Link boarded his and Zelda's horse before he paid for their beds.

Zelda sat on her bed and took out the Sheikah Slate. She had hoped to have spent more time studying it before they left but they had gone to all those ceremonies... She reached into her pack and pulled out both her diary and her notes.

Link pulled out his green tunic and green pointed cap. He gathered them up and walked outside in the direction of the river.

He pulled off his tunic, his undershirt, his boots, his trousers. He was left in his blue boxers when he plunged into the cool water sending ripples through the still liquid. It didn't take long for Link to rinse the blood out of his hair before he pulled in his blood soaked clothes and began scrubbing.

Once finished, Link got out and pulled on his dry green outfit. It brought back so many old memories... His father had given it to him... And when he died, Link took to the wilds of Hyrule to become the Green Ranger. At least, that's what most of the people in Hyrule had called him when his reputation had gotten out. In actually fact, Link never applied to become the Princess's knight, but when the King heard of the rumours that a green clad ranger had kept all the villages in Hyrule safe from harm, the King wanted to meet him. When the King first saw Link, he knew that this was the son of his closest advisor and one of the best warriors he had ever seen. Link was only thirteen when he had become the ranger so he knew Hyrule better than anyone. Link had agreed to being Hyrule's champion.

Link came back to the stables and found Zelda writing in her diary, with parchments littered all over her bed. She looked up at him as he hooked his  damp champions clothes over one of the bedposts. She wanted to ask about his green armour but thought not.

"Princess, with your permission, I would like to gather a few supplies down by the forest for the next leg of our journey"

Zelda nodded respectfully and continued to write in her diary.

Link was overjoyed! He thought of the forest as his home. He had practically grown up in the wild. He wanted to enjoy this re union so he sat down on the fresh grass and layed back with his arms behind his head. He looked up at the stars that were just appearing in the night.


When Link found his way back, Zelda had fallen asleep with all her notes on top of her and her blankets underneath her. Link sighed.

He gathered up the papers and neatly put them into her pack along with her diary which he restrained himself from reading and her Sheikah Slate. He then slowly, so as not to wake her, put his arm under her legs and the other arm under her neck, lifting her up before moving the covers down and putting her back. Goddess! She felt so nice in his arms, it was almost difficult for him to let go but he knew he must. If she woke up and he was attached to her, he could be executed for taking advantage of her! He pulled the blankets over her and drew the curtains around the bed so she could sleep.

Little did Link know that, the second he touched her, Zelda's nightmare had turned into a peaceful dream, just because of his presence.

Link fell asleep with dreams of Zelda, clad in green and they both ran hand in hand and laughing with each other...

Neither of them woke up in a nightmare frenzy that night...


Zelda was the last to wake up that morning. Link was already dressed in his Champion Tunic and had packed up everything else.

Zelda didn't know why she had the best night in what seemed like forever but she was just glad she had. They were to see Revali that afternoon...


Link and Zelda had to leave their horses at the stable because they couldn't enter the village with them.

Rito Village was different to most Hylian villages. It was based on a huge pillar of rock in the middle of a river, so the path was mainly bridges and stairs. There were many platforms so that the birdlike Rito could fly off and land without trouble. Link presumed that that was how Revali reached Divine Beast Vah Medoh which always circled above the village.

Revali was used to being praised among his people. Was Link supposed to do the same? He hated him.

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