Induction to the Yiga Clan.

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"Right..." Sheik sighed, knowing it was time for their dangerous plan to go into action.

"Don't worry, I'll be right there with you every step of the way..." Link chuckled as he held up the shackle, "I guess this is why they call it puppy love!"

Sheik chuckled as she took up the shield in her hand and snuck up on the oblivious sand seal. Even the few days it had taken them to arrive at the desert, she still hadn't had the time to mentally prepare. Her last encounter with the Yiga Clan, they had had her surrounded, if it wasn't for Link, she would have been dead. Before that, their army had marched at Gerudo Town to wage war, if it wasn't for Link, she would have been dead. She knew that Link would be with her, but that didn't excuse all the things they had done to her...

She had tried to stay calm around Kayga, not wanting to lash out at him but she was about to walk straight into the Yiga Clan's base, right into the belly of the beast... She would have to control her anger.

They had threatened her. They had threatened Urbosa. They had threatened Link. They had threatened her mother...

Zelda had only been a small girl when the Queen died. Naturally, she was never told about the way in her mother died but it was pretty easy to work out, even for the small Princess Zelda. Conversations would stop when she waddled into the room. Zelda might have been a small child but she was much more grown up than others her age, she had learnt at her young age that she carried the burden of Hyrule. If she could understand that, a few hushed whispers were nothing. The staff talked about a group of rebels, a rouge group of Sheikah. The Yiga.

Urbosa was the first to tell her the truth, knowing that Zelda was wise beyond her years and that she deserved to know the truth. The Gerudo Cheif was a close friend of her mother's, so, naturally, it fell upon her to care for Zelda. Urbosa had stayed with her for a few years, advising her father and plotting against the Yiga Clan until her duties at Gerudo Town pulled her away. Impa, the Captain of the Royal Guard had taken to the roll of Zelda's maid.

Zelda had never admitted to herself the feelings she held towards the Yiga Clan. She always had other things that needed doing, like the threat of the Calamity. But ever since she had discovered that Link had withheld his pain from her, she realised that emotions shouldn't be bottled up. Unfortunately, she had to realise it that day... What a way to spend your eighteenth birthday?

Sheik wiped away a small tear and roped a sand seal, rocketing her off into the desert with Wolf Link following close behind.


Kayga tried to stay calm as the entire Yiga Clan entered the huge hall, each taking their seats upon the stone slabs. The circular room was highly decorated, meant for ceremonies such as this.

Rumours had spread through the ranks that a lone Sheikah girl and her pet wolf had turned up at their Hideout, seeking an audience with Master Kayga. Kayga obviously tried to act surprised at this news and took the necessary steps he was supposed to take when he was summoned.

When his entire army crowded into the hall, Vaati and Cia walked in last, creating cheers and claps of admiration. Ever since Kayga had handed over his army to their hands, his people gave him respect and it definitely showed.

When the two mages took their seats, the Sheikah woman was ushered in. Whispers were exchanged throughout the hall as they regarded the quite gorgeous specimen of a girl. She was strong and had several knives strapped to her armour. Her golden hair was poking out of her wrappings and her red eyes sparkled. They knew she was a fierce warrior, and a sexy one at that.

Wolf Link sat at her side. She put one hand on her hip as though she was bored with the huge gathering. The other hand she used to stroke Wolf Link's head. Wolf Link nuzzled into her hand as she looked up at Kayga.

So far, he had been true to his word, when she approached the Yiga Clan Hideout, she was expecting his entire army to pounce on her and Link. But no, he hadn't warned them of their arrival. When and if they got out of this, she made a mental note to grant him asylum at Hyrule Castle.

"I wish to join your ranks!" Sheik bellowed into the hall, looking straight up to Kayga who had his Yiga mask on, shielding his nervous face from the crowd.

More whispers were given here and there. Some seemed skeptical at her arrival while others seemed keen to see her skills in battle. If she could get through the trials, they would be able to see how talented she was and therefore determine where to place her. Thank the Goddesses Kayga didn't have to pass the trials, he was granted entry by blood, or he would have been locked out.

"What would a Sheikah know of our way? Are you ready to face our trials?" Kayga announced to the hall, trying his best to stay calm.

"By the Demon King Demise, I will swear myself to you and Lord Ganondalf!" Sheik cried, thumping a fist to her chest and bowing her head.

"Then by the power of the Goddess Din, let the trials begin!" He held his hands out and suddenly, twenty targets appeared at multiple points around the room.

Sheik smiled and conjured up a harp. She began to strum it, sending a wave of energy in the direction of a cluster of targets. They began to shake before they straight up exploded into splinters. The harp was gone in a puff of golden light. Sheik processed to pull out at least a dozen spark knives before hurling them at each target, getting them precisely in the middle.

When she was finished, she clicked her fingers, returning the knives to her pockets. She smiled and put her hand back in her hips, relaxing. Wolf Link barked his admiration at her skills, earning him an affectionate pat on the head.

Sheik chuckled lightly at the way the Yiga members stood in shock. She couldn't see their faces but she knew that all their jaws must have dropped.

These tedious trials went on for hours. They expected the Sheikah woman to tire but Sheik had the power of the Triforce to help her, though they obviously didn't know that. Wolf Link would wag his tail everytime she finished a trial.

"Enough!" Kayga announced, finally happy that she had gained his army's respect, "You, Sheik are now one of us!"

The Yiga Clan erupted into cheers and claps. Sheik twirled around, her hands held out before she stopped and bowed low, her butt sticking up slightly. She heard whoops and whistles from those that saw and she rolled her eyes before petting Wolf Link's head.

Wolf Link looked up at her with a smile that could only be described as a smug smile even though Sheik knew that wolves couldn't smile at all. But obviously, this was no ordinary wolf. Wolf Link gave her that welcome-to-my-world look to which she rolled her red eyes and chuckled at him.

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